SM64 N64 Misc. Codes

Different types of codes that don't fit in any other sections.

(JS) Codes by me, codes by other people specified in the headings.

Please use the links on the right for the various codes. 

New: Control and use portals in Bob-omb battlefield

For more codes please go to the main SM64 Codes Page

You can email me at

Control and use portals in Bob-omb battlefield (JS)

Turn the code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bob-omb battlefield (any star).

Press D-pad up to place the first portal near Mario or D-pad down to place the second portal near Mario. Then walk into either portal to warp to the other one.

Note: in some levels other than Bob-omb battlefield colourful numbers will appear as Mario moves. If you place a portal in the air, Mario will be on the ground after warping. When you first enter Bob-omb battlefield the portals will be in the usual place of the first two flowerbed warps.


81248700 1000

81245F6A 0001

81251EDC 0000

81251EDE 0000

81251EB8 0000

81251EBA 0000

81251F58 0000

81251F5A 0000

8031AA1B 0025

8131AA2C 800E

8131AA2E F4D0

8131AA44 4080

8131AA48 4080

8031AC7B 0025

8131AC8C 800E

8131AC8E F4D0

8131ACA4 4080

8131ACA8 4080

81245FB8 0000

81245FBA 0000

8130AF00 3C04

8130AF02 8031

8130AF04 948A

8130AF06 9260

8130AF08 3C04

8130AF0A 8032

8130AF0C 2408

8130AF0E 0800

8130AF10 1148

8130AF12 0005

8130AF14 2408

8130AF16 0400

8130AF18 1148

8130AF1A 0003

8130AF1C 2484

8130AF1E 0260

8130AF20 1000

8130AF22 000C

8130AF24 0000

8130AF26 0000

8130AF28 3C05

8130AF2A 8031

8130AF2C C4A4

8130AF2E 946C

8130AF30 3C06

8130AF32 4300

8130AF34 4486

8130AF36 3000

8130AF38 4606

8130AF3A 2100

8130AF3C E484

8130AF3E AAB8

8130AF40 C4A4

8130AF42 9470

8130AF44 4606

8130AF46 2100

8130AF48 E484


8130AF4C C4A4

8130AF4E 9474

8130AF50 E484

8130AF52 AAC0

8130AF54 03E0

8130AF56 0008

810E3720 8030

810E3722 AF00


8124DF84 1000

8124AC8E 0001

8125A6BC 0000

8125A6BE 0000

8125A670 0000

8125A672 0000

8125A74C 0000

8125A74E 0000

8034CDEB 0025

8134CDFC 800F

8134CDFE 9E10

8134CE14 4080

8134CE18 4080

8034D04B 0025

8134D05C 800F

8134D05E 9E10

8134D074 4080

8134D078 4080

8124ACE0 0000

8124ACE2 0000

8133D2D0 3C04

8133D2D2 8034

8133D2D4 948A

8133D2D6 AFA0

8133D2D8 3C04

8133D2DA 8035

8133D2DC 2408

8133D2DE 0800

8133D2E0 1148

8133D2E2 0005

8133D2E4 2408

8133D2E6 0400

8133D2E8 1148

8133D2EA 0003

8133D2EC 2484

8133D2EE 0260

8133D2F0 1000

8133D2F2 000C

8133D2F4 0000

8133D2F6 0000

8133D2F8 3C05

8133D2FA 8034

8133D2FC C4A4

8133D2FE B1AC

8133D300 3C06

8133D302 4300

8133D304 4486

8133D306 3000

8133D308 4606

8133D30A 2100

8133D30C E484

8133D30E CE88

8133D310 C4A4

8133D312 B1B0

8133D314 4606

8133D316 2100

8133D318 E484

8133D31A CE8C

8133D31C C4A4

8133D31E B1B4

8133D320 E484

8133D322 CE90

8133D324 03E0

8133D326 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

Press L to do hit by bully animation (JS)


D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 0002

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 0464

No gravity (JS)

Activate this code before the title screen appears.


81256C78 0000

81256C7A 0000

If Mario jumps he'll keep moving upward but you can still move him. If he falls off an edge he'll be suspended in the air and you can move him and he'll return to the ground if you can steer him to a solid surface.


Beta Style Hud 


812E37C2 00C1

812E37D6 00C1

812E37F2 00C1

812E386E 00A8

812E3892 00B8

812E38BA 00B8

Press D-pad for Mario to do different damage actions (JS)

Press D-pad up for hit by Goomba (no health lost), D-pad right for hit by fire (health lost), D-pad down for hit by Amp (no health lost) or D-pad left for hit by Skeeter while in water (no health lost).


D033AFA0 0008

8133B17C 0002

D033AFA0 0008

8133B17E 0464

D033AFA0 0001

8133B17C 0102

D033AFA0 0001

8133B17E 08B4

D033AFA0 0004

8133B17C 0002

D033AFA0 0004

8133B17E 0338

D033AFA0 0002

8133B17C 3002

D033AFA0 0002

8133B17E 22C5

Press L to shock Mario (JS)


D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 0002

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 0338

Press L for Mario to do 'put on cap' animation (JS)


D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 133D

Bowser doesn't move (Bowser in the Dark World) (JS)

Turn code on before title screen appears. After talking to Bowser he will stay where he is.


812B4708 0000

812B470A 0000

812B4668 0000

812B466A 0000

812B46F8 0000

812B46FA 0000

812B4690 0000

812B4692 0000

Bowser doesn't move (Bowser in the Fire Sea) (JS)

Turn code on before title screen appears. After talking to Bowser he will stay where he is.


812B4458 0000

812B445A 0000

Bowser doesn't move (Bowser in the Sky) (JS)

Turn code on before title screen appears. After talking to Bowser he will stay where he is.


812B4ACC 0000

812B4ACE 0000

812B4988 0000

812B498A 0000

812B4998 0000

812B499A 0000

812B4954 0000

812B4956 0000

812B4A00 0000

812B4A02 0000

Michael Williams



Hold jump to moon jump, you are invincible CC Change and time stopping with C buttons Up And Down

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 7F00

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 7F00

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A FF00

8107EC2C 0000

8107EC2E FF00

8107EC38 7F00

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 7F00

8107EC3E 0000

8107EC40 FF00

8107EC42 0000

8107EC44 FF00

8107EC46 0000

8107EC50 7F7F

8107EC52 7F00

8107EC54 7F7F

8107EC56 7F00

8107EC58 FFFF

8107EC5A FF00


8107EC5E FF00

8107EC68 390E

8107EC6A 0700

8107EC6C 390E

8107EC6E 0700

8107EC70 721C

8107EC72 0E00

8107EC74 721C

8107EC76 0E00

8107EC80 5252

8107EC82 5200

8107EC84 7F60

8107EC86 3C00

8107EC88 C0C0

8107EC8A C000

8107EC8C FEC1

8107EC8E 7900

8107EC98 5252

8107EC9A 5200

8107EC9C 3903

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 C0C0

8107ECA2 C000

8107ECA4 7306

8107ECA6 0000

8129D84E FFFF

D033AFA0 0008

8033D483 0040

D033AFA0 0004

8033D483 0000

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

803331C2 0000

8009B5E8 00B8

8009B608 00B8

8033B177 0019

D133AFA0 8000

8133B1BC 4220

D133AFA2 0010

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

D033B1BD 0020


Multi Skilled Mario 1.0

With this cheat if you push right on the dpad he turns into black Mario who has the ability to fly. As black Mario if you hold the L button Mario can run faster, climb hills, and pick up altitude while flying. If you push down on the dpad Mario turns into Robot Mario. As Robot Mario, you have the power of the Metal Cap so you will sink in water and kill enemies instantly on contact. As Robot Mario if you jump in the air and hold the L button, Mario will hover in the air. If you push dpad left you turn into Gold Mario. As Gold Mario you have infinite health and you also have the power of the invisibility cap so you can walk through some enemies and objects. Gold Mario also has the power of the moon jump if you hold the L button as Gold Mario. If you hold the z button and hold A and B Mario will turn into Turtle Mario who has the power of the turtle shell and Turtle Mario won't lose his turtle shell even if you crash into an object. If you hold Z, L, and Down on the CPad Mario will turn into the Joker and the Joker Constantly does a fast ground spin attack. If you push up on the dpad he will turn into regular Mario. The code must be broken up into 7 parts and must be turned on before the title screen. The only side effect of this code is that Mario will always be capless.


Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 1

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC20 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC22 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC24 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC26 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC28 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC2C 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC2E FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC38 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC3C 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC3E 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC40 FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC44 FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC46 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC50 7F7F

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC52 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC54 7F7F

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC56 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC58 FFFF

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC5A FF00

D133AFA0 0800


D133AFA0 0800

8107EC5E FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC68 390E

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC6A 0700

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC6C 390E

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC6E 0700

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC70 721C

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC72 0E00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC74 721C

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC76 0E00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC80 7F60

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC82 3C00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC84 7F60

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC86 3C00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC88 FEC1

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC8A 7900

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC8C FEC1

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC8E 7900

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC98 3903

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC9A 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC9C 3903

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC9E 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107ECA0 7306

D133AFA0 0800

8107ECA2 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107ECA4 7306

D133AFA0 0800

8107ECA6 0000

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 2

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC20 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC22 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC24 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC26 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC28 FFFF

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0100


D133AFA0 0100

8107EC2E FF00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC38 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC3E 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC40 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC44 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC46 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC50 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC52 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC54 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC56 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC58 FFFF

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC5A FF00

D133AFA0 0100


D133AFA0 0100

8107EC5E FF00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC68 390E

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC6A 0700

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC6C 390E

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC6E 0700

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC70 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC72 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC74 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC76 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC98 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC9A 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC9C 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC9E 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107ECA0 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107ECA2 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107ECA4 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107ECA6 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC80 7F60

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC82 3C00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC84 7F60

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC86 3C00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC88 FEC1

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC8A 7900

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC8C FEC1

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC8E 7900

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0  Part 3

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC20 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC22 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC24 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC26 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC28 FFFF

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0400


D133AFA0 0400

8107EC2E FF00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC38 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC3C 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC3E 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC40 FFFF

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC42 FF00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC44 FFFF

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC46 FF00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC50 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC52 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC54 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC56 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC58 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC5A 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC5C 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC5E 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC68 390E

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC6A 0700

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC6C 390E

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC6E 0700

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC70 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC72 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC74 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC76 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC80 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC82 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC84 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC86 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC88 FFFF

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC8A FF00

D133AFA0 0400


D133AFA0 0400

8107EC8E FF00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC98 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC9A 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC9C 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC9E 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107ECA0 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107ECA2 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107ECA4 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107ECA6 0000

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 4

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC20 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC22 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC24 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC26 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC28 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC2A 9D00

D133AFA0 0200


D133AFA0 0200

8107EC2E 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC38 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC3A 9D00

D133AFA0 0200


D133AFA0 0200

8107EC3E 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC40 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC42 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC44 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC46 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC50 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC52 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC54 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC56 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC58 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC5A 9D00

D133AFA0 0200


D133AFA0 0200

8107EC5E 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC68 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC6A 9D00

D133AFA0 0200


D133AFA0 0200

8107EC6E 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC70 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC72 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC74 FDFB

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC76 9D00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC80 7F60

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC82 3C00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC84 7F60

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC86 3C00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC88 FEC1

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC8A 7900

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC8C FEC1

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC8E 7900

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC98 3903

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC9A 0000

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC9C 3903

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC9E 0000

D133AFA0 0200

8107ECA0 7306

D133AFA0 0200

8107ECA2 0000

D133AFA0 0200

8107ECA4 7306

D133AFA0 0200

8107ECA6 0000

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 5

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC20 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC22 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC24 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC26 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC28 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC2A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC2C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC2E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC38 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC3A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC3C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC3E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC40 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC42 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC44 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC46 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC50 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC52 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC54 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC56 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC58 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC5A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC5C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC5E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC68 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC6A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC6C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC6E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC70 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC72 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC74 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC76 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC80 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC82 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC84 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC86 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC88 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC8A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC8C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC8E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC98 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC9A 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC9C 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107EC9E 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107ECA0 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107ECA2 1400

D133AFA0 E000

8107ECA4 0181

D133AFA0 E000

8107ECA6 1400

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 6

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC20 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC22 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC24 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC26 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC28 0080

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC2A 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC2C 0080

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC2E 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC38 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC3C 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC3E 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC40 FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC42 8000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC44 FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC46 8000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC50 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC52 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC54 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC56 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC58 FFFF

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC5A FF00

D133AFA0 2024


D133AFA0 2024

8107EC5E FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC68 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC6A 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC6C 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC6E 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC70 FFFF

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC72 FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC74 FFFF

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC76 FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC80 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC82 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC84 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC86 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC88 FFFF

