2.2 Communities and ecosystems

Significant ideas:

• The interactions of species with their environment result in energy and nutrient flows.

• Photosynthesis and respiration play a significant role in the flow of energy in communities.

• The feeding relationships of species in a system can be modelled using food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.

International Mindedness

Ecosystems such as lakes and forests can exist across political boundaries.


Feeding relationships can be represented by different models—how can we decide when one model is better than another?



energy and equilibria (1.3);

sustainability (1.4);

climate change—causes and impacts (7.2);

water pollution (4.4);

terrestrial food production systems and food choices (5.2); biodiversity and conservation (topic 3)

Diploma Programme: Biology (topics 4 and 9; option C)

The position that an organism, or group of organisms in a community, occupies in a food chain


Trophic level 1: producer/autotrophs which manufacture their own food. Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy (glucose) using photosynthetic pigments. The food produced supports the other trophic levels.

Trophic level 2: herbivores (primary consumers) consume the plants in order to obtain energy and matter.

Trophic level 3: omnivore/carnivores (secondary consumers) consume the herbivores.

Trophic level 4: carnivores (tertiary consumers) consume the herbivores, omnivores and other carnivores.

Detritivores and decomposers feed on the dead biomass created by the ecosystem.

Ecosystems and communities are part of a bigger ecological organisational structure (see below). Species are the basic unit of this system and they group together to form populations, which in turn interact to form communities. Communities come together and interact with the physical environment and so you have ecosystems. Biomes are the next stage up and they are a collection of ecosystems. The largest unit in the organisational structure is the biosphere, or planet earth.

The ecological organisational structure.

The ecological organisational structure.

Within this ecological hierarchy species interact and as a result energy and nutrients flow through the systems. As solar energy enters the system the plants use the light energy in the process of photosynthesis, which combines inorganic substances to transform them into organic matter. Once there is organic matter the chemical energy can flow through the systems and the nutrients cycle around it. Remember - the biosphere is a closed system so whilst we have a constant stream of new energy coming into the biosphere (sunlight) there is no additional matter coming in so everything must recycle.

The biosphere - the largest ecological unit.

The biosphere - the largest ecological unit.

Photosynthesis uses light energy to synthesise inorganic substances and chemical energy whilst respiration reverses the process. Animals take in the chemical energy made by the plants to grow, that is then converted into muscle to form chemical energy. Animals move around and perform live processes that need energy. Respiration releases energy for activity and heat that is lost into the environment.

This process is the start of the feeding relationships between species, which can be shown as simple food chains or more complex food webs (below). These models show the links between organisms that feed on each other. Food chains and food webs are one way to show feeding relationships - who is doing the eating and what is being eaten. However this is not the whole story and there is more we need to know. Like how many organisms there are of each type, how much energy or matter there is in the system.

Simple food chain with trophic levels.

Simple food chain with trophic levels.

Ecosystem basics - key players

The living aspects of the ecosystem are the species and populations and they come together to form communities.


Ecosystem is a community of interdependent organisms and the physical environment they interact with. A community is a group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat.

Theory of Knowledge

Systems have boundaries with inputs and outputs, how can we define the boundaries of an ecosystem?

Ecosystem and community may seem like the same thing at first glance but they are not. The difference is that the ecosystem includes the abiotic components whereas the community is just the living components that interact within the habitat. The habitat is not part of the community it just forms the stage on which the various populations of organisms act out their interactions.

Key players

Ecosystems and communities can be organised into trophic levels and there are a number of groups of organisms that are essential to the understanding of trophic levels. Organisms are categorised according to how they obtain their food.


All ecosystems on earth, and in fact all life on earth depend on this group of organisms. Producers convert inorganic compounds into food. Hence they are known as autotrophs or self-feeders, they obtain their food by making it for themselves. Producers are at the base of the food chain and so they are referred to as primary producers.

The majority of the primary producers are green plants that manufacture their own food through photosynthesis. They take nutrients from the soil and use solar energy to change light energy into chemical energy. Plants do not only grow on soil, they may grow on:

  • Other plants, epiphytes e.g. orchids grow on trees.
  • Rock surfaces, succession starts with plants that grow on rocks e.g. lichens.
  • Dead organic matter, fungi grow on dead trees and start the decomposition cycle.
Green plants use sunlight for photosynthesis.

