Dove Grove Berry Family Tree

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last updated on 13 March 2024 

New Dove Grove tree V3.xlsx

Descendants of John Berry, Progenitor of the Dove Grove Family

1.  John Berry, d. 1677, lived at Clonehane, which he held for a term of years from Edward, Viscount Loftus of Ely. He was shown to be at Clonehane in the 1659 census (Pey p. 74). He married Joan (Jane) Arnold, (daughter of Thomas Arnold) d. 1690.  She married St. Vast in the name of Jane Bery.


            2.       i      John Berry.

                      ii     William Berry, d. 1701 in West Indies. Lieut. in Sir Henry Bellasi's Regt. 9 Nov. 1695. Died unmarried on service in the West Indies. Will dated 19 Apr. 1701, pr. 24 Jan. 1703 (P.C.I.) by John Darby of Dublin, pewterer, the executor, acted improperly in the administration of the property, as a result of which the legatees filed a Bill in Chancery against him. adm. with will annexed granted to brother Robert 22 Feb. 1703 (Dublin).

                      iii    Robert Berry, d. 1728 in Dublin; resident in Dublin.

                      iv    Samuel Berry, occupation goldsmith. He married Sarah ?.

                      v     Sarah Berry.  She married James Thomas.

                      vi    Ann Berry.  She married ? Thomas.

Second Generation

2.  John Berry (son of John Berry) d. 24 July 1705, resided at Clonehane (lease) of which, with Clondella and Bolenarigg, he obtained from Arthur, Viscount Loftus of Ely, 30 Nov. 1699, for three lives, with a covenant of perpetual renewal, at a rent of 5/- p.a. on surrender of former lease and payment of a fine of £403.

     He married (1) Miss Knight. This marriage is according to a pedigree in the possession of B. Fitzgerald Moore (L.A.Wilson). He married (2) Elizabeth Colles, b. 1650, (daughter of William Colles) d. 1717.  She married first, at age 14, the Rev. Elias de Vassal de Regnae M.A. D. D. Rector of Cappagh, dio. of Derry, 1663-71 -Termonmaguirke, dio. of Armagh, 1667-71. She married second (lic. Dublin 1673) Robert Mead of Dublin.

     John Berry had no issue by his second wife.

                             Children by Miss Knight:

            3.       i      William Knight Berry.

            4.       ii     John Berry.

                      iii    Randal Berry, d. 1 May 1754; Ensign, Vessey's Foot, 16 Feb. 1715/16.

                             “Dublin Gazette, in notice of his death, says he died at an advanced age, having been on half pay for over 50 years, obviously an error." (L.A.Wilson)  Annotation by L.A.W. says notice of his death reported in the Dublin Gazette of 9 Oct. 1753.

            5.       iv    Elizabeth Berry.

Third Generation

3.  William Knight Berry (son of John Berry) d. 24 Jan. 1713; resided at Tullin Sceach, King's Co. He married Jane Willington, (daughter of Charles Willington and Mary Bonham) d. July 1722 in Ballymoney, resided at Woodfield, King's Co. 


            6.       i      Knight Berry b. 1714.

                      ii     John Berry, d. c. 1724, a minor and unmarried.

                      iii    William Berry, d. c. 1725, a minor, unmarried.

                      iv    Elizabeth Berry.  died c. 1726; a minor, unmarried.

4.  John Berry (son of John Berry) d. 22 Nov. 1723; resident at Clonehane (Dove Grove).  This John Berry is said to have changed the name of Clonehane to Dove Grove to please his English wife. The estate was worth about £300 p.a. in about 1731 and was stated to be worth  £1200 p.a. in 1795. He married Mary Hopkins, (daughter of Jonathan Hopkins) d. Nov.1720.