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC8A FF00

D133AFA0 2024


D133AFA0 2024

8107EC8E FF00

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC98 3903

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC9A 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC9C 3903

D133AFA0 2024

8107EC9E 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107ECA0 00FF

D133AFA0 2024

8107ECA2 0000

D133AFA0 2024

8107ECA4 00FF

D133AFA0 2024

8107ECA6 0000

Multi Skilled Mario 1.0 Part 7

D033AFA1 0020

8033D3D0 0001

D233AFA1 0020

8033D3D0 0000


8033D3D1 0001


8033D3D1 0000

D133D3D0 0101

8133B1BC 4220

D033AFA1 0020

8033D3D2 0001

D233AFA1 0020

8033D3D2 0000


8033D3D3 0001


8033D3D3 0000

D133D3D2 0101

8133B17C 0300

D033AFA1 0020

8033D3D4 0001

D233AFA1 0020

8033D3D4 0000


8033D3D5 0001


8033D3D5 0000

D133D3D4 0101

8133B17E 0880

D033AFA1 0020

8033D3D6 0001

D233AFA1 0020

8033D3D6 0000

D107EC40 0000

8033D3D7 0001

D307EC40 0000

8033D3D7 0000

D133D3D6 0101

8133B1C4 4277

D033AFA1 0020

8033D3D8 0001

D233AFA1 0020

8033D3D8 0000


8033D3D9 0001


8033D3D9 0000

D133D3D8 0101

8133B1BC 1000

81254590 1000

812545D0 1000

812545B0 1000

D107EC40 0000

8033B177 0019

D107EC26 7F00

8033B177 0011


8033B177 0015


8033B177 0013

D107EC20 0181

8033B177 0011

D107EC20 0181

8133B17C 2081

D107EC20 0181

8133B17E 0446


8033B21E 0008

D107EC28 0080

8133B17C 1080

D107EC28 0080

8133B17E 08A4

D107EC28 0080

8133B1C4 4300

D107EC28 0080

8033B177 0011

Joker 3.0.

This code is a representation of Heath Ledger's Joker in the movie The Dark Knight. Mario looks like the joker and has one special power, if you shoulder L he will do a moon jump spin attack like the happy, psychotic, dangerous clown he is! To add to the darkness, the final bowser song loops in every level and every level is at night! There are two parts that must be added before the start up screen.


The Joker 3.0 Part 1

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 0080

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C 0080

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 0000

8107EC3E 0000

8107EC40 FF00

8107EC42 8000

8107EC44 FF00

8107EC46 8000

8107EC50 0000

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 0000

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FFFF

8107EC5A FF00


8107EC5E FF00

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 FFFF

8107EC72 FF00

8107EC74 FFFF

8107EC76 FF00

8107EC80 0000

8107EC82 0000

8107EC84 0000

8107EC86 0000

8107EC88 FFFF

8107EC8A FF00


8107EC8E FF00

8107EC98 3903

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C 3903

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 00FF

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 00FF

8107ECA6 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 1080

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 08A4

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

81380360 240C

81380362 0019

81337048 8027

8133704A E0A0

The Joker 3.0 Part 2

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 5748

8133D3E2 5920

8133D3E4 534F

8133D3E6 2053

8133D3E8 4552

8133D3EA 494F

8133D3EC 5553

Joker 3.4

Biggest difference between Joker 3.4 and Joker 3.0 is the very eerie sounds. When you punch or kick a wall it sounds like a gunshot going off. In any level when ever you are near the guy that opens the cannon for you, you will hear a very creepy violin, and much, much more of the creepy eerie sounds all throughout and everywhere in the game. The Joker in this code is like a dead clown that refuses to die because when ever you get one bar of health left it automatically refills it to eight bars of health. If you get down to zero lives it refills it to 100. 


A031C10A 0055

81380360 240C

81380362 000A

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 0080

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C 0080

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 0000

8107EC3E 0000

8107EC40 FF00

8107EC42 8000

8107EC44 FF00

8107EC46 8000

8107EC50 0000

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 0000

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FFFF

8107EC5A FF00


8107EC5E FF00

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 FFFF

8107EC72 FF00

8107EC74 FFFF

8107EC76 FF00

8107EC80 0000

8107EC82 0000

8107EC84 0000

8107EC86 0000

8107EC88 FFFF

8107EC8A FF00


8107EC8E FF00

8107EC98 3903

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C 3903

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 00FF

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 00FF

8107ECA6 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 1080

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 08A4

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

81337048 8027

8133704A E0A0

A031B1B2 0000

D033B21E 0001

8033B21E 0008

D033B21D 0000

8033B21D 0064

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 5748

8133D3E2 5920

8133D3E4 534F

8133D3E6 2053

8133D3E8 4552

8133D3EA 494F

8133D3EC 5553

Ethan Conley

I've combined many SM64 codes involving coins and also combined the Gold Land/Peach's Gilded Castle/Sparkle Land code and got my so called Coin World code.



8130617A 0984

8130617E 0000

8130625A 0830

81306266 0076

81306274 0000

81306276 0000

812AD1E4 0C0C

812AD1E6 F4B4

812AD1E8 2405

812AD1EA 0005

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C04

8133D2DA 8033

8133D2DC 0C0B

8133D2DE 05EF

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0BA0

8133D2E4 0C0A

8133D2E6 943F

8133D2E8 2404

8133D2EA 0001

8133D2EC 8FBF

8133D2EE 0014

8133D2F0 27BD

8133D2F2 0018

8133D2F4 03E0

8133D2F6 0008

8133B424 080A

812E7562 0076

812E7556 30A4

812AFC46 3068

812AFC52 0074

812EF0A6 0964

812EF0B2 0000

81302D16 0984

812E5786 0984

812E5792 0000

803328C7 0030



Red star mario form SMG, invisible wing cap, red dust and while flying hold the L button to go faster and shoot a jet of red dust.


8107EC40 1414 

8107EC42 1400 

8107EC38 1414 

8107EC3A 1400 

8107EC20 B300 

8107EC22 0000 

8107EC28 B300 

8107EC2A 0000 

8107EC50 FF4F 

8107EC52 4F00 

8107EC58 FF4F 

8107EC5A 4F00 

80090CA8 00B8 

80090CC8 00B8 

8009B5E8 00B8 

8009B608 00B8 

8033B177 0019 

8109214C FF00 

8109214E 00FF 

8109215C FF00 

8109215E 00FF 

8109216C FF00 

8109216E 00FF 

8109217C FF00 

8109217E 00FF 

8109CA8C FF00 

8109CA8E 00FF 

8109CA9C FF00 

8109CA9E 00FF 

8109CAAC FF00 

8109CAAE 00FF 

8109CABC FF00 

8109CABE 00FF 

D033AFA1 0020 

8133B1C4 4277 

8833B248 0001 



8107EC40 1414 

8107EC42 1400 

8107EC38 1414 

8107EC3A 1400 

8107EC40 1414 

8107EC42 1400 

8107EC38 1414 

8107EC3A 1400 

8107EC50 00FF 

8107EC52 8000 

8107EC58 00FF 

8107EC5A 8000 

8107EC20 0093 

8107EC22 4900 

8107EC28 0093 

8107EC2A 4900 

8107EC50 FF4F 

8107EC52 4F00 

8107EC58 FF4F 

8107EC5A 4F00 

80090CA8 00B8 

80090CC8 00B8 

8009B5E8 00B8 

8009B608 00B8 

8033B177 0019 

8109214C FF00 

8109214E 00FF 

8109215C FF00 

8109215E 00FF 

8109216C FF00 

8109216E 00FF 

8109217C FF00 

8109217E 00FF 

8109CA8C FF00 

8109CA8E 00FF 

8109CA9C FF00 

8109CA9E 00FF 

8109CAAC FF00 

8109CAAE 00FF 

8109CABC FF00 

8109CABE 00FF 

D033AFA1 0020 

8133B1C4 4277 

8833B248 0001


Infinite lives


80339EAD 0004

Payton Samuels

Global Collision Modifier

This code gives everything in the game the same collision, this also replaces the death barrier collision in the bottomless pits in the levels that have them, so you will not die or lose a life if you fall off levels (unless you lose all your health meter). This code also allows Mario to walk on lava and quicksand.


81253728 3C02

8125372A 8033

8125372C 3442

8125372E B170

81253730 8C42

81253732 0068

81253734 2403

81253736 00xx : Put any collision value you want

81253738 A443

8125373A 0000

8125373C 03E0

8125373E 0008

81253740 27BD

81253742 0030

Collision values

00 Environment default

01 Burn / Frostbite

04 Unused Has exertion

05 Ceiling that Mario can climb on

09 Slow down Mario

0A Death floor

0B Close camera

0D Water

0E Water (flowing) Water torrent force and rotation

12 Intangible (Seperates Big Boo's Haunt mansion from merry-go-round, for room usage)

13 Slippery

14 Slippery (slightly)

15 Anti-slippery

1A Varied noise depending on terrain (mostly unused)

1B Instant warp to another area (see Level script command 0x28)

1C Instant warp to another area

1D Instant warp to another area

1E Instant warp to another area

21 Sand (depth of 10 units)

22 Quicksand (lethal, slow, depth of 160 units)

23 Quicksand (lethal, instant)

24 Moving quicksand (flowing, depth of 160 units) Moving sand direction and force

25 Moving quicksand (flowing, depth of 25 units) Moving sand direction and force

26 Moving quicksand (depth of 60 units)

27 Moving quicksand (flowing, depth of 60 units) Moving sand direction and force

28 Wall / Fence / Cannon

29 Default floor with noise

2A Slippery floor with noise

2C Wind Wind direction

2D Quicksand (lethal, flowing) Moving sand direction and force

2E Slippery Ice (Cool Cool Mountain slide)

2F Look up and warp (Wing cap entrance)

30 Hard floor (Always has fall damage)

32 Surface Warp

33 Timer start (Peach's secret slide)

34 Timer stop (Peach's secret slide)

35 Hard and slippery (Always has fall damage)

36 Hard (Slide for Cool Cool Mountain, Always has fall damage)

37 Non-slippery areas in ice level

38 Death at bottom with wind

65 Wide camera (Bob-Omb Battlefield)

66 Walls in Tiny Huge Island area 3

6E Step on 4 to make Pyramid top explode

6F Camera-related (Bowser 1)

70 Camera-related (Bob-Omb Battlefield)

72 Inaccessible Area, only used to restrict camera movement

73 Slide with noise (unused)

74 Slide with noise (unused)

75 Camera-related (Cool Cool Mountain)

76 Surface with flags

77 Surface with flags (unused)

78 Possibly for camera behavior, has noise

79 Slippery (for camera behavior)

7A Activate switches or Dorrie

7B Vanish cap walls

A6 Painting wobble (Bob-Omb Battlefield 1)

A7 Painting wobble (Bob-Omb Battlefield 2)

A8 Painting wobble (Bob-omb Battlefield 3)

A9 Painting wobble (Cool Cool Mountain 1)

AA Painting wobble (Cool Cool Mountain 2)

AB Painting wobble (Cool Cool Mountain 3)

AC Painting wobble (Whomp's Fortress 1)

AD Painting wobble (Whomp's Fortress 2)

AE Painting wobble (Whomp's Fortress 3)

AF Painting wobble (Jolly Roger Bay 1)

B0 Painting wobble (Jolly Roger Bay 2)

B1 Painting wobble (Jolly Roger Bay 3)

B2 Painting wobble (Lethal Lava Land 1)

B3 Painting wobble (Lethal Lava Land 2)

B4 Painting wobble (Lethal Lava Land 3)

B5 Painting wobble (Shifting Sand Land 1)

B6 Painting wobble (Shifting Sand Land 2)

B7 Painting wobble (Shifting Sand Land 3)

B8 Painting wobble (?)

B9 Painting wobble (?)

BA Painting wobble (?)

BB Painting wobble (Bowser in the Fire Sea?)

BC Painting wobble (Bowser in the Fire Sea?)

BD Painting wobble (Bowser in the Fire Sea?)

BE Painting wobble (Wet-Dry World 1)

BF Painting wobble (Wet-Dry World 2)

C0 Painting wobble (Wet-Dry World 3)

C1 Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island t 1)

C2 Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island t 2)

C3 Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island t 3)

C4 Painting wobble (Tall Tall Mountain 1)

C5 Painting wobble (Tall Tall Mountain 2)

C6 Painting wobble (Tall Tall Mountain 3)

C7 Painting wobble (?)

C8 Painting wobble (?)

C9 Painting wobble (?)

CA Painting wobble (Snowman's Land 1, unused)

CB Painting wobble (Snowman's Land 2, unused)

CC Painting wobble (Snowman's Land 3, unused)

CD Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island h 1) N/A

CE Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island h 2)

CF Painting wobble (Tiny Huge Island h 3)

D0 Painting wobble (Metal cap?)

