Sadia Zafar

Sadia Zafar

Reg # 96 Ms Eco n Fin /F12

Topic:Factors effecting stock market volatility

Supervisor: Dr. Abdul Rashid


SLIDE 2: Good start - THIRD point: Knowledge of volatility is important in many areas -- avoid vague statements lilke this. Say it is important in X, Y, Z NAME the areas. this is more informative. CHANGE title to: Importance of Measuring Volatililty of Stocks

SLIDE 3: First point is mysterious and unrelated to topic (as it seems) change TITLE to RESEARCH GAP, say Macroeconomic determinants of Stock Market Volatility have been explored by X, Y,Z, HOWEVER, there is little work on FIRM level determinants (What work is there? Even if it is little, if this is your topic then it becomes VERY important to know the few papers that do exist and to cite them. FIRST POINT should be omitted, it seems completely irrelevant at this point.

SLIDE 4: Points 2 & 3 relate to your topic, first point seems unrelated.

SLIDE 5 Gap is OK, but could come much earlier as discussed.

SLIDES 6,7 Objectives, Importance, this is fine, and in correct sequence.

SLIDE 8 is just a repeat and unnecessary.

SLIDE 9 sets out methodology but there is no mention of literature. What methodologies have been used before? Which author or authors are you following? What other possibilities exist for methodology, all this requires a lit review which has not been provided.

SLIDE 10 requiires motivation with reference to the literature. There are many ways to justify a composite model. One is the ENCOMPASSING approach, see student guide.

SLIDE 11 is just nonesense padding for the sake of increasing number of slides.

references are not required.

ASSESSMENT: Substance is there, but presentations is lacking in some respects. Insufficient literature review, especially with regards to main research topic.