            7.       i      Jonathan Berry b. 1711.

                      ii     Robert Berry.  Robert was left some houses in Birr by his father, for the renewal of which he filed a Bill in Chancery against Sir William parsons, 7 Feb 1723.

                      iii    Mary Berry.  Dowry of £400. She married Isaac Heatley. 

                      iv    Elizabeth Berry, b. Dec. 1714.  Elizabeth lived with her brother Jonathan 1731-4, and then with Henry Bracken of Lancaster for a year. She married without the consent of her aunt, Ann Hopkins, John Guest, d. 1771 Will proven, Dublin; occupation carpenter (joiner).

                      v     Sarah Berry, b. 1718.  Sarah lived with her brother Jonathan from 1731-4 and then with Henry Bracken for 2 years and 4 months.

                      vi    Westropp Berry, d. 1754 on voyage to the coast of Guinea.  Westropp was apprenticed to Henry Bracken of Lancaster, chirurgeon, in 1734, who guaranteed "to teach him the science and arts of physick and surgery and man midwifery, as also the business or art of an oculist, as he, Henry Bracken, now useth" (L.A.Wilson).

5.  Elizabeth Berry (dau. of John Berry).  Elizabeth had a dowry of £200. She married George West.


                      i      George West.

                      ii     Elizabeth West.

                      iii    Anne West.

                      iv    Sarah West.

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Fourth Generation

6.  Knight Berry (son of William Knight Berry) b. 1714, d. 27 March 1793 at Cloneen; buried at Eglish. Resided at Birr, where he inherited property from his father; at Johnborough, Queen's Co. in 1749 and at Rathgibbon, King's Co. in 1766 and 1770.

     His father died young, leaving his mother, Jane Willington, and four young children to be brought up firstly by Jane's parents and, when they died, by his uncles. Knight was the only survivor and apparently had a tough childhood, being apprenticed in Dublin at age of fourteen and a half years, for four and a half years  with only clothes and pocket money provided by the Willingtons. He later took legal action against members of his mother's family to recover debts owed by Charles Willington to his father, as well as his father's personal property. Obtained a lease of Cloneen for 3 lives renewable for ever, from Marlborough Sterling of Dublin, in 1749 at rent of £15 p.a. and later of £17. He used the back of the 1749 deed to assign the lease of the same Cloneen lands to his son in law, Thomas Berry, in 1763, witnessed by Walter Sweetman, Dublin City  and Mary Booth, of Rathgibbon. On the same day he assigned his lands in Queens County to Thomas Berry. He obtained a lease of Eglish and Ballycollendaly from Lucy, widow of Marlborough Sterling in 1766, at a rent of £140. This lease he assigned to Thomas Berry on 15 June 1770 in return for an annuity of £98. He married Sophia Sterling, (daughter of Capt. James Sterling and Patience Hansard).


                      i     Frances Berry, b. 16 Aug. 1743, d. 25 May 1807 Buried at Eglish. Frances was daughter and heir of Knight Berry (Bewley 1908). She married Thomas Berry of the Eglish Berry family, thus linking these unrelated* families. From surviving letters written to one of her sons, Robert Fleetwood Berry, she seems to have been a warm-hearted person, a fond mother interested in all the doings of her family and neighbours and perhaps a little garrulous. She was somewhat in awe of her husband. This may have been in part due to the fact that she was only sixteen when she married him. Frances gave birth to sixteen children, thirteen of whom reached adulthood  and eleven of whom left descendants, a remarkable achievement in those times. [The descendants of this marriage are documented in the register book for the Broadwood/Eglish Berry Family to avoid repetition].

*The Eglish Berry family is in y-DNA haplogroup I, while the Dove Grove family belongs in haplogroup R.

7.  Jonathan Berry (son of John Berry) b. 1711, d. 3 May 1780, resident at Dove Grove. Jonathan was heir at law to Jonathan Hopkins.

     An article in the 'Public Monitor' of 25 Feb.1773, comprising a series of comments by an imaginary onlooker at St. Stephan's Green on the Passers by states:  "That is John Berry of Dove Grove, a disagreeable, ill-tempered fellow, a bad neighbour, an oppressor where he dare, the worst of fathers to a number of children, whose mother having died, the daughters were obliged to marry labourers for bread, and the sons to carry muskets. He is in the Commission of the Peace, and is so ignorant of his duty, added to an ill mind, that he often does wrong and oppressive acts. In short he is so much despised that he is the foremost toast on a round of rascals" (L.A.Wilson). [Contrast with Thomas Berry.] He married (1) Patience Sterling, (daughter of Capt. James Sterling and Patience Hansard). He married (2) Ann  Candler, (daughter of Henry Candler and Ann Flood). Ann had a dowry of £2000..