D1 Painting wobble (Metal cap?)

D2 Painting wobble (Metal cap?)

D3 Horizontal level entrance (still have to label these)

D4 Horizontal level entrance ()

D5 Horizontal level entrance ()

D6 Horizontal level entrance ()

D7 Horizontal level entrance ()

D8 Horizontal level entrance ()

D9 Horizontal level entrance ()

DA Horizontal level entrance ()

DB Horizontal level entrance ()

DC Horizontal level entrance ()

DD Horizontal level entrance ()

DE Horizontal level entrance ()

DF Horizontal level entrance ()

F0 Horizontal level entrance ()

F1 Horizontal level entrance ()

F2 Horizontal level entrance ()

F3 Horizontal level entrance ()

F4 Horizontal level entrance ()

F5 Horizontal level entrance ()

F6 Horizontal level entrance ()

F7 Horizontal level entrance ()

F8 Horizontal level entrance ()

F9 Horizontal level entrance ()

FA Horizontal level entrance ()

FB Horizontal level entrance ()

FC Horizontal level entrance ()

FD Pool warp (Hazy Maze Cave)

FF Bowser 1 trapdoor

Pirhana Plants In Bowser In The Sky Replaced With King Whomps

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bowser In The Sky and the small pirahna plants that shoot mario will be rreplaced with king whomps that you can battle.


8133200A 2BCC

8133200C 0067

8133200E 0001

There's Two Giant Eye Balls Somewhere In Hazy Maze Cave

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to hazy maze cave and go where the bats are near the metal cap block and two of them will be replaced with giant eye balls that give stars when there defeated.


813320EA 0054

813320EC 0000

813320EE 0001

Lots Of Money Bag Frogs Appear Instead Of One

Turn this code on before the title screen appears go to snowmen's land and go where the coin bag frogs uaually be and lots of them will appear in the view instead of one.


813320AA 0A54

813320AC 0000

813320AE 0000

812AC68E 39D4

812AC69A 0000

Eye Balls Replaced With Dorries

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Big Boo's Haunt, Hazy Maze Cave or Lethal Lava Land and the eye balls will be replaced with dorries you can ride on.


813320FA 4F90

813320FC 0068

813320FE 0000

Scuttlebugs Replaced With Fly Guys

Turn this code on before the title sreen appears. Go to Big Boos Haunt or Hazy Maze Cave and the scuttlebug will be replaced with fly guys that spit fire.


8133210A 46DC

8133210C 00DC

8133210E 0001

81332102 46DC

81332104 00DC

81332106 0000

Some Objects Are Changed In Tick Tock Clock 1

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Tick Tock Clock and some of the objectss in that course will be replaced with different things making the course easier or harder.


813321AA 1518

813321AC 00DA

813321BA 1168

813321BC 0000

813321C2 04A8

813321C4 0080

813321D2 1108

813321D4 0000

813321DA 1518

813321DC 00D9

813321EA 0BC8

813321EC 0058

813321E2 1518

813321E4 00DA

Some Objects Are Changed In Tick Tock Clock 2

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Tick Tock Clock and some of the objectss in that course will be replaced with different things making the course easier or harder.

813321FA 4CF8

813321FC 003E

813321FE 0001

8133220A 4BF0

8133220C 0037

8133220E 0001

81332202 1108

81332204 0000

8133221A 0528

8133221C 00DF

81332212 1168

81332214 0000

8133222A 1B70

8133222C 0000

8133222E 0000

Get Different Things Out Of Golden Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The goden blocks will give different things than the things they usually give.


80330BBB 0000

81330BBE 0A54

812AC68E 1F3C

812AC69A 00BE

80330BCB 0000

81330BCE 1A0C

80330BD3 0087

81330BD6 3DB8

80330BE3 00DF

81330BE6 0528

80330BF3 0069

81330BF6 5468

80330BEB 007A

81330BEE 1714

Certain Blue Coin Types Replaced With Golden Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The blue coins you get from the blue coin ground pound activator will be replaced with item blocks cointaining ten yellow coins and the blue coins that run away will be replaced with golden blocks containing three yellow coins.


813317F2 2250

813317F4 0089

813317F6 0005

81331992 2250

81331994 0089

81331996 0006

Golden Blocks Replaced With Chunkyas, Vanish Cap Blocks And Metal Cap Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to courses that have the item blocks and they will be replaced with chunkyas you will find a metal cap block somewhere in Wet-Dry World and the vanish cap on the insland in the sky in Bob-Omb Battlefield.


813319DA 0528

813319DC 00DF

813319EA 0528

813319EC 00DF

813319F2 0528

813319F4 00DF

813319FA 0528

813319FC 00DF

81331A02 0528

81331A04 00DF

81331A5A 0528 

81331A5C 00DF

8133227E 0001

81332286 0002

1-Up Mushrooms Replaced With Breakable Boxes And Golden Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has the one up mushroom types and they will be replaced with breakable boxes cotaining three yellow coins and the one up mushrooms that have the yellow sparkles around them that be in slide courses will be replaced with golden blocks that contain ten yellow coins.


8133194A 2250

8133194C 0089

8133194E 0006

81331952 14E0

81331954 0081

81331956 0002

81331972 14E0

81331974 0081

81331976 0001

Blue Coin Switches Replaced With Breakable Boxes

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has the blue coin activators and they will be replaced with big breakable boxes containing five yellow coins.


8133198A 14E0

8133198C 0081

8133198E 0002

Snifits Replaced With Golden Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Hazy Maze Cave or Cavern Of The Metal Cap go to one of those courses and the snifits will be replaced with golden blocks containing ten yellow coins.


8133193A 2250

8133193C 0089

8133193E 0006

Amperes Replaced With Golden Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has amperes and the amperes will be replaced with golden blocks that contain ten yellow coins and sometimes a koopa shell.


8133191A 2250

8133191C 0089

8133191E 0006

81331912 2250

81331914 0089

81331916 0003

Spinning Hearts Replaced With Chunkyas

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has the spinning hearts and they will be replaced with chunkyas.


81331942 0528

81331944 00DF

81331946 0000

Certain Invisible Objects Are Replaced With Mario

Turn this code on before the title screen appears.The code works 

1. Outside The Castle 

2.Inside The Castle 

3.Vanish Cap Under The Moat 

4.The Secret Aquarium 

5.The Princess's Secret Slide 

6.Bob-Omb Battlefield 

7.Whomp's Fortress 

8.Jolly Roger Bay 

9.Lethal Lava Land 

10.Shifting Sand Land 

11.Dire Dire Docks 

12.Tiny-Huge Island 

13.Tick Tock Clock 

14.Bowser In The Sky

If you go to any of those courses mario will seem to be moving faster than he usually does.


81331962 2EC0

81331964 0001

81331966 0000

8133196A 2EC0

8133196C 0001

8133196E 0000

Certain Yellow Coins Are Blue Coins

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Some yellow coin types will be changed into blue coins that are worth five coins, but try to catch the blue coins cause there very fast.


813317E2 30A4

813317E4 0077

813317E6 0000

813317EA 30A4

813317EC 0077

813317EE 0000

Pushable Crate Boxes Replaced With Golden Blocks 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The pushable crate boxes will be replaced with golden blocks that will be containing 10 yellow coins.


81331A12 2250 

81331A14 0089 

81331A16 0006 

Cannon Bases Replaced With Coin Formations 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has cannons and they will be replaced with the coin formations.

81331B72 08EC 

81331B74 0000 

81331B76 0004 

81331892 08EC 

81331894 0000 

81331896 0001 

Note: The cannon outside the castle and in Bob-Omb Battlefield near the bob-omb buddies will not be replaced!

The Whomp In Bowser In The Sky Is Now King Whomp 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bowser In The Sky and go where the whomp usually is and it will be replaced with a king whomp.


81331FDA 2BCC 

81331FDC 0067 

81331FDC 0001 

Bob-Omb Buddies Replaced With Chunkyas 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has bob-omb buddies and they will be replaced with chunkyas.


8133189A 0528 

8133189C 00DF 

8133189E 0000 

Note: The bob-omb buddies in Bob-Omb Battlefield will not be replaced! 

Spindrifts Replaced With Coin Bag Frogs 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears go to Cool Cool Mountain or Snowmen's Land and the Spindrifts will be replaced with moneybag frogs.


81331D0A 39D4 

81331D0C 0000 

81331D0E 0000 

81331D1A 39D4 

81331D1C 0000 

81331D1E 0000 

There Are Chunkyas Somewhere In Big Boos Haunt 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Big Boos Haunt and look around the course for chunkyas.


81331DD2 0528 

81331DD4 00DF 

81331DD6 0000 

Red Coins And Secret Points Replaced With Breakable Boxes 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The red coins and the secret points will be replaced with large breakable boxes you get coins out of, and the stars to the red coins and secret points will already be there without you having to get them.


81331802 14E0 

81331804 0081 

81331806 0001 

81331852 14E0 

81331854 0081 

81331856 0002 

Note: If you go to The Secret Aquarium when using this code the game will crash!

Goombas Are Now Chunkyas

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has goombas and they will be replaced with chunkyas.


813318D2 0528 

813318D4 00DF 

813318D6 0000

813318DA 0528

813318DC 00DF

813318DE 0000

8133190A 0528

8133190C 00DF

8133190E 0000

Goombas Triplets Are Now One Big Goomba 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a couse that has the normal sized goomba triplets and the normal sized goomba triplets will be replaced with one big goomba.


813318E2 472C 

813318E4 00C0 

813318E6 0001 

Note: If you remove the first and second code lines the normal sized goomba triplets will be big goomba triplets you get from Tiny-Huge Island!

Fly Guys Replaced With Big Goombas

Turn this code on befor the tittle screen appears. Go to a course that has fly guys and the fly guys will be replaced with big goombas


81331A92 472C

81331A94 00C0

81331A96 0001

81331AB2 4770

81331AB4 0000

81331AB6 0001

Heave Hos Replaced With Big Goomba Triplets

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Wet-Dry World or Tick Tock Clock and the wind up baddies will be replaced with the big goomba triplets you get from Tiny-Huge Island.


81331A72 4770

81331A74 0000

81331A76 0001

Lots Of Bad Lakitus Appear Instead Of One

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Tiny-Huge Island or Rainbow Ride and lots of lakitus will appear in the view instead of one.


81331B42 0A54

81331B44 0000

81331B46 0000

812AC68E 4918

812AC69A 0054

There's A Giant Eye Ball Somewhere In Hazy Maze Cave

Turn this code on before the tittle screen appears. Go to Hazy Haze Cave and look around the whole course for a giant eye ball that you get a star from when it's defeated.


81331CA2 0054

81331CA4 0000

81331CA6 0001

Battle King Whomps In Tiny Huge Island

Turn this code on before the tittle screen appears. Go to tiny huge island in the big painting part and go near the tree or near the two big goombas near the gate and you should find king whomps.


81331AA2 2BCC

81331AA4 0067

81331AA6 0001

Upward Flame Throwers Are Now Scutlebug Spawners

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course such as Haze Maze Cave or Lethal Lava Land and the flame throwers that shoot upward and they will be replaced with scutlebug spawners.


81331AF2 2BA0

81331AF4 0000

81331AF6 0000

Large Breakable Boxes Replaced With Item Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The large breakable boxes with the three coins inside will be replaced as metal cap blocks, the large breakable boxes with nothing inside them will be replaced with vanish cap blocks, the large breakable boxes you get when stepping on the purple floor switches will be replaced with wing cap blocks and the very large breakable box in Wet-Dry World will be replaced with an golden block you get a koopa shell from.


81331A0A 2250

81331A0C 0089

81331A0E 0002

81331A12 2250

81331A14 0089

81331A16 0001

81331A32 2250

81331A34 0089

81331A36 0000

81331A4A 2250

81331A4C 0089

81331A4E 0003

Replace Small Breakable Boxes With Vanish Cap Blocks 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to any course that has the small breakable boxes and they will be replaced as vanish cap blocks. 


81331A22 2250 

81331A24 0089 

81331A26 0002 

Replace Wooden Post With Upward Flame Throwers 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bob-Omb Battlefield or Tiny Huge Island and the wooden post will be replaced as the flame throwers that shoot upward. 


813318F2 1108

813318F4 0000

813318F6 0001

81331B32 1108 

81331B34 0000 

81331B36 0004

81331FF2 1108

81331FF4 0000

81331FF6 0004

100 Lives And 5912 Stars 


8133B21A 1718 

8133B21D 007B 

Replace Fire Spewers With Fly Guys 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to any courses that has fire spitters and the fire spitters will be replaced with fly guys! 


81331A8A 46DC 

80331A8D 00DC 

Bouncing Boxes Replaced With Chunkyas 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to any course that has the small bouncing boxes and they will be replaced with chunkyas. 