Green plants use sunlight for photosynthesis.

A small percentage of primary production is provided by chemosynthesis. Certain bacteria and a group of organisms called archaea take the energy released by inorganic chemical reactions to make sugar (similar to the way green plants take sunlight to make sugar). This reaction takes place in total darkness mainly in hot springs and the deep ocean hydrothermal vents.

Plants have a number of important roles in the ecosystem:

  • They provide food for all other life on earth, herbivores eat plants and then carnivores and omnivores eat the herbivores.
  • Plants regulate the hydrological cycle by taking water in and releasing it in to the atmosphere through transpiration.
  • They maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere by absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen. This may also help redress global warming.
  • Plants provide habitats for many animals.
  • The roots of plants help bind the soil and reduce erosion.


Consumers are referred to as heterotrophs – meaning other-feeders, they cannot manufacture their own food so they must obtain it by consuming other organisms. There is a variety of ways in which consumers derive their energy and nutrients.

  • Herbivores eat just plants – leaves, flowers, fruits and nuts or stems and wood. E.g. Capybara, a large South American rodent eats grasses, aquatic plants, fruit and tree bark.
  • Carnivores eat only meat/other animals and these are the predators. E.g. African lions eat wildebeest, zebras, buffalo and warthogs.
  • Omnivores eat both plants and other animals e.g. Red panda eats bamboo, small mammals, birds, eggs, flowers and berries.
Red panda is an omnivore.

Red panda is an omnivore.

Decomposers and detritivores

The terms detritivores and decomposers are often used interchangeably. However these terms are used they are the clean up crew for ecosystems as they obtain their energy and nutrients from dead plant and animal material and waste.

Technically detritivores are the first stage of the decomposition cycle. They gain their nutrients by consuming detritus – plant and animal parts and feces. Detritivores such as millipedes, woodlice, worms and maggots ingest lumps of matter and pass them through their bodies to be further dealt with by decomposers.

Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi absorb and metabolise waste and dead matter on a molecular level then release it as inorganic chemicals that can be recycled through the ecosystem via plants.


It is important to note that whilst energy flows through the ecosystem (trophic levels) nutrients cycle around it. This is why decomposers and detritivores are so important.

Decomposers and detritivores are vital because they:

  • Clear ecosystems of dead bodies.
  • Prevent the spread of disease by disposing of dead bodies.
  • Facilitate the continued functioning of ecosystems by releasing the nutrients that were locked up in the organic matter and making them available again (see Figure 3).
Decomposers release nutrients back into the soil.

Decomposers release nutrients back into the soil.

The relationship between these groups of animals can be illustrated through trophic levels, food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. ​

Theory of Knowledge

If we simplify concepts such as photosynthesis and respiration do we detract from our knowledge and understanding?


Green plants are able to take light energy from the sun and use it to make chemical energy – which is just as well for us as we cannot make our own energy we have to take it in when we eat. In fact all life on earth (including plants) need to take the chemical energy and use it for life processes.

Be Aware

Photosynthesis is a very complex set of chemical reactions and if you do biology you will need to know these processes in much greater detail. For ESS you just need to know the basics.

Plant leaves have chloroplast and within these chloroplasts there is an important green pigment called chlorophyll. Within the chlorophyll there is a special protein that is able to absorb the light energy from the sun. The light energy is used to combine water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce oxygen (O2) and glucose (C6H12O6). The glucose is stored as plant tissue and thus forms the basis of plant biomass.

The process of photosynthesis.

The process of photosynthesis.

The process can be represented in the following ways.

As a word equation

As a chemical equation

As a systems diagram

The picture above can be used as the basis for a systems diagram.

A word equation of photosynthesis.
A chemical equation of photosynthesis.
A systems diagram of photosynthesis based on figure 4a.

A systems diagram of photosynthesis

A word equation of photosynthesis.


Animals eat plants (or other animals) the process of photosynthesis is reversed in respiration.

Be Aware

Respiration is a very complex set of chemical reactions and if you do biology you will need to know these processes in much greater detail. For ESS you just need to know the basics.

