Topic 5: Soil systems and terrestrial food production systems and societies

(12 hours)

5.1 Introduction to soil systems

5.2 Terrestrial food production systems and food choices

5.3 Soil degradation and conservation

At the end of Subtopic 5.1 - Introduction to soil systems, you should be able to:

  • Identify the horizons of a soil profile - O, A, B and C.
  • Explain how soil can be viewed as a system.
  • Outline the soil system storages.
  • Outline the transfer of material in a soil profile.
  • Outline the inputs and outputs of the soil system.
  • Explain how transfers and transformations contribute to the organization of the soil into horizons.
  • Explain how soil is an ecosystem.
  • Apply the soil triangle to compare and contrast the composition of soils.
  • Explain the impact soil texture has on mineral and nutrient content, drainage, water-holding capacity, air spaces, biota and potential to hold organic matter.
  • Explain how soil texture impacts primary productivity.
  • Compare and contrast different soil textures with reference to the soil triangle.
  • Compare and contrast the properties of sand, clay and loam soils.

By the end of this Subtopic 5.2 - Terrestrial food production systems and food choices, you should be able to:

  • Discuss factors that influence choice of farming practices.
  • Explain reasons for differences in food production around the world.
  • Compare and contrast two different food production systems.
  • Discuss the environmental impacts of intensive commercial farming.
  • Evaluate organic farming methods.
  • Describe different subsistence farming systems.
  • Identify factors that contribute to hunger around the world.
  • Distinguish between the reasons for food waste in less economically developed countries and more economically developed countries.
  • Explain the role of consumer choice on farming methods.
  • Evaluate use of farmers markets.
  • Outline the reasons for increase in demand for meat.
  • Justify whether the increase in demand for meat is sustainable.
  • Describe factors that influence sustainability of farming systems.
  • Discuss sustainable farming strategies.
  • Analyze data associated with inputs and outputs within farm production systems.

At the end of Subtopic 5.3 - Soil degradation and conservation, you should be able to:

  • Describe properties of fertile soils.
  • Outline role of succession in soil fertility.
  • Identify inputs, outputs and associated processes that impact soil nutrient levels.
  • Explain why soil is considered to be a non-renewable resource.
  • Discuss causes of soil loss and degradation.
  • Apply positive feedback process to soil degradation in marginal areas.
  • Outline factors which contribute to desertification.
  • Evaluate use of different soil conservation methods.
  • Discuss how soil conservation measures can be used in both small scale subsistence farms and large commercial farms.
  • Compare and contrast food production systems in large and small farms.