81331A9A 0528 

80331A9D 00DF 

Groups Of Fish Replaced With Whirlpools 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Jolly Roger Bay, Dire Dire Docks or The Secret Aquarium and the groups of fish will be faced with whirlpools! 


81331F5A 32A8 

80331F5D 0057 

813318BA 32A8 

803318BD 0057

81331A52 32A8

81331A54 0057

81331A56 0000 

Oysters Replaced With Chunkyas 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Jolly Roger Bay or Dire Dire Docks for the oysters to be changed to chunkyas, it may be hard to pick up the chunkyas underwater but if you activate this code with the code that removes the water it might be easier to pick up the chunkyas. 


81331F7A 0528 

80331F7D 00DF 

Seaweed Replaced With Water Koopa Shells 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Jolly Roger Bay or Dire Dire Docks and the seaweed under the water will be replaced with water koopa shells that you can pick up and ride underwater. 


81331F3A 0708 

80331F3D 00BE 

King Bob-Omb Appears Instead Of Water Bomb Drop 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bob-Omb Battlefield and go where the water bomb drop objects usually be and you should find king bob-ombs. 


81331B3A 01F4 

80331B3D 0056 

Monty Moles Replaced With Eye Balls 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The monty moles will be replaced with eye balls. 


81331CAA 0054 

80331CAD 0000 

Note: Only the monty moles in Hazy Maze Cave are replaced! 

Some Coin Formations Are Replaced With Chunkyas, Crate Boxes And Vanish Cap Blocks

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to some courses and look for some coin formations that are replaced with chunkyas, crate boxes or vanish cap blocks


81331812 0528 

81331814 00DF 

81331816 0000 

8133181A 0528 

8033181D 00DF 

81331832 2250 

81331834 0089 

81331836 0002 

8133183A 2250 

8133183C 0089 

8133183E 0002 

81331842 1518 

81331844 00DA 

81331846 0000

Purple Floor Switches Replaced With Chunkyas 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The purple swithes will be replaced with chunkyas. 


81331A2A 0528 

80331A2D 00DF 

Note: Only the purple floor switches that activate the breakable boxes are replaced! 

Small Black Bullys Replaced With Bob-Ombs 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The black bullys will be replaced with bob-ombs. 


81331ACA 3174 

80331ACD 00BC 

Note: Only the small black bullys in Bowser In The Fire Sea are replaced! 

King Whomp In Whomp's Fortress Any Star 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Whomp's Fortress and go where the small breakable box is near the signpost and you should find king whomp. 


81331AAA 2BB8 

80331AAD 0067 

Chunkyas Replaced With Fire Spewers 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to a course that has chunkyas and the chunkyas will be replaced with the fire spitters. 


813318FA 518C 

803318FD 00E1 

Invisible Object Hidden In Trees Replaced With Wing Cap Blocks 

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The invisible objects in trees that give you 1-up mushrooms will be replaced with wing cap blocks 


81331AAA 2250 

80331AAD 0089 



Super Big Right Hand

8033B3BB 0010

Super Big Right Foot

8033B3BB 0090

Growing/Shrinking Left Fist

8033B3BB 0050

Mario Runs Bent Over

8033B3BC 0050

Strobe Mario

8033B054 0095

Quick Deaths

8033B222 0020

Mario Missing Foot

8033B0BB 00B0

Heavy/Short Mario

8033B224 00A0

Missing Left Hand

8033B3BB 0060


Double Damage

Mario takes double the amount of damage as usual (I literally mean double! Not just how much damage he loses when he doesn't have his hat!).


80254207 FF80


Triple Damage


80254207 8000

Wing Caps and Metal Caps switch places

This code makes all wing caps and metal caps you get from item boxes look like there respective caps, but they switch powers! i.e. When you get the Wing Cap you get the Metal Power and when you get the Metal Cap you get the Wing Power. Note these only work with Caps you get from the item boxes as spawning a lone cap gives you the same powers as usual.


80330BA1 0000

80330BA3 0087

80330BA7 3DD8

80330BA9 0100

80330BAB 0086

80330BAF 3DB8

Signpost Replaced With Grindels

Turn this code on and then go to Shifting Sand Land to have the signposts replaced with Grindels.


812FDE3A 0B58

802FDE3D 0036 


8133188A 0B58

8133188C 0036

Signpost Replaced With Grindels V2

[The difference about this one is the Grindels will be moving back and forth!]


812FDE3A 525C

802FDE3D 0036


8133188A 525C

8133188C 0036

See giant Yoshi outside the castle and talk to him (JS)

Turn this code on when you are outside the castle to turn the signpost to the left of the castle into a huge Yoshi that you can talk to him (as he is just a signpost). Do not have this code on when you are anywhere else.


813422FC 8019

813422FE 4E28

81342324 8015

81342326 00CC

81342314 4100

81342318 4100

8134231C 4100

The last three lines control the size of Yoshi on the X, Y and Z axis. For a normal size Yoshi, use 3F80 instead of 4100 on each of those three lines.

Troy T

Link Like Mario

This code is in two parts. Do NOT put them together or the game may crash, or glitch. This code will take away the buttons on Mario's shirt, will make Mario's arms the color of his overolls, and his torso the color of his hat/shirt. By going through the D-pad buttons you can make him look like Link (D-pad Down), Goron Tunic Link (D-pad Up), Zora Tunic Link (D-pad Left), and Young Link (D-pad Right). This code also changes his Gloves to a dark brown color, and his hair yellow. It also makes him skinnier and bigger, so it's even more like Link. Turn at least pt. 2 on before title screen, or it won't look correct.


Link Like Mario v2.4 Pt. 1

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC20 7F7F

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC22 7F00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC28 FFFF

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC40 008F

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC38 0010

D133AFA0 0400

8107EC3A 0000

D033AFA0 0004

810F0890 3E95

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC20 7F7F

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC22 7F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC28 FFFF

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC40 8F00

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC38 1000

D133AFA0 0800

8107EC3A 0000

D033AFA0 0008

810F0890 3E95

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC20 7F7F

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC22 7F00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC28 FFFF

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC2A FF00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC40 0000

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC42 8F00

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC38 0000

D133AFA0 0200

8107EC3A 1000

D033AFA0 0002

810F0890 3E95

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC40 008F

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC38 0010

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC20 7F60

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC22 3C00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC24 7F60

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC26 3C00

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC28 FEC1

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC2A 7900

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC2C FEC1

D133AFA0 0100

8107EC2E 7900

D033AFA0 0001

810F0890 3E55

Link Like Mario v2.4 Pt. 2

8008CA0F 0008

8008CA17 0000

80093B67 0008

80093B6F 0000

80095BD7 0008

80095BDF 0000

8008BDFF 0008

8008BE07 0000

80093467 0008

8009346F 0000

80095897 0008

8009589F 0000

8008B8CF 0020

8008B8D7 0018

8009326F 0020

80093277 0018

800956EF 0020

800956F7 0018

8107EC50 290D

8107EC52 0700

8107EC54 290D

8107EC56 0700

8107EC58 620C

8107EC5A 0E00

8107EC5C 620C

8107EC5E 0E00

8107EC98 5555

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C 5555

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 8888

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 8888

8107ECA6 0000

8008EFBA 0000

80095512 0000

80096AEA 0000

812535BE 3F20


Luigi like Mario with triple jump 

This code makes Mario have a green shirt and taller, and he will run slanted backward, and when you triple jump you will jump like in the beta.


8134125C 8017

8134125E 58C0

81341284 8013

81341286 6620

8134141E D0BC

8034124B 0021

8133B424 5959

81161D04 1111

81161D06 1111

811623C4 1111

811623C6 1111

812FC70E 2EC0

8107EC80 7F60

8107EC82 3C00

8107EC84 7F60

8107EC86 3C00

8107EC88 7F60

8107EC8A 3C00

8107EC8C 7F60

8107EC8E 3C00

8107EC98 3903

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C 3903

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 3903

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 3903

8107ECA6 0000

8107EC68 390E

8107EC6A 0700

8107EC6C 390E

8107EC6E 0700

8107EC70 390E

8107EC72 0700

8107EC74 390E

8107EC76 0700

8107EC50 7F7F

8107EC52 7F00

8107EC54 7F7F

8107EC56 7F00

8107EC58 7F7F

8107EC5A 7F00

8107EC5C 7F7F

8107EC5E 7F00

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 7F00

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 7F00

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 7F00

8107EC2C 0000

8107EC2E 7F00

8107EC38 0040

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 0040

8107EC3E 0000

8107EC40 0040

8107EC42 0000

8107EC44 0040

8107EC46 0000

812535C2 3FC0

812535BE 3F40

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 4C55

8133D3E2 4947

8133D3E4 4920

8133D3E6 554E

8133D3E8 4C4F

8133D3EA 434B

8133D3EC 4544

8131CC02 3F00

8126B828 8FAD

8126B832 1080

8126B836 08A4

8033B3BC 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17C 0300

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17E 0880

812FE0A6 0020


Starman Version 4

This is a new starman code that combines various other codes.  It combines YE's Starman code, Starman v2, and Yoshi's have the same music all the time code. So now, you get the flying cap music all the time, mario flashes, your invincible and enemies die when they touch you, and every jump you make makes a short sparkly triple jump like how it would be after talking to yoshi.


810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

802524CA 0001

802524CF 0082

80252F12 0001

80252F17 0082

8025303E 0001

80253043 0082

8025305A 0001

8025305F 0082

8025323A 0001

8025323F 0082

802643D2 0001

802643D7 0082

8026094A 0001

8026094F 0082

80262EFE 0001

80262F03 0082

80263082 0001

80263087 0082

802677A6 0001

802677AB 0082

80268086 0001

8026809B 0082

802682A2 0001

802682A7 0082

802682F2 0001

80268307 0082

8032DCEC 0001

8032DCEF 0082

8126B828 2400

8133D3E0 3C04

8133D3E2 8008

8133D3E4 9485

8133D3E6 EC20

8133D3E8 24A5

8133D3EA 00C0

8133D3EC A485

8133D3EE EC20

8133D3F0 A485

8133D3F2 EC24

8133D3F4 A485

8133D3F6 EC28

8133D3F8 A485

8133D3FA EC2C

8133D3FC A485

8133D3FE EC38

8133D400 A485

8133D402 EC3C

8133D404 A485

8133D406 EC40

8133D408 A485

8133D40A EC44

8133D40C A485

8133D40E EC50

8133D410 A485

8133D412 EC54

8133D414 A485

8133D416 EC58

8133D418 A485

8133D41A EC5C

8133D41C A485

8133D41E EC68

8133D420 A485

8133D422 EC6C

8133D424 A485

8133D426 EC70

8133D428 A485

8133D42A EC74

8133D42C 03E0

8133D42E 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D3E0

8124F374 2400

810EE070 802B

810EE072 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

81380360 240C

81380362 000E

See Peach outside the castle and choose her animations (JS)

Turn this code on before the file select screen and then, after picking a save file you will see Peach where you start outside the castle instead of the signpost. You can then press the D-pad and the L button to change Peach's animations. You can press any of the buttons again to replay the animation even halfway through the same animation. Please note that depending on the type of animation, the next one(s) will also be played in sequence. Also, at the start Peach will begin with a default animation where she walks away (but changing her animation will bring her back). And, you can still read the 'signpost' I should mention.

My thanks go to YouTube user Marksmithwas12 who tested a beta version of this code.


8130FCCC 8019

8130FCCE 3A90

8030FE37 00FF

8130FE8C 800E

8130FE8E 16EC

D0309260 0008

80309579 000B

D0309260 0008

8130FCF8 0000

D0309260 0004

80309579 000A

D0309260 0004

8130FCF8 0000

D0309260 0001

80309579 0008

D0309260 0001

8130FCF8 0000

D0309260 0002

80309579 0000

D0309260 0002

8130FCF8 0000

D0309261 0020

80309579 0006

D0309261 0020

8130FCF8 0000


8134209C 8019

8134209E 4690

80342207 00FF

8134225C 800E

8134225E C02C

D033AFA0 0008

8033B2B9 000B

D033AFA0 0008

813420C8 0000

D033AFA0 0004

8033B2B9 000A

D033AFA0 0004

813420C8 0000

D033AFA0 0001

8033B2B9 0008

D033AFA0 0001

813420C8 0000

D033AFA0 0002

8033B2B9 0000

D033AFA0 0002

813420C8 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8033B2B9 0006

D033AFA1 0020

813420C8 0000

Extreme Mode (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. This code combines the codes Mario Moves Mix-up and Ultra Hard Mode as well as the Killer 1-up mushrooms code. As to make getting the underwater stars possible, this code stops Mario losing health while underwater.


