New Player Information

What is Ultimate?

Ultimate is a fast-paced game that is played with a disc (or frisbee) on a 70 x 40 yard field where seven players on each team move the disc up and down the field, scoring goals by passing the disc into the opponent's endzone. It has elements of football, soccer, and basketball.

Check out the official USA Ultimate webpage for more about the sport and the official rules.

How do you compete against other schools?

Though Ultimate isn't an NCAA sport, official clubs from around the country attend tournaments each year, facing off against one another. Generally we stay around the midwest, although we have traveled to Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Louisiana, and Nevada in the past. In the late spring there is the USAU Collegiate Series, culminating in a National Championship Tournament for those that qualify out of the conference and regional systems. In 2011, IHUC made it to National's and placed 3rd in the country.

What do I need to play?

One of the great things about Ultimate is that it is relatively inexpensive to play. The only thing you need is a 175g disc and something to mark out the field. Cleats, however, are especially encouraged as the competition level increases, and if you are coming to a practice we strongly recommend them. Also, bring a light and a dark T-shirt for when we scrimmage and plenty of water to stay hydrated.

How do I start playing for Iowa?

If you are a student at the university, and interested in learning ultimate or in playing for the team, we urge you to contact our captains, and to stop by a practice to give it a try.

If you are a younger player, not yet attending Iowa, we still encourage you to email the captains. They can give you further information about our school, program, and recruitment process. If you come for a college visit, members of the team can give you a tour, introduce you to team members, and bring you to a practice.

Are there tryouts?

Yes there are tryouts. Tryouts usually begin a couple weeks after classes begin. The majority of the fall is spent as one large group, teaching new players and helping them to develop skills. These months can be considered our tryout time, where we will attend tournaments and watch new players closely at practices. The final roster is usually created after the 1st tournament of the season.

What can I do to get better/prepare for the team?

Athletes often have a good deal of success on our teams because we can teach you the rules and various skills of the game, but it is often much harder to get people into shape. We encourage everyone to stay healthy and strong; running or working out several times a week is recommended and you can contact the captains for specific advice concerning training.

Throwing is also extremely important. Practice your throws (especially forehand and backhand throws) often and your mastery of the game will increase.

Play often to gain experience. Join a summer league or attend a training camp to work on your game. If you are a high school student, committed to Iowa, contact the captains. Generally there are practices or tournaments you can attend with the team before you even start classes.

Why should I play for Iowa?

Ultimate is extremely fun and we offer both competitive and enjoyable styles of play. You can stay in shape, learn a new game, make a dozen new friends, and compete nationally if you play for us.