1.3 Energy and equilibria

Significant ideas:

  • The laws of thermodynamics govern the flow of energy in a system and the ability to do work.
  • Systems can exist in alternative stable states or as equilibria between which there are tipping points.
  • Destabilizing positive feedback mechanisms will drive systems towards these tipping points, whereas stabilizing negative feedback mechanisms will resist such changes.

International Mindedness

The use of energy in one part of the globe may lead to a tipping point or time lag that influences the entire planet’s ecological equilibrium.


The laws of thermodynamics are examples of scientific laws—in which ways do scientific laws differ from the laws of human science subjects, such as economics?


ESS: Systems and models (1.2); communities and ecosystems (2.2); terrestrial food production systems and food choices (5.2); energy choices and security (7.1)

Diploma Programme: Physics (topic 2 and option B); Chemistry (topics 5, 7 and 15; option C); Biology (topic 6)

positive feedback







Laws of Thermodynamics

negative feedback





unstable equilibria





energy transfer










static equilibrium



energy efficiency


steady-state equilibrium

energy transformation

stable equilibria


​precautionary principle



​Principle of the Conservation of Energy

Knowledge and Understanding 1,2

  • The first law of thermodynamics is the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy in an isolated system can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed.
  • The principle of conservation of energy can be modelled by the energy transformations along food chains and energy production systems.

Imagine an egg rolling off a table and smashing....what happens? Entropy happens!


Systems: an assemblage of parts and their relationship forming a functioning entirety or whole

  • Open systems: exchanges matter and energy
  • Closed systems: exchanges only energy
  • Isolated systems: neither matter nor energy and is theoretical


  • Steady-state: in open systems, continuous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, system as a whole remains in a constant state, no long term changes but there may be oscillations in the short term.
  • Static: no change over time; when the state of equilibrium is distributed, the system adapts a new equilibrium; can’t occur in living systems
  • Stable: the system returns to the previous equilibrium after disturbances
  • Unstable: system returns to a new equilibrium after disturbances
  • Tipping point: the minimum amount of change within a system that will destabalize it, causing it to reach a new equilibrium or stable state.


  • Positive: results in a further decrease of output and the system is destabilized and pushed into a new state of equilibrium
  • Negative: tends to neutralize or counteract any deviation from an equilibrium and tends to stabilize systems

New ideas....

Laws of thermodynamics

  • 1st: energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changes forms. The Law of Conservation of Energy or E=MC2
  • 2nd: the entropy of a closed system increases; when energy is transformed into work, some energy is always lost. The system goes from an ordered state into a chaotic state.

Knowledge and Understanding 3,4

  • The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system increases over time. Entropy is a measure of the amount of disorder in a system. An increase in entropy arising from energy transformations reduces the energy available to do work.
  • The second law of thermodynamics explains the inefficiency and decrease in available energy along a food chain and energy generation systems.

Knowledge and Understanding 5,6,7

  • As an open system, an ecosystem will normally exist in a stable equilibrium, either in a steady-state equilibrium or in one developing over time (for example, succession), and maintained by stabilizing negative feedback loops.
  • Negative feedback loops (stabilizing) occur when the output of a process inhibits or reverses the operation of the same process in such a way as to reduce change—it counteracts deviation.
  • Positive feedback loops (destabilizing) will tend to amplify changes and drive the system toward a tipping point where a new equilibrium is adopted.

Transfers and transformations

Transfers use less energy than transformations and are therefore more energy efficient.


  • refers to processes that move through a system and produce a change in location
  • The movement of material through living organism.
  • Movement of material in non-living process.
  • The movement of energy



  • involve chemical changes or changes in states
  • Matter to matter e.g.
  • Energy to energy e.g.
  • Matter to energy e.g.
  • Energy to matter e.g.

Knowledge and Understanding 8,9

  • The resilience of a system, ecological or social, refers to its tendency to avoid such tipping points and maintain stability.
  • Diversity and the size of storages within systems can contribute to their resilience and affect their speed of response to change (time lags).

CAS idea:

Create revision songs for different topics or concepts.

Give to Ms Fiona for the Pre-U Youtube Channel and Instagram accounts so others can learn from you!

Efficiency = useful energy, the work or output produced by a process / energy consumed.

Efficiency = useful output / input

x100 if you want to express the efficiency as a %


Design an investigation to investigate the Thermodynamics of Food (IA) practice

When organisms consume food, their bodies convert the stored energy, known as Calories, to chemical energy, thereby allowing them to do work. A calorie is the amount of heat (energy) required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of water 1 degree Celsius (°C).

You can determine energy content of food by burning a portion of it and capturing the heat released to a known amount of water. This technique is called calorimetry. The energy content of the food is the amount of heat produced by the combustion of 1 gram of a substance.

So multiplying the rise in temperature of water by the mass of the water and then by 4.2 gives the number of joules of energy that were transferred to the water.

Energy (J/g) = (final temperature – start temperature) x mass of water (g) x 4.2 (J per oC)

(Mass of food burned (g)

Write the method of data collection that could be used.

Be systematic and consider:

  • equipment
  • reliability
  • repeat-ability
  • validity
  • safety/risks

Examiners tips: May sure that you can

  • Describe and explain the relationships between resilience, stability, equilibria and diversity.
  • Use examples of human impacts and possible tipping points
  • Explain the implications of the laws of thermodynamics to ecological systems.
  • Discuss resilience in a variety of systems.
  • Evaluate the possible consequences of tipping points.

Knowledge and Understanding 10,11

  • Humans can affect the resilience of systems through reducing these storages and diversity.
  • The delays involved in feedback loops make it difficult to predict tipping points and add to the complexity of modelling systems.