8130453A 2FF4

8130455A 2F74

8130465E 3024

8130463A 2F94

8124DBDE 0000

8124DBE2 0180

8124D17C 0000

8124D17E 0000

8124D1C4 0000

8124D1C6 0000

812C4938 A040

812C493A 00AE

8024D19F 0000


81336C62 FF8C

81336C82 FEEC

81336D86 FFC8

81336D62 FF14

8125501A 0000

8125502A 0180

81254180 0000

81254182 0000

812541D8 0000

812541DA 0000

812F3CA0 A1C0

812F3CA2 00AE

802541AB 0000


Mario is 5 balls with flashing trousers and has no head


80090610 00B8

80090700 00B8

800907F0 00B8

800908E0 00B8

800909D0 00B8

80090AC0 00B8

80090BB0 00B8

80090CA0 00B8

80090610 00B8

80090700 00B8

800907F0 00B8

800908E0 00B8

800909D0 00B8

80090AC0 00B8

80090BB0 00B8

80090CA0 00B8

8008C520 00B8

8008D088 00B8

8008B8D8 00B8

8008BE08 00B8

8008CA18 00B8

8008D3F0 00B8

8008DBE8 00B8

8008E118 00B8

8008D8D0 00B8

80093278 00B8

8133D3E0 3C04

8133D3E2 8008

8133D3E4 9485

8133D3E6 EC20

8133D3E8 24A5

8133D3EA 00F0

8133D3EC A485

8133D3EE EC20

8133D3F0 A485

8133D3F2 EC24

8133D3F4 A485

8133D3F6 EC28

8133D3F8 A485

8133D3FA EC2C

8133D3FC 03E0

8133D3FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D3E0

Texture mod (improved)


8133B424 ????

replace with any number 0000-9999

Mario's hands and feet are not connected to his body


8008C520 00A8

8008D088 00A8

8008B8D8 00A8

8008BE08 00A8

8008CA18 00A8

8008D3F0 00A8

8008DBE8 00A8

8008E118 00A8

8008D8D0 00A8

80093278 00A8

80093470 00A8

80093B70 00A8

80094790 00A8

80094CF8 00A8

8008D540 00A8

8008DE00 00A8

800939F0 00A8

80094110 00A8

80093578 00A8

80093C78 00D8

8008BF20 00A8

8008CB30 00A8

800942F0 00A8

80094A38 00A8

80094930 00A8

80094470 00A8

8008EB50 00A8

8008EF80 00A8

8008EBB0 00A8

80095290 00A8

800954D8 00A8

800952E0 00A8

Ultra Hard Mode (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The game will start with Mario having just one segment of health and no extra lives so it will be game over if he loses all his health. Also, water no longer restores health along with coins and the spinning heart not giving back any health!


8124DBDE 0000

8124DBE2 0180

8124D17C 0000

8124D17E 0000

8124D1C4 0000

8124D1C6 0000


8125501A 0000

8125502A 0180

81254180 0000

81254182 0000

812541D8 0000

812541DA 0000

Notes for the various code lines:

(1) Starting number of lives (16-bit).

(2) Starting health amount (16-bit).

(3) and (4) Stops water restoring health.

(5) and (6) Coins and spinning heart don't restore health.


Yahoo moonjump


D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17C 0300

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17E 0888

The Ghost of Bowser (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. In the Bowser fight levels, Bowser will start off and stay transparent, except in the second Bowser fight level after the first time Bowser teleports he will only be transparent when teleporting again. The end value (80) is how transparent Bowser is; use lower values for more transparent and higher values (up to FF) for less transparent.

Note: in the NTSC version Bowser may flicker due to the differences in programming.


802956F7 0080


802B78AB 0080

D-pad to display message (JS)

Using any of the D-pad directions you can display one of the messages that you normally come across in the game. Use D-pad up for the Koopa shell introduction, D-pad down for the hallway message, D-pad left for castle introduction and D-pad right for the key doesn't fit message.

Note that while the message is displayed you can still move Mario but jumping, etc, will move onto the next part of the message if there is more to be displayed. Going to another level is another way to stop displaying the message.

The end value on each even code line (0010, 0013, 0021 and 0017) is which message to display for each D-pad direction; 0000 is the first message, 0001 is the second message, and so on.

Please go to SM64 Exposed Messages for a list of the values to use.


D0309260 0008

812FD644 0010

D0309260 0004

812FD644 0013

D0309260 0002

812FD644 0021

D0309260 0001

812FD644 0017


D033AFA0 0008

81331484 0010

D033AFA0 0004

81331484 0013

D033AFA0 0002

81331484 0021

D033AFA0 0001

81331484 0017


Ultimate Mario

This code gives you the SSBB Mario color code, L to restore Health, C-Up/C-Down to freeze/unfreeze time, and Always have Triple Jump. Also, D-Pad caps: Up is Wing, Down is Metal, Left is Vanish, and Right is Normal


8107EC40 6C00

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 6C00

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 4000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 4000

8107EC50 5C5C

8107EC52 5C00

8107EC58 5C5C

8107EC5A 5C00

8107ECA0 1C00

8107ECA2 0000

8107EC98 1C00

8107EC9A 0000

D033AFA1 0020

8033B223 0020

D033AFA2 0008

8033B177 0019

D033AFA2 0004

8033B177 0015

D033AFA2 0002

8033B177 0012

D033AFA2 0001

8033B177 0010

8129D84E FFFF

D033AFA1 0008

8033D483 0040

D033AFA1 0004

8033D483 0000

8126B828 2400


Play As Beta Mario


8126B828 8FAD

8126B832 1080

8126B836 08A4

8033B3BC 0000

Press L to be Luigi:

D133AFA0 0020

8033B3BC 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

D133AFA0 0020

812535C2 3F8C

812535BE 3F7F

D133AFA0 0020

8131CC02 3F56

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC40 0056

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC38 0043

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC20 1100

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC22 6600

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC28 2200

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC2A 5700

D133AFA0 0020

80338380 004C

D133AFA0 0020

81265366 4012

D133AFA0 0020

81265380 4604

D133AFA0 0020

812653A8 2000

Moonjump with Double Jump pose

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1BC 4220

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17C 0300

D033B1BD 0020

8133B17E 0881

Mario Has digestive Problems, but it's worth money!

800ED643 0074

810ED646 09A4


Lakitus brother, Slakitu comes for a visit

Lakitu moves slowly. Use with freeze camera code for cool angles. Turn on before title screen.


812893FE 3D00

8128941A 3B00

D033AFA1 0001

8033B205 0001

D033AFA1 0002

8033B205 0044

Red masked chomp chain


81161D04 5959

81161D06 9900

811623C4 5959

811623C6 9900

Freaky Chomp Chain

Textures keep changing.


81161D04 1111

81161D06 1111

811623C4 1111

811623C6 1111


Sonic like Mario


Turn on before tittle screen for more than the color code. Has the Spawn Mario code, Mute Mario's voice (D-pad up spawns a Mario which makes the Real Mario faster, and D-pad down to remove all clones which reverts Mario's speed back to normal), Mute Music, and Mario's Face and Clothing (expect gloves) are blue. The first part of this is the color code. The second part is the No Music Part. The Third part is the Mute Mario's Voice in any level. The Fourth part is the Spawn Mario part.

Heres the code now:

810742E0 0000

810742E2 7F00

810742E4 0000

810742E6 7F00

810742E8 0000

810742EA 7F00

810742EC 0000

810742EE 7F00

810742F8 0000

810742FA 7F00

810742FC 0000

810742FE 7F00

81074300 0000

81074302 7F00

81074304 0000

81074306 7F00

81074328 0000

8107432A 7F00

8107432C 0000

8107432E 7F00

81074330 0000

81074332 7F00

81074334 0000

81074336 7F00

81074340 0000

81074342 7F00

81074344 0000

81074346 7F00

81074348 0000

8107434A 7F00

8107434C 0000

8107434E 7F00

81074358 0000

8107435A 7F00

8107435C 0000

8107435E 7F00

81074360 0000

81074362 7F00

81074364 0000

81074366 7F00

81376110 240A

81376112 0000

803004E2 0000

D0309260 0008

80309510 0001

D0309260 0004

80309510 0002


Replace one of the Platforms in Bob-omb Battlefield star 1 with a Chuk-ya that has the platform's Behavior.


8135023C 8018

8135023E DB54

81350264 8016

81350266 F0DC


3d objects are invisible (1.0)


8029CB73 0011

Freaks castle


8133B424 5959

King Bob-omb appears instead of Chain-chomp (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Go to Bob-omb battlefield and select any star. When you go to where Chain-chomp normally is you should find King Bob-omb.


812FE592 01F4

812FE594 0056

812CF54A 01F4


81331FE2 01F4

81331FE4 0056

8130115A 01F4


Press L to play as Luigi

Press and Hold L on Sm64 screen to the menu screen.


D133AFA0 0020

8033B3BC 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

D133AFA0 0020

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

D133AFA0 0020

812535C2 3F8C

812535BE 3F7F

D133AFA0 0020

8131CC02 3F56

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC40 0056

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC42 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC38 0043

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC3A 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC20 1100

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC22 6600

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC28 2200

D133AFA0 0020

8107EC2A 5700

D133AFA0 0020

80338380 004C

D133AFA0 0020

81265366 4012

D133AFA0 0020

81265380 4604

D133AFA0 0020

812653A8 2000


Ultra Mario


810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 E100

8107EC2A 0000

8009B5E8 00B8

8009B608 00B8

D133AFA0 0008

8033B177 0011

D033AFA0 0001

8033BI77 0019

D033AFA0 0004

8033B177 0015

D033AFA0 0002

8033B177 0013

8033B2ID 0064

Mario holds his cap


8033B177 0020

Mario's spare cap


8033B177 0030

Press L to go past the trapdoors inside the castle (JS)

When you are inside the castle, go into the area with the trapdoors that would drop Mario to the first Bowser level, but walk up to just before the trapdoors (if you go to either side of the walls you can look around with C-up to see where the trapdoors are). Then press the shoulder L button and Mario will be placed past the trapdoors where the Bowser/Peach painting is. Note that the painting is just for show and doesn't lead you any where. You can get back where you came from just by walking back although you might want to long jump over the trapdoors.


D0309261 0020

8130946C C5D6

D0309261 0020

81309474 C5AF


D033AFA1 0020

8133B1AC C5D6

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1B4 C5AF


Freeze Mario Code

Press the GS button to freeze Mario and to unfreeze him just start walking.


8833B189 0004 


My World

Includes the codes Stop time for everyone except Mario and walk on lava, quick sand, etc.


8133B424 2685

8133B424 9476

8133B424 9385

8133B424 8785

8133B424 8485

8133B424 9781

8129D84E FFFF

D033AFA0 0008

8033D483 0040

D033AFA0 0004

8033D483 0000

8107EC20 FF80

8107EC22 8000

8107EC24 FF80

8107EC26 8000

8107EC38 00FF

8107EC3A 4000

8107EC3C 00FF

8107EC3E 4000

8107EC50 FF80

8107EC52 FF00

8107EC54 FF80

8107EC56 FF00

8107EC68 FF00

8107EC6A FF00

8107EC6C FF00

8107EC6E FF00

8107EC80 0040

8107EC82 0000

8107EC84 0040

8107EC86 0000

8107EC98 0000

8107EC9A FF00

8107EC9C 0000

8107EC9E FF00

8107EC40 FF00

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 FF00

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC20 5000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 FF00

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC38 5050

8107EC42 FF00

8107EC3A 5000

80207723 0001

8020770B 00C7

50001101 0000

8020770C 00FF

8020770A 007E

50000F01 0000

80207725 0064

8133B424 1010

8129D84E FFFF

D033AFA0 0008

8033D483 0040

D033AFA0 0004

8033D483 0000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

81250900 1000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

8033B21D 0008

8033B21D 0064

8126B1D4 2400

8126B214 2400


Improved walk underwater code. 

This one allows you to go inside the castle sewers and still be able to walk underwater!


81253B50 0000

81253B52 0000

8124FDC4 2400



100 Lives (Rc)

8033B21D 0065

God Mario (Rc)

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712

8034EB9B 0040

8034EDFB 0040

8034F05B 0040

810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC38 FFFF


8107EC42 FFFF

8107EC70 FFFF

8107EC72 FFFF

8107EC68 FFFF


8107EC20 FFFF

8107EC22 FFFF

8107EC28 FFFF


8107EC50 FFFF

8107EC52 FFFF

8107EC58 FFFF


8033B177 0001

8124F374 2400

8133B21E 08FF

8133B21E 08FF

8033B21D 0065

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

81250900 1000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

81253BF0 2400

81264BBC 1000

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712

Lazy Mario (Rc)

8033B189 0003

Play as Luigi (Rc)

812535C2 3FC0

812535BE 3F40

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 7F00

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 7F00

8107EC38 00FF

8107EC3A 4000

8107EC3C 00FF

8107EC3E 4000


 All NTSC.