                             Children by Patience Sterling:

                      i      John Berry.  Died young.

                      ii     Price Berry. Died young.

                      iii    Mary Berry.  Married without the consent of her father ? Swain (L.A.Wilson).

                      iv    James Hanover Berry; He was an Ensign in the 25th Foot 28 Oct. 1776. Lieut. 15 July 1778, senior Lieut. in 1783. Capt. Liet. with rank of Capt. in the Army 5 Ap.1786. Retired 9 Dec. 1789. Barrack Master Glancree in 1810. Lived for many years at Portobello. Will pr. (P.C.I.) 1818. He married Catherine Berry, b. 1748, (daughter of John Berry and Hester Fleetwood) d. March 1823 in Charlemont Street, Dublin. L.A.Wilson notes that if she is the Catherine Berry of James Street, Dublin, her will was proven (P.C.I.) 1824. L.A.Wilson is also the source that she is the daughter of John Berry and Hester Fleetwood.

                             Children by Ann  Candler:

                      v     Jonathan Berry, d. after 12 July 1777.  died a minor, unmarried.

                      vi    Annabella Berry.  In her mothers will, 7 Feb. 1783 Annabella was said to be "now abroad" (L.A.W). She married, Oct. 1779 Edward Eyre.

                      vii   Henry Berry, d. 1784 in Madras. Died intestate and unmarried.

                      viii  Charlotte Berry.  She married, 13 Sept. 1801 at St Peter’s , Dublin James Benning, (son of Conway Benning).

                      ix    Caroline Berry.

                      x     Ann Berry.

            8.       xi    Charles Berry b. 1765.

                      xii   Frederick Berry,  lived at Dove Grove. Will  dated 23 Dec.1890, not proved [Possible error in date given by L.A.W.].  Lieut. in King's Co. Militia 21 Nov. 1794. He married, 19 April 1799 in Dublin, Olivia Cox who was buried at Birr on 12 Jan.1836, widow of Dove Grove.

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Fifth Generation

8.   Charles Berry (son of Jonathan Berry) b. 1765, d. c.1824; Attorney of Courts of Exchequer, resident at Dove Grove. Prerogative will signed 27 June 1824 states ......"now a prisoner in Kilmainham Prison, Co. Dublin." He married Mary (Maria) Cox, b. 1772.


             9.      i      Ismena Berry, b. c. 1800).

            10.     ii     Anna Maria Berry, b. 1800.  She married, after the 1821 census Henry White.

            11.     iii    Martha (? Matilda) Berry b. 1809.

                      iv    Charlotte Berry, b. 1804.  Died unmarried.

            12.     v     John Berry b. 1805.

                      vi    Olivia (Livy) Berry, b. 1806, d. buried 12 Jan. 1836 at Birr.

Sixth Generation

     9. Ismena Berry, b. c. 1800 at Dovegrove, King's Co., d. 18 Feb 1842.  She married Edward Archer Langley, b. 23 Aug 1796 in London, d. 19 Dec 1871, occupation Military (3rd Madras Cavalry). The family appear to have lived in India.


                      i     Ismenia Euphemia Catherine Langley, b. c. 1817 in St Germain En, Laye, Hautes-Alpes, France, d. 2 Mar 1890.  She married (1) James West, b. 11 Jun 1805, d. 6 Oct 1868, lived at Shanganagh Grove, Co. Dublin; High Sheriff 1856 (The Cork Examiner 9 Jan 1856);  son of Jacob West and Sarah Fry. She married (2) Stamford Watson, d. before 1852.

                      ii     Anna Maria Antoinette Isbel De Jourins Langley, b. 14 Apr 1819 in Parsonstown, King's Co., d. 24 Dec 1887 in Kirby, Lancashire, England.  [IGI]

                      iii    Arnold Frederick De Jourions Langley, b. 15 May 1821 in India, d. 4 Oct 1821 in India.

