Exam preparation

Revisiongenie.files.wordpress.com. (2018). [online] Available at: https://revisiongenie.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/me-stressed-why-do-you-ask.jpg [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].

Be an IB student when you revise, not a headless chicken, stressed out bunny or any other animal!

Approach revision using your brain - investigate, plan, prepare before taking action....and reflect at every stage.

Nick's Picks For Educational Technology. (2018). Quizlet - Why it's still among my favorite study tools.. [online] Available at: http://edtechpicks.org/2015/04/quizlet-why-its-still-among-my-favorite/ [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].


These are key to making a confident start in all papers.

Use Quizlets as often as you can. You can use sets that are already there, or make your own.

https://quizlet.com/subject/ESS/ will take you to about 500 sets of vocab flash cards. You can print these off if you prefer a physical flashcard to have a break from your computer but are they the most effective way for you to learn more complex information...?

Revision Notes

Make notes every lesson and revision notes every topic and do not leave it until the last minute.

Structure notes according to the curriculum statements to ensure you cover everything.

Do not use full sentences and think about how you revise best. Use a variety of approaches where possible.

Use the information on the 'How to take notes' section of the EE website to help you with techniques to use.

BECAREFUL if you use revision notes available online, the Subject Guide changed and there are subtle but significant differences in the way knowledge is linked together and assessed (though the factual content will not be different).

Ibquotes.com. (2018). IB Quotes - The Nerd Archive. [online] Available at: http://www.ibquotes.com/search [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].

Past Paper Questions

I will release full papers to you at appropriate times. The holistic nature of ESS means many questions will be inappropriate until you have studied substantial amounts of the course. You will have carefully selected questions at regular intervals throughout the course and should focus on understanding knowledge and ideas initially.

This is an excellent guide to the effective use of past papers for revision.

Propheta, D. (2018). These Funny Test Answers by Kids Are Too Clever to be Wrong. [online] - Icepop. Available at: http://www.icepop.com/funny-test-answers-kids/ [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].