Enemies and such simply go through Mario.

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

Press L button to ride invisible Koopa shell

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 2081

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 0446

Easter colours Mario

2 pts. of on real N64 if using emulator you only need 4 lines of each part (note the changing end values on first part 8107EC[**]).

8107EC20 00DD

8107EC22 C600

8107EC24 00DD

8107EC26 C600

8107EC28 00DD

8107EC2A C600

8107EC2C 00DD

8107EC2E C600

8107EC30 FF8C

8107EC32 8500

8107EC34 FF8C

8107EC36 8500

8107EC38 FF8C

8107EC3A 8500

8107EC3C FF8C

8107EC3E 8500

8107EC40 FF8C

8107EC42 8500

8107EC44 FF8C

8107EC46 8500

8107EC48 FF8C

8107EC4A 8500

8107EC4C FF8C

8107EC4E 8500

8107EC50 F2EE

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 F2EE

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 F2EE

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C F2EE

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC60 F2EE

8107EC62 0000

8107EC64 F2EE

8107EC66 0000

8107EC68 F2EE

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C F2EE

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 F2EE

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 F2EE

8107EC76 0000

8107EC78 F2EE

8107EC7A 0000

8107EC7C F2EE

8107EC7E 0000

8107EC90 F2EE

8107EC92 0000

8107EC94 F2EE

8107EC96 0000

8107EC98 F2EE

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C F2EE

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 F2EE

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 F2EE

8107ECA6 0000

8107ECA8 F2EE

8107ECAA 0000


8107ECAE 0000

Pt.2 (unless on emulator then add to the 4 lines of each code part,

This is for Mario's skin, otherwise his face appears too dark.

8107EC80 FFD2

8107EC82 8200

8107EC84 FFD2

8107EC86 8200

8107EC88 FFD2

8107EC8A 8200

8107EC8C FFD2

8107EC8E 8200

Swimming Mario


8033B221 0000

8033B3BC 00C0

8033B3BE 0080

See the invisible objects (JS)

Turn this code on after the file select screen to see the invisible objects (as signposts) that work behind the scenes such as the activators that spawn a 1-up mushroom, etc.


81309790 800E

81309792 E30C


8133B4D0 800F

8133B4D2 8C4C


Starman Mario Version 3


8107EC40 0300

8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 FFFF

8107EC3A FF00

8107EC20 007F

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC40 0000

8107EC40 EFDD

8107EC42 8800

8107EC38 EFDD

8107EC3A 8800

8107EC20 EFDD

8107EC22 8800

8107EC28 EFDD

8107EC2A 8800

810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

8033B21D 0008

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

802524CA 0001

802524CF 0082

80252F12 0001

80252F17 0082

8025303E 0001

80253043 0082

8025305A 0001

8025305F 0082

8025323A 0001

8025323F 0082

802643D2 0001

802643D7 0082

8026094A 0001

8026094F 0082

80262EFE 0001

80262F03 0082

80263082 0001

80263087 0082

802677A6 0001

802677AB 0082

80268086 0001

8026809B 0082

802682A2 0001

802682A7 0082

802682F2 0001

80268307 0082

8032DCEC 0001

8032DCEF 0082

Stop time for everyone except Mario (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. Press D-pad up to freeze everyone except for Mario, although you will still be able to read signs and climb trees. Press D-pad down to unfreeze and anything you did while the objects were frozen (such as stomping a Goomba) will respond. Note that while in the frozen state some strange things will happen such as when you pick up a Bob-omb, also some objects may not appear.



D0309260 0008

8030B0B3 0040

D0309260 0004

8030B0B3 0000


8129D84E FFFF

D033AFA0 0008

8033D483 0040

D033AFA0 0004

8033D483 0000


Walk on water, lava, sand, and hills


81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

81250900 1000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

81253BF0 2400

81264BBC 1000

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712


Ghost Mario


8033B177 0012

8133B220 02BD

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC38 FFFF


8107EC42 FFFF

8107EC70 FFFF

8107EC72 FFFF

8107EC68 FFFF


8107EC20 FFFF

8107EC22 FFFF

8107EC28 FFFF




8107EC98 FFFF


8107EC80 FFFF

8107EC82 FFFF

8107EC88 FFFF


8107EC50 FFFF

8107EC52 FFFF

8107EC58 FFFF


Final Bowser Control (JS)

Using the D-pad you can make Bowser in the final fight (Bowser in the Sky. Also works in Bowser in the Fire Sea) do different things. Press D-pad up to throw Bowser backward, D-pad right make to Bowser fall down and get up, D-pad down to make Bowser stand on his toes as if stopping himself from falling off, and D-pad left to defeat Bowser allowing you to get the power star.


D0309260 0008

8030B207 000C

D0309260 0001

8030B207 0001

D0309260 0004

8030B207 000A

D0309260 0002

8030B207 0004


D033AFA0 0008

8033D5D7 000C

D033AFA0 0001

8033D5D7 0001

D033AFA0 0004

8033D5D7 000A

D033AFA0 0002

8033D5D7 0004


Flying Mario

Makes Mario's shirt and hat black, gives him red overalls and makes him always have the Wing Cap with invisible Wings. He can also Moon Jump.


8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 E100

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 E100

8107EC2A 0000

8009B5E8 00B8

8009B608 00B8

8033B177 0019

D133AFA0 8000

8133B1BC 4220

Certain objects don't appear (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears and then some objects such as signposts, baddies and coins will not be in various levels. If you go to Bob-omb Battlefield when using this code the game will crash. Also, some stars will appear without you having to get them.


813786AC 0000

813786AE 0000


81383564 0000

81383566 0000

Yoshi kills Mario after talking to him (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. If you have the cannon unlocked use it to get to the top of the castle and talk to Yoshi who will kill Mario after jumping off the roof.


812C9204 81CE

812C9206 94DE

812C9218 15C0

812C927A 00AE

812C927E FFFF

812C9282 00AE


812F95C4 81EF

812F95C6 B21E

812F95CC 15E0

812F963A 00AE

812F963E FFFF

812F9642 00AE

Very tall tree outside the castle (JS)

Now you can climb a tree that reaches for the sky and will allow you to get to the top of the castle without the use of the cannon. Please view the video on YouTube (search for yoshielectron) to see which tree is affected.


8130B514 462A


8133D8E4 462A

HUD Camera and Lakitu icons only appear if L button is pressed (JS)

Turn the code on before the title screen appears

Note: if the camera buttons are pressed while the L button is pressed the Camera and Lakitu icons will not show.


8133D3E0 27BD

8133D3E2 FFE8

8133D3E4 AFBF

8133D3E6 0014

8133D3E8 3C04

8133D3EA 8034

8133D3EC 948A

8133D3EE AFA0

8133D3F0 2408

8133D3F2 0020

8133D3F4 150A

8133D3F6 0003

8133D3F8 0000

8133D3FA 0000

8133D3FC 0C0B

8133D3FE 8ECF

8133D400 0000

8133D402 0000

8133D404 8FBF

8133D406 0014

8133D408 27BD

8133D40A 0018

8133D40C 03E0

8133D40E 0008

812E3E18 0C0C

812E3E1A F4F8


Hold L To Show HUD


80338380 0000

80338384 0000

81338388 0000

8033838C 0000

80338390 0000

81338394 0000

80338398 0000

8033839C 0000

813383A0 0000

D133AFA0 0020

80338380 002C

D133AFA0 0020

80338384 002A

D133AFA0 0020

81338388 2564

D133AFA0 0020

8033838C 002B

D133AFA0 0020

80338390 002A

D133AFA0 0020

81338394 2564

D133AFA0 0020

80338398 002D

D133AFA0 0020

8033839C 002A

D133AFA0 0020

813383A0 2564

8133D3E0 27BD

8133D3E2 FFE8

8133D3E4 AFBF

8133D3E6 0014

8133D3E8 3C04

8133D3EA 8034

8133D3EC 948A

8133D3EE AFA0

8133D3F0 2408

8133D3F2 0020

8133D3F4 150A

8133D3F6 0003

8133D3F8 0000

8133D3FA 0000

8133D3FC 0C0B

8133D3FE 8ECF

8133D400 0000

8133D402 0000

8133D404 8FBF

8133D406 0014

8133D408 27BD

8133D40A 0018

8133D40C 03E0

8133D40E 0008

812E3E18 0C0C

812E3E1A F4F8

Put on before title screen. This hides the Lives, Coins, Stars and Camera HUDs. To show them, Hold the L button.

Hold L To Show Power Meter HUD


D133AFA0 0020

803325F4 0000

D133AFA0 0000

803325F4 0001

Hold L to show the Power meter, let go of L to hide the Power meter.

Remove the HUD v1.0 (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears to remove the lives, stars, camera and coins display (but the power meter will still show).


812B7DE0 0000

812B7DE2 0000

812B7E08 0000

812B7E0A 0000

812B7E38 0000

812B7E3A 0000

812B7DF4 0000

812B7DF6 0000


812E3DB0 0000

812E3DB2 0000

812E3DE0 0000

812E3DE2 0000

812E3E18 0000

812E3E1A 0000

812E3DC8 0000

812E3DCA 0000

Remove the HUD v1.1 (JS)

Turn this code on before the title screen appears to remove the HUD including the timer and power meter (even if in water)


8127B484 0000

8127B486 0000

Screen shakes when Mario ground pounds (JS)

Make Mario ground pound and the screen will rumble as if a Thwomp had hit the ground.


8130AF00 27BD

8130AF02 FFE8

8130AF04 AFBF

8130AF06 0014

8130AF08 3C04

8130AF0A 8031

8130AF0C 9084

8130AF0E 9439

8130AF10 0C0E

8130AF12 0221

8130AF14 0004

8130AF16 2040

8130AF18 8FBF

8130AF1A 0014

8130AF1C 27BD

8130AF1E 0018

8130AF20 03E0

8130AF22 0008

810E3720 8030

810E3722 AF00


8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C04

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 9084

8133D2DE B179

8133D2E0 0C0A

8133D2E2 943F

8133D2E4 0004

8133D2E6 2040

8133D2E8 8FBF

8133D2EA 0014

8133D2EC 27BD

8133D2EE 0018

8133D2F0 03E0

8133D2F2 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

Change signpost to left of castle to look like Yoshi (JS)

Start a file, turn this code on and go to the signpost to the left of the castle on the way to the waterfall to find Yoshi who you can talk to.


8130FF2C 8019

8130FF2E 4228

8130FF54 8014

8130FF56 F4CC


813422FC 8019

813422FE 4E28

81342324 8015

81342326 00CC

Bob-omb Buddy becomes patrolling Bob-omb BADDY in Bob-omb Battlefield Star 3 (JS)

Go to Star 3 of the Bob-omb Battlefield level and turn on the code for your version of the game; the pink Bob-omb will become an enemy! This is a good example of keeping an object's graphics the same but by changing its behaviour pointers so it will act differently.


8131C3A6 39E0

8131C3AE 39E0

8031C31F 0000


8134E776 E320

8134E77E E320

8034E6EF 0000

Go beyond the Mirror In the Castle (JS)

In the video I uploaded to YouTube I had moved a door so that it was between the mirror, alowing Mario to just walk through it. However, the doors move about in memory, making it hard to create a code.

But there is a much easier way to go past the mirror by modifying Mario's coordinates which is exactly what this code does. To get it working, go up the stairs in the castle, into the mirror room and place Mario against the mirror-press L and he will go past the mirror.

You can have this code on even before starting the game.


D0309261 0020

8130946C 45A4

D0309261 0020

81309474 44BC


D033AFA1 0020

8133B1AC 45A4

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1B4 44BC

There is more about this code on The Secrets of Famous Video Games page (to be added).

Replace signpost with Blarrg in Lethal Lava Land Star 1 (JS)

Go to Lethal Lava Land and choose star 1 and after turning on the code you will find a Blarrg baddy behind where you star where there is a warp; get too close to the Blarrg and you will be harmed! Please note that although the Blarrg's graphics and animation are real I created its behaviour.


8130C62C 8018

8130C62E 955C

8130C654 8014

8130C656 8E10

8130C644 4000

8130C648 4000

8130C64C 4000

8130C6B8 C5A8

8130C6BC 421A

8130C6C0 45B0

8030C749 0020

8130C810 4406

8030C79B 0002


8133E9FC 8018

8133E9FE A15C

8133EA24 8014

8133EA26 9A10

8133EA14 4000

8133EA18 4000

8133EA1C 4000

8133EA88 C5A8

8133EA8C 421A

8133EA90 45B0

8033EB19 0020

8133EBE0 4406

8033EB6B 0002

Mario is constantly sparkling and baddies can't harm him (JS)

Turn on this code before the title screen and then when you are in any level Mario will have stars coming out of him like with Koopa shells (because now he is sort of) and Goombas and other enemies will not be able to hurt him.

