Task Outline

Internal Assessment Details

Note: If you also undertake an ESS extended essay, it must not be based on the area of study of the ESS IA.

Internal assessment details

Duration: 10 hours

Weighting: 25%

  • Individual investigation
  • The investigation covers assessment objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Nature and purpose of the IA:

    • single task taking about 10 hours.
    • time allocation includes consultation with the teacher to advise on the research question before the investigation is implemented,pilot testing to develop an effective methodology and collecting data.
    • Noted the teacher can provide advice to support the student but must not tell the student what to investigate or how to carry it out. Before the final submission, teachers will also provide feedback to the student on one draft of the written report.
    • should focus on a particular aspect of an ESS issue and to apply the results to a broader environmental and/or societal context.
    • A written report of 1,500 to 2,250 words is submitted. External moderators will not read beyond 2,250 words.