Topic 4: Water and aquatic food production systems and societies

(15 hours)

4.1 Introduction to water systems

4.2 Access to fresh water

4.3 Aquatic food production systems

4.4 Water pollution

By the end of this Subtopic 4.1 - Introduction to water systems, you should be able to:

  • Construct a diagram of the hydrological cycle.
  • Analyze interactions between flows and storages within the hydrological cycle.
  • Distinguish between transformation flows and transfer flows within the hydrological cycle.
  • Explain the key factors that drive the global ocean conveyor belt.
  • Outline how the global conveyor belt distributes heat around the world and affects weather.
  • Discuss how human activity can influence the hydrological cycle.
  • Explain how urbanization can lead to flash floods and how sustainable urban drainage systems can alleviate the problem.

By the end of this Subtopic 4.2 - Access to fresh water, you should be able to:

  • Analyze the factors contributing to an unequal and inequitable supply of fresh water.
  • Outline how climate change may alter rainfall patterns and therefore effect water supply.
  • Discuss the factors contributing to an increase in water demand.
  • Explain the limitations to meeting water demand.
  • Define water stress.
  • Distinguish between water stress and water scarcity.
  • Evaluate strategies used to meet an increasing demand for water.
  • Discuss with reference to a case study, how shared water resources can cause international conflict.

By the end of this Subtopic 4.3 - Aquatic food production systems, you should be able to:

  • Outline the different oceanic zones.
  • Outline the different zones within a lake ecosystem.
  • Construct food chains and webs within aquatic ecosystems.
  • Describe factors which effect primary production within aquatic ecosystems.
  • State a range of food resources available from aquatic ecosystems.
  • Explain why demand for fish has increased and continues to grow.
  • Discuss with reference to a named animal why harvesting of some species is considered controversial.
  • Explain with reference to a case study, why unsustainable fishing has occurred in some areas.
  • Compare and contrast management of two capture fisheries.
  • Evaluate the different approaches used to encourage sustainable fishing.
  • Explain maximum sustainable yield as applied to capture fisheries.
  • Distinguish between open and semi-closed aquaculture systems.
  • Distinguish between capture fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Evaluate the use of aquaculture.
  • Explain the environmental impacts of aquaculture.

By the end of this Subtopic 4.4 - Water Pollution, you should be able to:

  • Identify different sources of freshwater and marine pollution.
  • Explain sources and effects of organic pollution.
  • Explain the process of eutrophication and its impacts.
  • Describe positive and negative feedback as applied to eutrophication.
  • Discuss with reference to a case study, impacts of toxic metal poisoning.
  • Outline the effects of a variety of different aquatic pollutants.
  • Analyse water pollution data.
  • Evaluate different parameters used to determine water quality.
  • Distinguish between direct and indirect parameters used to determine water quality.
  • Discuss the role of using biotic indices to determine the quality of aquatic ecosystems.
  • Evaluate different strategies used to reduce water pollution and manage its impacts.