                      iv    Elizabeth Hamilton Matilda De Jourions Langley, b. 12 May 1823 in  Bohenpilly, Near, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, d. 5 Aug 1874 in 5 Aug 1874 Bungalore, India.  [IGI]

                      v     Charles Edward Ricketts Langley, b. 25 Sep 1825 in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, d. 22 Oct 1826 in India.  [IGI]                

                      vi    Frederick Doveton Langley, b. 14 Jan 1827 in  Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India, d. 27 Jan 1827 in  Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India. [IGI]

                      vii   Edward Harley Rainsford Langley, b. 19 Nov 1831 in Kamptee, Magpore, India. [IGI]

                      viii  Flora Fanny Langley, b. 20 Jul 1833 in 20 Jul 1833 Kamptee, Magpore, India.  [IGI]

                      ix    Francis Vincent Grant Langley, b. c. 1835 in  Kamptee, Magpore, India, d. 12 May 1838.  [IGI]

                      x     Ellen Langley, d. 23 Dec 1886.  She married Josiah Andrew Huddleston. [IGI]

10. Anna Maria Berry, b. 1800 [L.A.W] (1790 if Maria Berry in IGA) in Parsonstown.  Maria Berry married Henry White, b. 16 Jan 1783 in Lisowen, Limerick, Ireland, d. 1865 in Ireland.  [IGI].


                      i      Newport White, b. c.1807 in Ireland, d. 1875 in Canada. [IGI].

                      ii     Henry Augustus White, b. c.1809, d. in Australia. [IGI].

                      iii    Vere White, b. c.1809 in Ireland, d. 1837 in Canada. [IGI].

                      iv    Richard Davis Bantry White, b. c.1813 in Ireland, d. in Ireland. [IGI].

                      v     Charles White, b. c.1815 in Ireland, d. in Ireland. [IGI].

                      vi    William Benjamin White, b. c. 1817 in Ireland, d. 1849 in Canada. [IGI].

                      vii   John White, b. c.1819 in Ireland, d. 1849 in Canada. [IGI].

                      viii  Harriet White, b. c.1821 in Ireland, d. 26 NOV 1849 in Canada. [IGI].

                      ix    Maria White, b. c.1823 in Ireland, d. c. 1825 in Ireland. [IGI].

                      x     Eliza White, b. c.1825 in Ireland, d. in Canada. [IGI].

 11.   Martha (?Matilda) Berry (dau. of Charles Berry) b. 1809.  She married, 1834 (if Matilda), Newport White. Possible Martha Matilda Berry as in IGI  there is a Matilda Berry, b. c 1816 in Parsonstown who married a Newport White (#20 under Newport White) of Lisowen, Limerick. They had issue.


                      i      Newport White, b. c.1837 in Ireland, d. in Ireland.

                      ii     Henrietta Matilda White, b.c.1837 in Ireland, d. in Ireland.

                      iii    John Berry White, b. c.1843 in Ireland, d. after 1882 in Ireland.

                      iv    Olivia White, b.c.1845 in Ireland, d.c. 1846 in Ireland.    

12. John Berry (son of Charles Berry) b. 1805, built and lived at Chesterfield, Parish of Eglish. According to the Ordinance Survey Name Books (O'Donovan), in 1837 John Berry owned 459 acres of the Dovegrove townland; 25 of wood, the remainder arable. Chesterfield (House) was described as being in the east end of the townland, a good dwelling house, recently built by John Berry Esq., the proprietor.  John Berry was still in residence at Chesterfield in 1840. [Pey p. 274]. According to descendants, John Berry had acted as guarantor for a friend who then absconded and Chesterfield had to be sold to service the debt. He then applied for the post of station master at Birr railway station but, because of his former standing in the town, the railway authorities suggested that he should take up a similar position in Fermoy Co.Cork, which he did.

                       Chesterfield House in the 1950s (Courtesy W. Willis)

He married Louisa Sandys (daughter of Rev. Abraham Sandys, minor canon at  St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin and Maria Ann Eyre, illegitimate daughter of Thomas Dancer Eyre and Letitia Cole).

