Synergie en gerelateerde woorden betekenis en duiding

Diverse organisaties en bedrijven gebruiken de term Synergie.

Enkele voorbeelden:

Archief Synergie Link

"In hun werk proberen zij ratio en intuïtie te verbinden, bijvoorbeeld door teksten te ont-talen en om te zetten in beelden volgens een bepaalde systematiek."

De Synmind methode Link

"Synmind – “Synergy of minds” - is een unieke methode om via het Internet of uw Intranet inzicht te krijgen in individuele en groepsmeningen over complexe vraagstukken."

The term "systems" is derived from the Greek word "synistanai," which means "to bring together or combine." The term has been used for centuries. ...

The origin of the word system comes from the Ancient Greek "synistanai" meaning ‘to bring together or combine. (2002, Washington University Press). T... -

Synergie; samenwerking tot wederzijds voordeel.













2 kanten, samenleving tot wederzijds voordeel, evenwicht zit er ook in.

Betekenis en achtergrond van de naam syne of vervoegingen daarvan.

Pagina is in opbouw November 2008

Plaatsnamen met de naam Syne er in:

La Seyne plaats in Italie

Syne plaats in Portugal

'Old Lang Syne' de oude Tijd

Syne algemeen als begrip:

"A few centuries ago, in traditional, Western Christian religions, the concept of “Synergism” sought to reconcile two paradoxical truths: the absolute power of God to change a human being, versus the importance of humans taking responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Synergisim emphasizes how God and man can work together to accomplish great spiritual changes. It stresses the importance of using our conscious, free will to act in concrete, consistent ways, in accordance with spiritual principles which support the spiritual growth of ourselves and others.

We decide to act. This allows our lives to flow more harmoniously, and with less conflict, as it is easier to receive inspiration and Guidance.

Humans have the ability to apply their free will in order to align themselves with God’s Will -- and to choose to do the right thing. Not out of fear of a great and terrible God, but because it is their choice to do the right thing.

Surrendering to a Higher power does not mean that a person’s Will is inactive; it is simply resisting it’s own weakness. In other words, the Creator draws us towards It -- but It draws only those who are willing. Spiritual emotion is not forced upon our Will as though we were statues. We accept it, and then, choose to act upon it."

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