For most people the term respiration means breathing but in ecological terms respiration is at the cellular level. It is a chemical reaction in plants and animals that is more or less the reverse of photosynthesis. Respiration is the oxidation of glucose to release energy that is then used in all activities in the organism. As with photosynthesis, respiration can be expressed in a number of ways.

As a word equation

As a chemical equation

As a systems diagram

A word equation of respiration.
A systems diagram of respiration.

A systems diagram of respiration.

During respiration energy is transformed from chemical energy to kinetic energy and eventually dissipated into the environment as heat energy. This demonstrates the second law of thermodynamics – the entropy (disorder) of a system increases in over time. The transformation of energy is never 100% efficient so as light energy is converted to chemical energy entropy increases, as chemical energy turns into heat energy entropy increases again. The consumption of food and the burning of energy in a living body keeps organisms alive and maintains low entropy in their bodies but increases entropy in the overall system.


You do not have to know the chemical formulae for these equations, you can use the word equations.

Trophic levels

This section investigates the relationships between the "key players" discussed in ecosystem basics. Each organism is classified according to how it catches its food and that places it at a particular trophic level. Trophic is derived from the Greek word for food or feeding - so trophic level is the feeding level of an organism.


Trophic level is the position an organism (or group of organisms in a community) occupies in the food chain.

Figure 1 shows a simplified grazing food chain with the trophic levels. The primary producers (PP) are at trophic level 1 (T1), primary consumers (PC) are T2, secondary consumers (SC) T3, tertiary consumers (TC) T4 and quaternary consumers (QC), the top predators are T5.

Trophic levels.

Trophic levels.

Food chains

Food chains model trophic levels (see below), they start at T1 with the primary consumer and finish at T4 or T5. In terrestrial ecosystems T4 is usually the highest level due to significant losses of energy between trophic levels. The number of steps an organism is from the start of the food chain indicates its trophic level. The flow of energy along the food chain is in the direction of the arrows and points towards where the energy is going not where it has come from. In the diagram the energy moves from the primary producer to the consumer to the secondary consumer and so on.

Food chain showing trophic levels.

Food chain showing trophic levels.


Food chains and food webs cross international borders so the actions of one country may impact ecosystems in another country.

Food webs

Food chains are a very simplistic representation of the relationship between the trophic levels. It is rare that a herbivore eats only one type of plant or that a carnivore only eats one type of herbivore. In reality it is far more likely that a species will have more than one food option.

The diagram below shows a food web for the British countryside. You can see that with a food web, organisms can occupy more than one trophic level. The dog for instance is at T3 if you follow the food chain that goes from grass - rabbit - dog. However if you follow the food chain that goes from grass - grasshopper - lizard - dog, then the dog is T4. As you can see, you can extract food chains from food webs.

Food web from the British countryside.

Food web from the British countryside.

Try for yourself!

In the diagram below there are two food chains of four trophic levels. Find one of them and draw it. Use this format:

organism 1 - organism 2 - organism 3 - organism 4

Food web for a grassland ecosystem. 

Food web for a grassland ecosystem.

Energy in the food chain

Food chains demonstrate the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Energy is neither created nor destroyed (1st law) in the food chain and as energy passes along the food chain entropy increased (2nd law).

Energy enters the food chain as light energy form the sun. It is transformed into chemical energy in the form of chemical bonds in organic matter. It then passes along or transfers along the food chain as chemical energy. Most people think that if a gazelle goes into a lion as gazelle and come out as feces it is a transformation but believe it or not it is a transfer. That is because when you look at it in terms of energy it goes in as organic matter (muscle etc.) and comes out as organic matter (feces). There is one more transformation and that is when the chemical bonds in the food are broken and used for movement some of the energy is transformed into heat – the least useful energy there is for the ecosystem. Heat dissipates into the surrounding environment.

How the  laws of thermodynamics apply to a food chain.

How the laws of thermodynamics apply to a food chain.

Energy efficiency in the food chain

The diagram below shows how the laws of thermodynamics act on the food chain and we know that energy transformations are not 100% efficient. But just how inefficient are they? Well as a general rule they are approximately 10% efficient. That means that only 10% of the energy moves from one trophic level to the next, not a lot. This has significant implications for the number of organisms and the amount of biomass found at each trophic level (revise ecological pyramids).