Chesterfield was presumably named by Louisa after the property called Chesterfield owned by Thomas Stratford Eyre in Co. Galway, where her father, Rev. Abraham Sandys, lived.


            13.     i      John Stratford Berry b. 1840.

            14.     ii     Maria Louisa Berry b. 1841.

                      iii    Charles Henry Berry, b. 1841 Baptized at Eglish 19 Nov. 1843.  Died unmarried.

                      iv    Olivia Charlotte Berry, b. 1845 Baptized at Eglish 23 Feb. 1845. She married ? Goodwin.

             15.     v     George Hopton Berry, b. 18 Mar. 1945.

             16.     vi    Thomas Dancer Berry, b. 1848

                      vii   Manners Berry. [Presumably named after Richard Manners, possibly his uncle by marriage]. In the 1911 census, Manners Berry (55) was living at 12 Ellesmere Terrace, Circular Road North,  Glasnevin, Dublin. He is head of the houshold which included his brother, Robert, (54) and neice, Louisa Berry (24). His occupation is given as "Railway Official" and he is single. It therefore seems unlikely that he had issue.

                      viii  Robert Berry, b. 1857 in Co. Cork. In the 1911 census, Robert Berry (54) was living at 12 Ellesmere Terrace, Circular Road North, Dublin, in a houshold that included his brother Manners (55) and neice, Louisa Berry (24). His occupation is given as "Railway Official (Retired)". It  seems unlikely that he had issue. His place of birth is given as Dublin City, indicating that his parents had left Birr by 1857.

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Seventh Generation

13.  John Stratford Berry (son of John Berry) b. 1840 baptized at Eglish 2 Feb. 1840. Presumably named after Thomas Stratford Eyre (who was possibly his great uncle) and his father.  His second wife was the widow of ? De Renzy. He married (1) ? Wynn.  He married (2) ? De Renzy. 

                             Children by ? Wynn:

                      i      Anne Berry.

                      ii     Daughter.

14.  Maria Louisa Berry (dau. of John Berry) b. 1841 baptized at Eglish 11 April 1841. Presumably named after Maria Ann Eyre who was probably her maternal grandmother, and her mother  She married Charles Robinson, a medical doctor. In the 1911 census a Louisa Berry (69), widow, born in King's Co., was recorded living in Dublin with her sister [in law?], Frances Anne Ross (67). She is recorded as having had 6 children, 4 of whom were living.


                      i      Had issue.

15. George Hopton Berry (son of John Berry), b. 18 Mar.1845. Baptized at Eglish 29 March 1845. d. 4 Sep 1916, Dublin. In the 1911 census, George Berry (65) was living at 12 Circular Road South, Kilmainham (Usher's Quay), Dublin. He is head of the household which included his wife Louise (63) and son George (31). His occupation is given as “Retired Railway Official”. He married, in 1874,  Louise Despard, b.c. 1843 in Lezayre, Isle of Man; d. 1933, Dublin.


                                17.     i      Herbert Francis  Lysaght Berry, b.1873.

                                18.    ii    Anita Berry, b.c. 1879.

                                         iii     George Berry, b. c. 1880 in Cork Co. In the 1911 census, George Berry (31) was livng at 12 in Circular Road South, Kilmainham (Usher's Quay), Dublin in a  household which included his father, George  Berry (65) and mother Louise (63). His occupation is given as "Railway Official" .

16. Thomas Dancer Berry (son of John Berry), b. Baptized at Eglish 13 Feb. 1848. [Presumably named after Capt. Thomas Dancer Eyre, possibly his maternal great grandfather]. He married Gertrude Dickson.

                               Thomas Dancer Berry (L); the two young women (L-R) are his daughters, Molly and Louise. The man wearing what appears to be a railway workers uniform could be his brother, George.   (photo courtesy W. Willis)


            19.            i      Margaret Eleanor Berry

                             iii    Louise Berry. She married Rowland Molloy.  No children.

