Talha Uzair

SLIDE 3: Correctly tries to define what poverty is and why it is a problem. HOWEVER, definition should be linked to your research proposal -- that is, formulated in terms of Income Versus MDP. Also, one can use more striking examples of WHY poverty is a problem.

SLIDE 4: More general facts and background -- this is not necessary -- at this point, we must try to explain WHAT IS THE RESEARCH PROBLEM, and WHY IT is important. Proposal presentations are SHORT, and cannot take too much time on general background. One background slide is enough. Now we must come to the PROBLEM.

SLIDE 5: Bullets 1 & 3 say the same thing, Bullets 2 & 4 say the same thing. Furthermore, these are just ASSERTIONS -- claims without proof. When something is ASSERTED, it should be backed, either by an argument or by a source. Given that we are going to discuss Income/Calorie VERSUS MDP, background slides should say something about THIS controversy in the literature. USE the IPC One Pagers for the necessary background information on this issue (THOUGH there are many good sources.

SLIDE 6: Points 1,3 are just repetitive vague general statements, not backed by either source or argument. Point 2 is MYSTERIOUS, since so far there has been no discussion of this point, and no relation/connection to your stated research objectives. Point 4 is START of your research. HOWEVER, you need to discuss WHO introduced MPAT, WHY they did it, etc. since this is your key topic for research.

SLIDE 7: Copied without citing source. this is plagiarism.

SLIDE 8: Explains more about MPAT but basically a repetition of what has already been said earlier. No sources are cited, no explanation of why MPAT is important is given. No discussion of whether or not you plan to discuss RURAL poverty only. OBJECTIVE of research has not been stated so far.

SLIDE 9: Now starts LIT REVIEW, but we still do not know what research is planned. Alkire article is relevant but explained via lengthy text containing many irrelevant issues. REDUCE to short BULLET points, and make sure that these points are RELEVANT to research plan.

SLIDE 10: No new information is provided.

SLIDE 11, 12: BORIING literature review continues, author by author -- this is an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY not a literature review. FURTHERMORE, it does not relate to MPAT or to RURAL poverty (which I am GUESSING, is the topic of research)

SLIDE 13: FINALLY, we get to the point. THIS could be the FIRST Slide: MYSTERY: According to Naveed and Ali, Jehlum is least poor in HEADCOUNT poverty, but Most poor according to INTENSITY of Poverty. WHY? Our research addresses this question. Second slide will NOW explain What is Headcount and what is intensity and why they are different. This also explains why Jehlumm is object of study.

Next, one must explain why MPAT would be useful in resolving this PUZZLE. Alternatively, if focus is not on this puzzle, then one must explain why MPAT is chosen over other measures of poverty, and also some discussion of LITERATURE on MPAT -- who originated it, and WHY, and what advantages are claimed for it.

SLIDE 14: REPEATS the plagiarized diagram. Instead of saying same thing repeatedly, we must explain WHY these items are useful in measuring poverty, and how this measure is superior to others. ALSO, the question of RURAL must be explained.

SLIDE 15: Repeats information already given earlier, it seems that you want to make a very long presentation by repeating the same thing over and over again. This is bad strategy. There is LOTS of new and valuable information to be given, which you are hiding. For example, what is the source from which you copied the diagram, WHO was the inventor of MPAT, etc.

SLIDE 16: Mentions random points NOT related to research. In fact these things are NOT helpful in producing MPAT questionnaire, which has already been constructed.

SLIDE 17: Again repeat of information provided TWICE in previous slides about MPAT questionnaire. BUT if MPAT questionnaire is already made up then first two points about pilot study and questionnaire construction in light of pilot study are just FALSE and/or made up.

SLIDE 18: Finally solves the mystery. COHEN produced the MPATquestionnaire. probably also designed the MPAT diagram.

OVERALL Assesssment: COnfused jumble of points, with no clarity on what is to be done and why.

General Advice to all: Try to focus on WHAT PROBLEM are you trying to solve? Read Student Guide, HOW TO CHOOSE A TOPIC, for help.