Hypothetical amounts of energy transfer along a food chain. 

Hypothetical amounts of energy transfer along a food chain.

You may have to calculate the efficiency of a food chain so lets do the maths.

Solar input to primary producers = 21,000

Primary producer output to primary consumers = 3,330

What percentage of the suns energy is actually passed to the primary consumer?

One way to do the calculation is as follows:

3,330 / 21,000 × 100 = 15.9%

So the energy efficiency is about 16%.

Examiner Tip

When doing calculations always show your working, give the units if they are provided in the question. DO NOT round off if you are not asked to. If you are asked to round off show both figures in case you make a mistake in the rounding off.

Ecological pyramids

Ecological pyramids are the final method of showing the feeding relationships between the groups of organisms described in ecosystem basics. They are quantitative models to show information about the organisms at each trophic level. There are three types of pyramid each showing a different aspect of the trophic level and they each have different advantages and disadvantages.

Ecological pyramids are always shown with the trophic levels in the same order – primary producers at the bottom followed by primary consumers, secondary consumers then tertiary consumers and finally quaternary consumers (if there are any). The flow of energy is up through the pyramid. The length of the bar is proportional to whatever it is showing (numbers, biomass or energy) and the width of the bar is constant (see below).

Generic ecological pyramid.

Generic ecological pyramid.

Watch this video to learn about ecological pyramids and how they show feeding relationships quantitatively.

Pyramid of numbers

As the name suggests this ecological pyramid shows the number of organisms at each trophic level in the food chain and the unit is whole numbers. This sounds straightforward – what could be simpler than counting the number of organisms at each trophic level? After all, we can all count. There are some challenges though, how do you count the blades of grass in a field? In fact how do you count the blades of grass in a small square? Is each blade of grass separate or are they part of the same plant? How do you count the number of insects or small mammals if they are the herbivores? These questions will be answered in "Measuring biomass and energy".


When ecosystems cross international borders is it possible to produce accurate models of thetrophic levels.

The pyramid of numbers may not be pyramid shaped (Figure 2b) because all organisms are counted as equal regardless of their size. This pyramid ignores the biomass of the organism and how much energy it has stored in that biomass. So a single oak tree is one individual as is a single caterpillar.

Pyramid of numbers for a temperate grassland.

Figure 2a. Pyramid of numbers for a temperate grassland.

Inverted pyramid of numbers for a temperate woodland.

Figure 2b. Inverted pyramid of numbers for a temperate woodland.

Inverted pyramid of numbers for an aquatic ecosystem.

Figure 2c. Inverted pyramid of numbers for an aquatic ecosystem.

Figure 2c is not that common but it is possible. There are a few reasons that a pyramid of numbers may show this pattern. If the organisms lower on the food chain are microscopic they will have very different life cycles to those higher up the food chain. In Figure 2c the phytoplankton may have just reproduced (giving larger number) whilst the zooplankton are at the other end of their life cycle (giving low numbers). Some of the organisms may be migratory and not present in large numbers when the count was taken.


  • Non-destructive method of data collection.
  • Good for comparing changes in an ecosystem over time.


  • All organisms are included regardless of their size.
  • Numbers can be so big that it is hard to represent them accurately.
  • Does not allow for juveniles or immature forms of the species (they may look very different).

Theory of Knowledge

What knowledge and understanding do we gain if the methods of data collection are known to be inaccurate?

Be Aware

There may be some variation in the literature about the next two types of pyramids in the following sections. For IB ESS:

  • Pyramid of biomass refers to a standing crop (what mass is there at a particular time).
  • Pyramids of productivity is the rate of flow of biomass or energy. This may also be called the pyramid of energy in some literature.

Pyramid of biomass

One way to overcome some of the problems of the pyramid of numbers is by a pyramid of biomass - a graphical representation of the amount of biomass at each trophic level. Biomass is the total amount of living matter in a given area so it represents the standing stock of energy storage at each trophic level. Biomass is measured in mass per unit of area or g m–2 (grams per meter squared). If the study is looking at energy storage then the units are Joules per unit area (J m-2).