                             iv    Sandys Berry

                             v     Son

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Eighth Generation

 17. Herbert Francis Lysaght  Berry, (son of George Hopton Berry) b.1873 in Dublin, but lived in Fermoy with his parents. He went to the United States, to the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, arriving, aged 19, on 6 August 1892 aboard the "Umbria".  He never returned to Ireland and settled in Texas. His occupation is given as "coal trimmer on ship" (1918); "tin smith" (1952). He married, 1897, Mabel Claire McNeil b. 1879. According to his great grandson, Richard Berry (#27, pers. comm.),  he was always known as Herbert and the name "Hubert",  which appears on his headstone, is an error.


Herbert Berry and sons. In order of age, left to right. George, Glen, Robert, Joe, Herbert (father). (Photo courtesy Stephanie Berry)

Headstone, Myrtle Cemetery, Ennis, Texas


                                                              i     Joe Herbert Berry, b.1898, d. 1956. Electrician; resided Canton Van Zant County, Texas.

                                    21.                 ii    Robert McNeil Berry, b. 1900

                                                             iii    Glendon Maurice Berry, b 1902, d. 1979; resided Jacksonville, Texas. Glendon was a tin smith like his father, Herbert.  His company still exists in Jacksonville, Texas, as Berry Air Conditioning

                                                             iv    George Ashley Berry, b. 1906, d. 1985; resided Rice, Navarro County, Texas.

                                                                                                               Headstone, Rice Cemetery, Navarro County, Texas

18. Anita Berry, (dau. of George Hopton Berry)  b.c. 1879 in Cork Co. She married, 1902, Charles Kinmonth.


                i      Eileen Kinmonth, b. c. 1904 in South Wales.

                   Charlie and Eileen Kinmonth, Dublin 1950s (Courtesy W. Willis)

19.  Margaret Eleanor Berry, (dau. of Thomas Dancer Berry) b. 1882, d. 1979, buried in Redburn cemetery in Holywood, in Co. Down. She appears in the 1911 census as Meta Berry, lodging in Fulton Street, Belfast. She married Talbot Hyndman.


                               Margaret Eleanor Berry      (courtesy W. Willis)


                      i      Norman Thomas Hyndman.  Deceased. Unmarried.

            22.     ii     Mary Patricia Hyndman b. 1919.

                      iii    Allan Hyndman.  Deceased. Had issue. He married Pearl ?.

                      iv    Stanley Hyndman.  Deceased. Had issue. He married Betty ?.

                      v     Harold Hyndman.  Deceased. He married Jean ? Had issue.

                      vi    Tony Hyndman.  Died aged 10.

                      vii   Roy Hyndman.  Died aged 7.

20.  Molly Berry.  She married ? Sutton.


                      i      Stafford Sutton.

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Ninth Generation

21. Robert McNeil Berry, (son of Herbert Francis Berry)  b. 5 Aug 1900 in Mabank, Texas; d. 23 Feb 1975 in Tyler, Texas. Robert was a businessman who worked for a number of oil companies in Texas and Louisiana, primarily Shell Oil Company. He married Velda Ruth Morris b. 1903, d. 1998.

                             Robert McNeil Berry and Velda Ruth Morris ( Berry)   (Courtesy Stephanie Berry)


                                          23.          i. Richard Cameron Berry, b. 1927

                                          24.         ii.  James Patrick Berry, b. 1932

                                          25.         iii. Michael Colin Berry, b. 1944

22.  Mary Patricia Hyndman, ( dau. of Margaret Eleanor Berry) b. 1919, d. 2012.  She married James Willis, b. 1915, d. 1982,  son of Frederick William Willis and May Austin.


                      i      Eileen Willis, b. 1941. She married (1) David Clare; (2) Edward Murdoch.

                      ii     Joan Willis, b. 1942. She married Basil McCoy.

           26.     iii    William Hyndman Willis, b. 1944.

                      iv    James Willis, b. 1946. He married Winifred Johnson.

                      v     Norman Willis, b. 1949. He married Joyce Kerr.