I've noticed with this code if you go into water when you come out the sparkles don't return until you jump. If you just want Mario to sparkle but not be invincible then simple remove the last two lines of the code for your version of the game.


810E3720 8029

810E3722 A1C4

8124A318 2818

8124A31A 0001


810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001


Freak chain chomp


80161D06 0860

80161D06 8019

80161D06 0860

80161D06 36AC

80161D06 8019

80161D06 56A4

80161D06 8015

80161D06 B690

80161D06 00FF

Bomboms blow up fast

You can't walk on their shadows.


812E7562 0055

812E7556 4538

Get a lot of coins from Goombas


812E5CAA 00C0

812E5CAE 472C

803328C7 0020

Giant eye comes out of metal box


80330BAB 00BC

81330BAE 0058

Kill a Goomba and pause game


802A1BA7 0860

812A1BAE 8019

803328C7 0860

80161D06 36AC

Attack of the King Bob-omb star


812F2AC6 01F4

8133D3D0 27BD

8133D3D2 FFE8

8133D3D4 AFBF

8133D3D6 0014

8133D3D8 3C04

8133D3DA 8034

8133D3DC 948A

8133D3DE AFA0


The Ultimate Gravity Control

The gravity control is controlled with the D-pad; jump and then press a D-pad direction.


D0309260 0004

8130947C FFFF

D0309260 0002

8130947C C000

D0309260 0001

8130947C 9880

D0309260 0008

8130947C 4000


D033AFA0 0004


D033AFA0 0002

8133B1BC C000

D033AFA0 0001

8133B1BC 9880

D033AFA0 0008

8133B1BC 4000

Moon jump

Keep pressing A to jump high.


D1309260 8000

8130947C 4220


D133AFA0 8000

8133B1BC 4220


Walk on lava, sand and water


81250900 1000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

Eduardo Salas

Hover Mario


8033B220 0001

Mario Not detected by Water 

Only outside castle and Jolly Roger bay.


A1253DAC 0000

Really Super Mario


81271B9A 3F85

81270D28 1000

81265366 4040

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4230

812653EE 4230

81252662 429A

812527B6 429A

812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

812689C0 2400

81270D28 1000

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

8107EC88 8790

812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

8107EC40 A000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 A000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC82 5000

8107EC88 8790

8107EC8A 5000

8126B828 2400

8125267A 42A0

81265366 409A

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4214

812653EE 4214

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

81252924 2400

8125292E 4290

81252924 2400

8125292E 4290

812535C2 3FA0

812535BE 3F20

810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

812AC68E 09A4

812AC69A 0074

812AC88E 09A4

812AC89A 0074

812AC68E 09A4

812AC69A 0074

812AC88E 09A4

812AC89A 0074

D033AFA0 0008

8033B177 0011

D033AFA0 0001

8033B177 0019

D033AFA0 0004

8033B177 0015

D033AFA0 0002

8033B177 0013

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 434F

8133D3E2 4445

8133D3E4 5320

8133D3E6 4259

8133D3E8 2045

8133D3EA 4455

8133D3EC 4152

8133D3EE 444F

8133D3F0 2053

8133D3F2 414C

8133D3F4 4153

8107EC40 FF00

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 FFFF

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 00FF

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 FFFF

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC70 00FF

8107EC72 FF00

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A FF00


Wario: Version 1.9

Wario is slightly slower than other characters, and his jumping isn't that good, but he is a powerhouse. He doesn't kick, he just punches, and punches, and punches again. He has a flying front kick, a super punch, and a super flying bounce attack. Controls:

Super Kick: A, then B

Super Punch: B + Forward

Bounce Kick: Z + B-Hold B

812535C2 3F9A

812535BE 3FFA

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC38 5050

8107EC20 AA05

8107EC20 9900

8107EC28 3000

8107EC2A 9930

81336EE8 8027

81336EEA 4F90

A11EE0B0 000F

81265366 4000

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 420D

812653EE 420D

8125273E 2FA0

8125261A 2FAF

8125267A 426B

81252662 425D

812527B6 426A

8125ED1E 3F9D

8125ED0A 40A0

812528AE 41E0

812689BE 0023

8107EC70 009A

8107EC72 0000

8107EC68 00BC

8107EC6A 0000

D133AFA0 4000

8133B1C4 4270

812E3DB0 0000

812E3DB2 0000

812E3DE0 0000

812E3DE2 0000

812E3E18 0000

812E3E1A 0000

812E3DC8 0000

812E3DCA 0000

Sonic v1.6


81265366 41AF

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 44FF

812653EE 44FF

8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 FFAA

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8133B176 0001

8107ECA0 0000

8107ECA2 5000

8107EC98 0000

8107EC9A 8700

8107EC70 5900

8107EC72 0000

8107EC68 9A00

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 6000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A AD00

81253B50 0000

81253B52 0000

8124FDC4 2400

802524CA 0001

802524CF 0082

80252F12 0001

80252F17 0082

8025303E 0001

80253043 0082

8025305A 0001

8025305F 0082

8025323A 0001

8025323F 0082

802643D2 0001

802643D7 0082

8026094A 0001

8026094F 0082

80262EFE 0001

80262F03 0082

80263082 0001

80263087 0082

802677A6 0001

802677AB 0082

80268086 0001

8026809B 0082

802682A2 0001

802682A7 0082

802682F2 0001

80268307 0082

8032DCEC 0001

8032DCEF 0082

8126B828 2400

A11EE0B0 000F

D133AFA0 4000

8133B1C4 426C

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

8125267A 429C

8133B724 0000

8133B726 0000

81336ED0 8027

81336ED2 51EC

810EF71C 3200

810EF71E 0096

810EF720 0C00

810EF722 0000

810EF724 802F

810EF726 BC4C

810EF728 0800

810EF72A 0000

810EF72C 0C00

810EF72E 0000

810EF730 802F

810EF732 D7F8

810EF734 0C00

810EF736 0000

810EF738 802F

810EF73A D7F8

810EF73C 0900

810EF73E 0000

YouTube user spitvdog9

Play as 'Shadow the hedgehog' Mario

Works in any level and changes Mario to his 'shadow' form and also allows him to move very fast.


8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC50 0000

8107EC52 0000

8107EC58 0000

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC70 0000

8107EC72 0000

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC80 0000

8107EC82 0000

8107EC88 0000

8107EC8A 0000

8107ECA0 0000

8107ECA2 0000

8107EC98 0000

8107EC9A 0000

8133B1C4 4480

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

81253BF0 2400

81264BBC 1000

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712


Play as Sonic-like Mario


8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 4400

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A CC00

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 2200

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A AA00

8107ECA0 0000

8107ECA2 3300

8833B248 0001

8133B1C4 4277

8107EC40 0000

8107EC42 FFAA

8107EC38 0000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC80 0001

8107EC82 4277

8107EC88 0000


8107EC98 0000

8107EC9A BB00

8107EC50 0000

8107EC52 3300

8107EC58 0000

8107EC5A BB00

8107EC70 1100

8107EC72 0000

8107EC68 DD00

8107EC6A 0000

802524CA 0001

802524CF 0082

80252F12 0001

80252F17 0082

8025303E 0001

80253043 0082

8025305A 0001

8025305F 0082

8025323A 0001

8025323F 0082

802643D2 0001

802643D7 0082

8026094A 0001

8026094F 0082

80262EFE 0001

80262F03 0082

80263082 0001

80263087 0082

802677A6 0001

802677AB 0082

80268086 0001

8026809B 0082

802682A2 0001

802682A7 0082

802682F2 0001

80268307 0082

8032DCEC 0001

8032DCEF 0082

A1253DAC 0000

8033B177 0001

Super Sudden Death (JS)

Activate this code (by pressing the cheat device's button-so it can't be done using an emuator that doesn't support this type of code) after you have selected your save file and the game has started. Then, after loosing a life you'll continue with just one segment of health.


8924D1DE 0180


'Luigi' Mario

Changes Mario's colours to Luigi's and if you hold L he moves very fast. This cheat can be activated at any time and works for all levels.


A11EE0B0 000F

D033AFA1 0020

A032C55B 00BB

D033AFA1 0020

A032C55B 00BB

D033AFA1 0020

8133B2C0 0001

D033AFA1 0020

A032CCDD 0010

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1C4 FFFF

812535C2 3FA0

812535BE 3F40

8107EC38 007F

8107EC40 00FF


Play as Metal Luigi in any level


8133B176 0015

8107EC40 0064

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 0064

8107EC3A 0000

812535C2 3FC0

812535BE 3F40

Pond skater jackpot in Wet-dry world Star 1 (JS)

In Wet-dry world star 1 turn on this code; it's best to enter the painting as low as possible to make it easier to get to the second pond skater who should be near the blue coin switch. Defeat the baddy and try to collect all 100 coins!

Change the value on the right of the code to alter the number of coins that the pond skater gives out, but too high values will crash the game.


80314333 0064


80346703 0064

Eduardo Salas

Really Super Mario


810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

8107EC40 800F

8107EC38 BB00

8107EC38 800F

8107EC3A BB00

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 0000

812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

8107EC40 A000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 A000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC82 5000

8107EC88 8790

8107EC8A 5000

8126B828 2400

8125267A 42A0

81265366 409A

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4214

812653EE 4214

81271B9A 3F85

81270D28 1000

81265366 4040

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4230

812653EE 4230

81252662 429A

812527B6 429A

812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

812689C0 2400

812535C2 3FA5

812535BE 3F75

81271B9A 3F99

81270D28 1000

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

A11EE0B0 000F

8107EC88 8790

812535C2 3FA0

812535BE 3F20

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

81252924 2400

8125292E 4290

81252924 2400

8125292E 4290

81250900 1000

8107EC20 5000

Better Fire Mario


81250900 1000

8107EC20 5000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 FF00

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC20 5000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC28 FF00

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC38 5050

8107EC42 FF00

8107EC3A 5000


Mario always has a certain number of coins


813094FA xxxx


8133B262 xxxx

Where xxxx=how many coins.

Mario always has a set number of lives


803094DD 00xx


8033B21D 00xx

Where xx=how many lives.

Raise Mario above or below the ground


813094E0 xxxx


8133B220 xxxx

0xBD=default, values less than 0xBD lower Mario while values higher than 0xBD raise Mario above the ground.

Mario has a set number of red coins


8031BBAF 00xx

Where xx=how many red coins.

Toggle sprites visible on/off


80386A23 000x

Where x=0 is not visible, x=1 is visible.


Demented Mario

Works only outside the castle and causes Mario to appear glitched up.


8134B8C6 0B74

Invincible Mario (JS)

Using this code Mario will not loose health including when he is under water. Be sure to have this code on before selecting a save file.


8124D730 0000

8124D732 0000



Mario starts the game with a super-high, super-star, super triple jump! This triple jump will get you far through the game, which is good. But he runs slightly slower.

He also can survive underwater for a longer period of time.


812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

8107EC40 A000

8107EC42 0000

8107EC38 A000

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC82 5000

8107EC88 8790

8107EC8A 5000

8126B828 2400

8125267A 42A0

81265366 409A

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4214

812653EE 4214


Luigi is a lot faster than his brother. This will be good in the Koopa the Quick races. His backflips and side jumps will get greater height than Mario, too.

But he can't stay underwater for long. But, he can also swim faster. Next to all that, he also has a different polygon than Mario, making it nearly perfect!


81271B9A 3F85

81270D28 1000

81265366 4040

81265380 4604

812653A8 1000

812653CE 4230

812653EE 4230

81252662 429A

812527B6 429A

812541A6 0003

812541AA 0003

812689C0 2400

812535C2 3FA5

812535BE 3F75

81271B9A 3F99

81270D28 1000

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

A11EE0B0 000F

8107EC88 8790

Starman Mario V.2


8107EC42 002F

8107EC3A 00EF

8107EC40 007F

8107EC38 00FF

8107EC20 B49C

8107EC22 10A0

8107EC28 B79C

8107EC2A 20B9

8107EC80 0000

8107EC82 AA00

8107EC88 0000

8107EC8A FF00

8107EC50 AA00

8107EC52 0000

8107EC58 FF00

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC70 AA00

8107EC72 FF00

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8124F374 2400

810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

802524CA 0001

802524CF 0082

80252F12 0001

80252F17 0082

8025303E 0001

80253043 0082

8025305A 0001

8025305F 0082

8025323A 0001

8025323F 0082

802643D2 0001

802643D7 0082

8026094A 0001

8026094F 0082

80262EFE 0001

80262F03 0082

80263082 0001

80263087 0082

802677A6 0001

802677AB 0082

80268086 0001

8026809B 0082

802682A2 0001

802682A7 0082

802682F2 0001

80268307 0082

8032DCEC 0001

8032DCEF 0082

8126B828 2400



The athlete can jump very high, take no fall damage, dive faster and run faster while pressing L. 