Pyramid of biomass for an aquatic ecosystem. 

Pyramid of biomass for an aquatic ecosystem.

Examiner Tip

You must know how to use and interpret scientific notation:

  • g m–2 is the same thing as g/m2
  • 9.7 × 107 is actually 97,000,000. It means for 9.7 you move the decimal place seven spaces to the right.

Biomass is measured as dry weight; this eliminates the variation in water content between organisms. To find out what the biomass of a particular trophic level is a sample is collected, dried and then weighed – this is obviously very destructive, not to mention unacceptable if you are dealing with animals.

Adult male elephant seals body weight can be up to 50% fat. 

Adult male elephant seals body weight can be up to 50% fat.

Theory of Knowledge

Is it unethical to measure dry weight biomass in the name of science?

Generally speaking pyramids of biomass are pyramid shape but there are notable exceptions. As with the pyramid of numbers the aquatic ecosystem can present an inverted pyramid. Biomass sampling is a snapshot in time so if phytoplankton reproduce quickly but the zooplankton have been eaten by their predators then there will be more phytoplankton than zooplankton at the time of sampling.


  • Pyramids of biomass overcome the problems of counting seen in pyramids of numbers.


  • When biomass is measured the whole organisms is measured and with animals that means you are measuring body parts that do not actually contribute energy to the feeding processes – skeletons or beaks.
  • It is only possible to take samples so that has to be extrapolated to the whole area and that mean inaccuracy.
  • The methods to obtain the figures are destructive and unethical for consumers.
  • There is considerable seasonal variation in some ecosystems so the biomass in spring may be very different to that in autumn.
  • Not all organisms have the same calorific value. Think about a bar of chocolate and an apple. An apple is 0.52 calories/gram whereas milk chocolate is 5.3 calories/gram (sadly). The same is true of animals, some animals stores energy as fat others store it as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and protein (muscle) contain 4 calories/gram while fat contains 9 calories/gram. Any animal high in fat has higher energy values e.g. seals, whales and walruses.

Pyramid of productivity (energy)

The pyramid of productivity solves some of the problems of the other two types of pyramid as it shows the turnover of biomass at each trophic level. It is not a snapshot in time as it shows the flow of energy over a period of time. Each bar in this pyramid represents the amount of energy that is generated and available as food for the next trophic level. The units are given as energy or mass per unit area per unit of time – joules per meter squared per year or J m-2 yr-1. How the data is collected is covered in "Measuring biomass and energy".

Pyramid of productivity for a temperate woodland.

Pyramid of productivity for a temperate woodland.

Unlike the other ecological pyramids the pyramid of productivity in a healthy ecosystem is always pyramid shaped. This is due to the 10% rule and the energy efficiency discussed in "Trophic levels, food chains and food webs".


  • These are the most accurate pyramids as they show actual energy available and the rate of production over a period of time.
  • Ecosystems can be compared.
  • Solar input can be added to the model.


  • Data collection is not easy as you need to know the rate of biomass production over time.
  • Species can be difficult to assign to a particular trophic level (this is a problem in all the pyramids). As we saw in food webs organisms can be in more than one trophic level.

Examiner Tip

You may be given a set of data for any one of these pyramids. There are a number of things you could be asked to do with the data:

  • Calculate the efficiency of energy transfer.
  • Draw an appropriate pyramid to show the data accurately.
  • Sketch pyramid of the data.
  • Compare data for different ecosystems.
  • Explain what type of pyramid the data is for.

Impact of energy efficiencies

In the two previous sections on trophic levels, food chains and food webs and on ecological pyramids we discussed energy efficiencies. We know that the 10% rule means that there is a significant reduction in the amount of biomass and energy available as you travel up the food chain. This has a number of implications; it limits the length of food chains, it increases the concentration of toxins and it makes the apex predator vulnerable to extinction.

Theory of Knowledge

Inductive reasoning is not certain. How can we make decisions based on uncertain facts.

