NCSU-ZJU (US-China) joint study abroad class and the China trip of Jenny

发布日期:2015-7-15 13:17:20

US-China study abroad class, in front of the Map of China showing all National Nature Reserve in the museum of Ding Hu Shan, Guangdong on the way to HeiShiDing mountain.

US-China study abroad class, in front of the gate of the HeShiDing Nature Reserve, a field station for biological practice of college students

The building behind the group is Macau.

In the greenhouse culturing Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo (TianPiShihu 铁皮石斛, No.1 of the 9 Chinese fairy grasses). The Biotech company is located between Guangzhou and ShenZhen cities in southern China.

L​ychee picky in an orchard in Shenzhen - "We are in heaven" :)

Group photo after class opening ceremony at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

In the Fossil cycads garden of Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen. ​The city will hold the next IBC (international Botanical Congress in 2017. I​t is an amazing garden.