Sean Parker

Coach Name: Sean Parker

Nickname: Shark

#: 88

Hometown: Naperville, IL

Position: D-Line Handler Cutter Captain Meta Captain Coach

Greatest IHUC Moment: Laid out for a score and accidently landed on a small snake, killing it

Follow up Question: Why did you kill the snake?

Answer: "Why? A better question would be why DIDN'T I kill every other living creature on the field that day? The shark is nature's perfect predator. Its only desire is to sink row after row of razor sharp teeth into its unsuspecting prey, gnawing and thrashing until all that remains are ugly bits of scraggly flesh, slowly sinking to the ocean floor amidst a reddish cloud of blood and fear. Why did I kill the snake? Instinct. Cold blooded instinct.

Quote: "I can jump three feet!"
