Xiang Lab Update - Fall 2021 - 2021-11-04 11:49:47

Welcome Kira Lindelof, a new PhD student joining Xiang' lab in the fall of 2019 — 2019-9-15 13:08:11

Webin (Bean) Zhou received a research award — 2019-9-15 13:07:08

Bean and Jenny attended Botany 2019 — 2019-9-15 13:04:09

2019 Jenny's Study Abroad Program in China — 2019-8-29 1:08:22

2018 Fall Activities in China — 2018-12-18 20:57:50

Botany 2018 conference — 2018-12-18 20:47:19

Congratulations for Andrew's Graduation — 2017-5-16 17:52:35

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News — 2017-4-6 13:19:41

The 2016 US-China Biodiversity Workshop Held in Hangzhou, China — 2016-11-7 16:24:58

Welcome Dr. Du and Dr. Chen joining our group — 2016-10-21 20:12:54

Welcome Wenbin Zhou, A PhD Candidate, Joining Our Group — 2016-8-15 14:15:17

Students and Professors of Study Abroad Class Visiting NCSU in July, 2016 — 2016-8-15 13:30:23

Andrew Pais was recognized for Excellence in Classroom Teaching — 2016-4-2 14:33:22

US-China Biodiversity Workshop, October 16-18th, 2015, Raleigh, NC — 2015-7-15 19:13:15

NCSU-ZJU (US-China) joint study abroad class and the China trip of Jenny — 2015-7-15 13:17:20

Two papers by Jenny and her former graduate student AJ Harris were awarded "Outstanding Paper" by JSE (Journal of Systematics and Evolution) — 2015-7-10 17:08:53

New projects funded by NSF — 2015-3-30 20:20:15

Lunch party before Dr. Enxiang Li left from NCSU in Raleigh after one year visiting. — 2014-9-29 21:29:26

Congratulations to Andrew Pais and Qing Ma for receiving first and second prizes, respectively, in the Functional Genomics Session at the Genomics Retreat (Sep. 26-29, 2014). — 2014-9-29 21:21:32

Study abroad class 2013 on Qiyun mountain — 2014-9-1 19:34:26

Welcome — 2014-8-29 16:44:17

Westlake Symposium in Hangzhou — 2014-8-29 16:38:21