Two papers by Jenny and her former graduate student AJ Harris were awarded "Outstanding Paper" by JSE (Journal of Systematics and Evolution)

发布日期:2015-7-10 17:08:53

(1) Harris, A. J.; Xiang, Qiu-Yun (Jenny). 2009. Estimating ancestral distributions of lineages with

uncertain sister groups: a statistical approach to Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis and a case using

Aesculus L. (Sapindaceae) including fossils. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47: 349–368.

(2) Harris, A. J.; Wen, Jun; Xiang, Qiu-Yun (Jenny). 2013. Inferring the biogeographic origins of

inter-continental disjunct endemics using a Bayes-DIVA approach. Journal of Systematics and

Evolution 51: 117–133.