Webin (Bean) Zhou received a research award

发布日期:2019-9-15 13:07:08

Webin (Bean) Zhou received a research award from Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University in March 2019 to support his research.

Ph.D. Student in Xiang lab Bean Zhou was awarded the 2019 Shiu-Ying Hu Student/Post-Doctoral Exchange Award from The Arnold Arboreteum of Harvard University. I have provided information below about the award. Congratulations Bean!

The Shiu-Ying Hu Student/Postdoctoral Exchange Award supports American-Chinese exchanges for graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, and/or postdoctoral researchers studying the comparative biology of woody plants, including developmental biology, physiology, genetics, reproductive biology, or ecology.

Professor Shiu-Ying Hu (1910-2012) made innumerable and important contributions to botanical science through her vast knowledge, collecting activities and research, writings and publications, and tireless personal devotion to the plant kingdom. In a career that spanned more than seven decades, she made her mark in the field of plant taxonomy as Emeritus Senior Research Fellow of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University and Honorary Professor of Chinese Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. An internationally-recognized authority on Ilex (hollies), Hemerocaulis (daylilies), Paulownia, Compositae (daisies), and Orchidaceae (orchids), Professor Hu collected and identified as many as 185,000 plant specimens and published more than 160 papers over the course of her lifetime.