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Tenth Generation

23.   Richard Cameron Berry, (son of Robert McNeil Berry) b. 3 Sep 1927 in Wichita Falls, Texas; d. 20 Feb 2017 in Longview, Texas. He grew up in south Louisiana and graduated high school in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He received his Bachelor of Science from LSU in 1949, his Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 1955, and his Master of Science in Engineering from University of Arkansas in 1967. He worked as an engineer in industry before entering the seminary. Ordained a minister, pastoring in Mississippi and Louisiana. He began his teaching career at Bluefield College in 1959. Mr. Berry joined the faculty of LeTourneau University in 1968, serving as professor of engineering, Chairman of the Engineering Department, Dean of Engineering, vice president of Academic Affairs, Interim president and vice president emeritus upon retirement. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Longview, served as a deacon, taught Sunday School, served on the Gregg County Child Welfare Board. He was a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Evangelical Theological Society. He married, 4 Jun 1949, Betty Jean Cooper, b. 17 Nov 1929 in Metairie, Louisiana; d. 16 Mar 2011 in Longview, Texas

Richard Cameron Berry


                                       27.            i. Richard Arnold Berry

                                       28.            ii. Suzanne Berry

24.  James Patrick Berry, (son of Robert McNeil Berry) b. 9 Jul 1932 in Dallas, Texas; d. Nov 2013 in Rock Hill ,York County, South Carolina.He grew up near Lake Charles, La., and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Southeastern Louisiana University. After two years of Army service, he went on to attain advanced degrees from Louisiana State University and Texas A&M University. He was a professor of chemistry at Winthrop University from 1970 through to 1995. He had many hobbies and interests, enjoying gardening and do-it-yourself projects. He was an avid amateur radio operator and electronics hobbyist for many years; he became a pioneer user of personal computers, assembling his first home computer in 1977. He enjoyed new technology and continued learning to use new gadgets throughout his life.He married, 10 July 1953, Lenore Rae Clement, b.1934.

                                                                                                                        James Patrick (Jim) Berry                                                                                                                     


          29.                   i.   Patrick Morris Berry, b. 1959

           30.                ii.    Barbara Lenore Berry, b.1963

           31.                iii.   Robert Ray Berry, b. 1966

25. Michael Colin Berry , (son of Robert McNeil Berry) b. 9 Jun 1944, Lake Charles, LA; d. 13 Nov 2005. Married, 27 Aug 1966, Rebecca Ann Bowers. Graduated from University of Houston with BSc degree in pharmacy. Lived in Tyler, Texas. Career as a pharmacist and was a deacon at First Baptist Church, Tyler.

 Michael Colin Berry             Headstone, Rose Hill Cemetery, Tyler,Smith County, Texas


32    i    Jill Ann Berry

              33.        ii    John Berry

Eleventh Generation

26.  William Hyndman Willis, (son of Mary Patricia Hyndman) b. 1944, resident  in Townland of Creevyargon, Northern Ireland.  He married Patricia Garrett Balloch

27.  Richard Arnold Berry, (son of Richard Cameron Berry). Professor of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas.

28.  Suzanne Berry (dau. of Richard Cameron Berry); She married Huey W. Antley.

 29.  Patrick Morris Berry, (son of James Patrick Berry) b. 1959 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. He married, 1983, in Charleston, South Carolina,  Marie Ann Syfrett b.1960.


34.      i   Ruth Amanda Berry, b. 1986

35       ii  Benjamin Stewart Berry, b. 1989

30.  Barbara Lenore Berry , (dau. of James Patrick Berry ) b. 1963

31.  Robert Ray Berry, (son of James Patrick Berry) b.1966

32.  Jill Ann Berry, (dau. of Michael Colin Berry) , b. 1971


i Collin McNeil Berry, b. 1997

33.  John Berry  (son of Michael Colin Berry) b. 1977; he married Heidi Newburn, 2001. Resides in Tyler, Texas.


   i    Reece Berry, b. 2008

  ii Blake Berry, b. 2012

Twelfth Generation

34.   Ruth Amanda Berry,  (dau.of Patrick Morris Berry) b. 1986

35.    Benjamin Stewart Berry, (son of Patrick Morris Berry) b. 1989. Married 2016, Stephanie Amanda Lockwood, b.1988

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Copyright 2006-2024  Patrick Berry