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Mrs Snell's ESS site
A: Nature of ESS
B: Aims of ESS
C: Assessment objectives
D: Glossary of command terms
E: Wider reading bibliography
ESS Subject Guide
Sources of information used to create this site
Exam preparation
Command terms
Revision tips
Tips on each paper
Internal Assessment (IA)
Task Outline
Stages of creating an IA report
The IA criteria
The IA criteria
Animal Experimental Policy
IA - how to demonstrate academic integrity
IA exemplars
IA ideas
IA Completion Checklist
Topic 1—Foundations of environmental systems and societies
1.1 Environmental value systems
1.2 Systems and models
1.3 Energy and equilibria
1.4 Sustainability
1.5 Humans and pollution
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Practise Questions
Topic 2: Ecosystems and ecology
2.1 Species and populations
2.2 Communities and ecosystems
2.3 Flows of energy and matter
2.4 Biomes, zonation and succession
2.5 Investigating ecosystems
Current affairs notes
Key Vocabulary
Topic 3: Biodiversity and conservation
3.1 An Introduction to biodiversity
3.2 Origins of biodiversity
3.3 Threats to biodiversity
3.4 Conservation of biodiversity
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Topic 4: Water and aquatic food production systems and societies
4.1 Introduction to water systems
4.2 Access to fresh water
4.3 Aquatic food production systems
4.4 Water pollution
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Topic 5: Soil systems and terrestrial food production systems and societies
5.1 Introduction to soil systems
5.2 Terrestrial food production systems and food choices
5.3 Soil degradation and conservation
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Topic 6: Atmospheric systems and societies
6.1 Introduction to the atmosphere
6.2 Stratospheric ozone
6.3 Photochemical smog
6.4 Acid deposition
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Topic 7: Climate change and energy production
7.1 Energy choices and security
7.2 Climate change—causes and impacts
7.3 Climate change—mitigation and adaptation
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Topic 8: Human systems and resource use
8.1 Human population dynamics
8.2 Resource use in society
8.3 Solid domestic waste
8.4 Human population carrying capacity
Current affairs notes
Key vocabulary
Mrs Snell's ESS site
Key vocabulary
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