HASSAN, Ghali. Iraqi Genocide as described by UN Genocide Convention

Ghali Hassan (an independent political analyst and researcher living in Australia) on the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide (2006): “For nearly sixteen years, U.S. and British forces have been killing Iraqis with impunity. The number of Iraqis killed is increasing rapidly and could easily reach 3 millions if the U.S. refuses to end the Occupation. Iraq is an example of how the West uses the word genocide selectively. Genocide is used to describe the internal conflict in Sudan (Darfur region), but not the mass killing of innocent Iraqis where the U.S. and Britain are the main perpetrators of violence and destruction. What is happening in Iraq today is genocide, as clearly described by the Genocide Convention” (Ghali Hassan, “The case for Iraqi Genocide”, Countercurrents, 27 October 2006: http://www.countercurrents.org/iraq-hassan271006.htm ).

Ghali Hassan (an independent political analyst and researcher living in Australia) on the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide (2017): “Since 1990, the U.S. is responsible for the wanton destruction of the entire nation of Iraq, and the killing of more than two million Iraqis, mostly women and children, the wounding and displacement of countless millions more. No other people have suffered more atrocities at the hands of Anglo-Zionist fascist regime than the Iraqi people. The supreme war crimes committed the U.S. show that, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every post-war American president [and his accomplices] would have been hanged”. U.S. leaders who committed war crimes remain free because their war crimes are described as “collateral damages”” (Ghali Hassan, “Stand up to Anglo-Zionist fascism”,Countercurrents, 14 July 2017: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/07/14/stand-up-to-anglo-zionist-fascism/ ).