The athlete suit overlaps any colour code that appears before it in the cheat code List. 

I have separated the colour code and the other part but you can put them both in one.


D033B1C4 0042

D133AFA0 0020

D033B190 0042

8133B1C4 4240

D133B17C 0188

D133B17E 088A

D033B199 0001

8133B1C4 4280

8125699E 4020

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

Athlete colours

8107EC20 00AF

8107EC22 7F00

8107EC24 00AF

8107EC26 7F00

8107EC28 00AF

8107EC2A 7F00

8107EC2C 7F7F

8107EC2E 7F00

8107EC68 7F7F

8107EC6A 7F00

8107EC6C 7F7F

8107EC6E 7F00

8107EC70 7F7F

8107EC72 7F00

8107EC74 7F7F

8107EC76 7F00

Mario kart  (Beta 1)

Press dpad up to go into mario kart mode press Z to leave mario kart mode hold L to drive 


D133AFA0 0800

8133B17C 2081

D133AFA0 0800

8133B17E 0446

D033AFA1 0000

8133B1C4 0000

D133AFA0 0020

8133B1C4 42C0

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

Hyper Mario

A very powerful Mario That can't die 

Press L to be faster and get infinite air mobility! (I've separated the colour code from the invincibility part but you can put them in one code)


8107EC20 FFFF

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 FFFF

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 FFFF

8107EC2A 0000


8107EC2E 0000

8107EC38 FFFF

8107EC3A FF00


8107EC3E FF00

8107EC40 FFFF

8107EC42 FF00

8107EC44 FFFF

8107EC46 FF00

8107EC50 FFFF

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FFFF

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FFFF

8107EC5A 0000


8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 FFFF

8107EC6A FF00


8107EC6E FF00

8107EC70 FFFF

8107EC72 FF00

8107EC74 FFFF

8107EC76 FF00

8107EC80 FCBF

8107EC82 7900

8107EC84 FCBF

8107EC86 7900

8107EC88 FCBF

8107EC8A 7900


8107EC8E 7900

8124F374 2400

810EE070 802B

810EE072 D680

81250430 2819

81250432 0001

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

81250900 1000

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

8033B21E 0008

8033B177 0019

D133AFA0 0020

8133B1C4 4240

Small Mario

Small Mario from the 3D Mario games (he has no hat)


812535CA 3F38

812535C2 3F38

812535BE 3F38

8033B177 0001

Tiny Mario (beta 1)

A much smaller version of Mario That includes short jumps (for now)


812535CA 3F00

812535C2 3F00

812535BE 3F00

8125699E 4140


You can punch repeatedly with no kick interruption, Half damage, Slide kick is twice as fast (Z + B) 


8107EC20 FF95

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 FF95

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 FF95

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C FF95

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC50 FF59

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FF59

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FF59

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C FF59

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 0000

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 0000

8107EC76 0000

8107EC88 FCBF

8107EC8A 7900


8107EC8E 7900

80254207 FFD8

81336EE8 8027

81336EEA 4F90

8009FEF8 00B8

D133AFA0 6000

8133B1C4 4280

8009FEF8 00B8

boxer (colours)

8107EC20 FF95

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 FF95

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 FF95

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C FF95

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC50 FF59

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FF59

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FF59

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C FF59

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 0000

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 0000

8107EC76 0000

8107EC88 FCBF

8107EC8A 7900


8107EC8E 7900

Boxer (v1.1)

You take half the damage, You can punch repeatedly without kicking and the slidekick (Z+B) is faster. Its

The second Version of Boxer Mario. I improved the faster slidekick, but rarely it doesn't speed up. I have separated the colour code and the rest but you cam put them in one code. The Boxer suit (Overalls, gloves and shoes) overlaps any Colour code that appears before it in the Cheat Code list.


80254207 FFD8

81336EE8 8027

81336EEA 4F90

8009FEF8 00B8

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0001

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0002

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0003

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0004

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0005

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0006

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0007

8133B1C4 4280

Boxer colours:

8107EC20 FF95

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 FF95

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 FF95

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C FF95

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC50 FF59

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FF59

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FF59

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C FF59

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 0000

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 0000

8107EC76 0000

8107EC88 FCBF

8107EC8A 7900


8107EC8E 7900


These 4 cheat codes (except the fourth) make the game harder, You can put them all into one code, but I don't recommend that because they are all quiet different and they work on their own pretty well. Lines 5 and 6 in "no regeneration" let you fully heal up by pushing D-pad up, because after you die leave a level you don't heal up.


Damage 4x:

D033B171 FF00

No regeneration:

81254180 0000

81254182 0000

812541D8 0000

812541DA 0000

D133AFA0 0800

8033B21E 0008

Short jumps:

8125699E 40E0

Colour code:

8107EC20 127D

8107EC22 3200

8107EC24 127D

8107EC26 3200

8107EC28 127D

8107EC2A 3200

8107EC2C 127D

8107EC2E 3200

Roll move

Hold L to roll


D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 0100

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 08A6

D033AFA1 0020

8125699E 4200

D033AFA1 0000

8125699E 4080

D133AFA0 0020

8133B1C4 4260

Spin move

Hold L to spin. while spinning simple enemies die


D033AFA1 0020

8133B17C 1080

D033AFA1 0020

8133B17E 08A4

D033AFA1 0020

8124F374 2400

D033AFA1 0000

8124F374 1300


Mike Tyson 64

(Turn On During File Select)

L for turbo speed

B to rapid punch

Z + B while moving to go really far

L + B while skidding Tyson special

And since he's Mike Tyson he is made of metal


80254207 FFD8

81336EE8 8027

81336EEA 4F90

8009FEF8 00B8

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0001

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0002

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0003

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0004

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0005

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0006

8133B1C4 4280

D133AFA0 6000

D033B1C4 0042

D033B1C5 0007

8133B1C4 4280

8107EC20 FF95

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 FF95

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 FF95

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C FF95

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC50 FF59

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FF59

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FF59

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C FF59

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 0000

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 0000

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 0000

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 0000

8107EC76 0000

8107EC88 FCBF

8107EC8A 7900


8107EC8E 7900

812E7556 0A98

812E7562 0000

812B8AE6 0830

812B8AF2 0077

812AC88E 1390

812AC89A 0000

812B0ABA 1A74

812B0AC6 0090

8124DB48 81CF

8124DB4A 00AC

8124DB4C 2419

8124DB4E 0001

8124DB54 A1C8

8124DB56 00AC

8133B6A8 8018

8133B6AA 7ADC

8107EC20 0000

8107EC22 0000

8107EC24 0000

8107EC26 0000

8107EC28 0000

8107EC2A 0000

8107EC2C 0000

8107EC2E 0000

8107EC38 4020

8107EC3A 0000

8107EC3C 4020

8107EC3E 0000

8107EC40 4020

8107EC42 0000

8107EC44 4020

8107EC46 0000

8107EC50 FF00

8107EC52 0000

8107EC54 FF00

8107EC56 0000

8107EC58 FF00

8107EC5A 0000

8107EC5C FF00

8107EC5E 0000

8107EC68 3B1D

8107EC6A 0000

8107EC6C 3B1D

8107EC6E 0000

8107EC70 3B1D

8107EC72 0000

8107EC74 3B1D

8107EC76 0000

8107EC80 3618

8107EC82 0000

8107EC84 3618

8107EC86 0000

8107EC88 3618

8107EC8A 0000

8107EC8C 3618

8107EC8E 0000

8107EC98 0000

8107EC9A 0000

8107EC9C 0000

8107EC9E 0000

8107ECA0 0000

8107ECA2 0000

8107ECA4 0000

8107ECA6 0000

81331B5C 00C3

81331B7C 00C3

802E6BA7 00C3

811379DC 0801

811379DE FA60

81137A14 0802

81137A16 0A60

811372B0 8000

811372B2 0000

811372B4 8000

811372B6 0000

811372A8 8000

811372AA 0000

811372AC 8000

811372AE 0000

81137600 8000

81137602 0000

81137604 8000

81137606 0000

811375F8 8000

811375FA 0000

811375FC 8000

811375FE 0000

A1254A30 0000

A1254A32 0000

8107EC8E 0000

8008EFBA 0000

80095512 0000

80096AEA 0000

81269C00 0C09

81269C02 99CD

D033AFA1 0020

8133B1C4 4220

81161D04 0800

81161D06 9070

811623C4 0800

811623C6 9070

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 4D49

8133D3E2 4B45

8133D3E4 2054

8133D3E6 5953

8133D3E8 4F4E

8133D3EA 2036

8133D3EC 3420

8133D3EE 4D41

8133D3F0 4445

8133D3F2 2042

8133D3F4 5920

8133D3F6 464C

8133D3F8 414D

8133D3FA 494E

8133D3FC 484F

8133D3FE 5459

8133D400 4F53

8133D402 4949

8133D404 0000

8133D402 4849

8133D404 0000

8033B177 0004

810EE060 802B

810EE062 D680

810B1674 FF00

810B1676 00FF

810B1684 FF00

810B1686 00FF

810B1694 FF00

810B1696 00FF

810B16A4 FF00

810B16A6 00FF

8109CA8C FF00

8109CA8E 00FF

8109CA9C FF00

8109CA9E 00FF

8109CAAC FF00

8109CAAE 00FF

8109CABC FF00

8109CABE 00FF

8133D2D0 27BD

8133D2D2 FFE8

8133D2D4 AFBF

8133D2D6 0014

8133D2D8 3C06

8133D2DA 8034

8133D2DC 90C4

8133D2DE D3D0

8133D2E0 2484

8133D2E2 0001

8133D2E4 A0C4

8133D2E6 D3D0

8133D2E8 2405

8133D2EA 0010

8133D2EC 0C0B

8133D2EE 59B0

8133D2F0 24C6

8133D2F2 D3E0

8133D2F4 8FBF

8133D2F6 0014

8133D2F8 27BD

8133D2FA 0018

8133D2FC 03E0

8133D2FE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D2D0

8133D3E0 4D49

8133D3E2 4B45

8133D3E4 2054

8133D3E6 5953

8133D3E8 4F4E

8133D3EA 2036

8133D3EC 3420

8133D3EE 4D41

8133D3F0 4445

8133D3F2 2042

8133D3F4 5920

8133D3F6 464C

8133D3F8 414D

8133D3FA 494E

8133D3FC 484F

8133D3FE 5459

8133D400 4F53

8133D402 4949

8133D404 0000

8133D402 4849

8133D404 0000

8033B22C 00E8

8133B178 FFFF

A033B197 0001

8033B21E 0008

8033B21D 0064

Deadly water (JS)

Turn on before title screen, then Mario will die instantly if you go under water.


8024D1B1 0080

Loose health quicker underwater (JS)

Turn this code on before title screen appears.


8024D19F 0018


802541AB 0018


Mario with no shadow


810F0860 3E80

Large Mario with no shadow outside castle (JS)


813194CE 5F8C

Two Marios, one glitched up outside castle (JS)


813194CE 5FAC

Three Marios; one normal, one glitched up normal and one glitched up metal outside castle (JS)


813194CE 5FCC

Very glitched up Mario outside castle(JS)


813194CE 6044

Laying down glitched up Mario outside castle (JS)


813194CE 6084

Large Mario head with brown on cap outside castle (JS)


813194CE 61E0

Play as single large flapping wing outside caste (JS)


813194CE 6300

Large Mario head with no cap outside castle (JS)


813194CE 6200

Wrong way up large Mario with arms in air outside castle (JS)


813194CE 63B0

Play as single large arm in air outside castle (JS)


813194CE 63D0

Play as many large hands in air outside castle (JS)


813194CE 6430

Ride a koopa shell down the Princess's secret slide! (JS)

Go to the Princess' secret slide and activate this code to make the item box appear with a Koopa shell in it. Now let's see if you can beat the challenge of getting to the end of the slide in under 21 seconds on a Koopa shell.


81311058 45A2

8131105A 8FD8

8131105C 45C8

81311060 C5B1

81311062 97E8

81311064 8000

803110FF 0003


81343428 45A2

8134342A 8FD8

8134342C 45C8

81343430 C5B1

81343432 97E8

81343434 8000

803434CF 0003

Talk to Peach-outside the castle! (JS)

You will find the princess waiting for you outside her castle with a message...


8130F898 C216

8130F89C 444A

8130F8A0 C52B

8030F80D 0019

8130F80E 3A90

8130F834 8013

8130F836 8760

8030F977 00FF

8030F93F 0014


81341C68 C216

81341C6C 444A

81341C70 C52B

80341BDD 0019

81341BDE 4690

81341C04 8013

81341C06 9360

80341D47 00FF

80341D0F 0014

All content of this and related pages is copyright (c) James S. 2003-2024