Length of food chains

In terrestrial food chains the average number of trophic levels tends to be four or maybe five, in aquatic food chains there can be seven trophic levels. This is because in aquatic food chains:

  • Start with much smaller organisms at the base of the chain. In an aquatic system the primary producers include microscopic phytoplankton. This means the lower levels of the food chain are occupied by tiny plants and animals. In terrestrial food chains the primary producers are large multi-cellular plants that are eaten by larger animals immediately.
  • Less of the biomass is taken up in skeletal formation so there is less waste and greater potential for longer food chains. This is because the water supports the weight of the animals and so large bulky skeletons are not necessary. Therefore, more of the assimilated energy goes to build muscle that can be passed along the food chain.

The down side to aquatic food chains is that less light gets through to the primary producers because it is absorbed or reflected by the water.

The maths to explain the length of the food chain is simple. In the diagram below, T1 has 10,000 units of energy or biomass, 10% of that is passed to T2. 10,000/10 = 1,000, so T2 gets 1,000 units of energy or biomass and so on until T5 is left with 1 unit. At that rate of decrease it is hard to go above 5 trophic levels.

Decreases in energy and biomass along the food chains restrict the length of the food chain. 

Decreases in energy and biomass along the food chains restrict the length of the food chain.

Toxins in the food chain

Toxins in the food chain may be natural or man made. The biggest problems tend to be caused by the man made toxins so that is what will be discussed here. The main toxins that cause problems in the food chain are heavy metals and organic pollutants. This is because many of these toxins are relatively new to organisms so they do not have the capacity to eliminate them from their bodies.

Biomagnification and bioaccumulation


Bioaccumulation is the increase in the concentration of a pollutant in an organism as it absorbs or it ingests it from its environment.

Biomagnification is the increase in the concentration of the pollutant as it moves up through the food chain.

Case study

DDT released into an aquatic environment

Fast facts about DDT:

  • It is a persistent organic pollutant (POP).
  • It is stored in the fat cells of animals.
  • Fat-soluble toxins are a problem because they cannot be eliminated through sweating or urination so they stay in the body for a long time.
  • It has a half-life of 15 years, which means if 1 Kg of DDT is released into the environment 500 grams of it will still be there after 15 years.
  • It results in bioaccumulation and biomagnification.

DDT is sprayed on land to control malarial mosquitos, and whatever is sprayed on land ends up in nearby water bodies. The primary producers of the aquatic food chain are plankton and they essentially live in a dilute DDT soup. All the time they live in that soup they are absorbing and accumulating DDT (or mercury or any other such toxin). Just as phytoplankton absorb and accumulate DDT from the surrounding environment the herbivores ingest and accumulate DDT from their food source – the phytoplankton. This applies to any organisms in the polluted environment.

Bioaccumulation is not the worst of it. Due to the nature of the food chain and the loss of energy and biomass at every trophic level biomagnification becomes an issue. Let us turn the 10% law around a little. If each phytoplankton only passes on 10% of its energy that means (more or less) that the zooplankton must eat ten phytoplankton to get enough energy to live – this is not exactly true but it is better if the maths is simplified. As the zooplankton eats ten phytoplankton it picks up ten units of DDT too. The same rule passes up through the food chain and the DDT magnifies 10 fold every time. Small fish eat zooplankton - 10 × 10 = 100 units of DDT. Large fish eat small fish 10 × 100 = 1,000 and so on. So by the time you get to the top of the food chain there is a lot of DDT in the organisms and it has reached harmful levels.

DDT in the food chain.

DDT in the food chain.

Apex predators in trouble

The apex predator or top carnivore is most affected by the poor efficiency in the food chain due to the two previous points. The amount of biomass and energy decreases up the food chain therefore the top predators have far less food available to them under normal circumstances. If there is a problem lower down in the food chain, say an animal is hunted by humans and lost from the food chain; this will have a knock on effect on the predators. The loss of one species form the food chain means less food for all and with smaller populations the top predators will suffer a greater impact. Also the effects of biomagnification grow exponentially worse as you go up the food chain. By the time the toxins reach the top predators they are at dangerous levels. At high concentrations the toxins cause a variety of problems for the top predators that were not in evidence at the lower concentrations of the lower trophic levels.


Persistent organic pollutants and other toxins have a long life span in the environment and can travel great distances in water. Thus the release of these substances in one area of the world may impact many other areas.