Project 2015

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Harvest SignUp Page and Form has been built and is on-line ready NOW for Session SignUps during the month of September on till we are done. Look for the Link on the left side of Page. There will be an OPEN August Sweet Corn Harvest Session planned. For work Updates Check Our Facebook Page

2015 - Our 7th Season

Helping Neighbors In Need

We grow fresh food and give it all away to neighbors in need

Visit Facebook for on-going updates at: Search Member: T100AMA


IHartHarvest Choice Dollars

IHartHarvest, Inc. – The Potato Project - In 2014

  • Harvest of 8 acres of potatoes from high density plantings this year, have reached and augmented local meals with fresh food for an estimated 30,000 households, about 84,000 persons in need during the month of September, being children, single parents, senior citizens, and all those in between.

  • We have hosted over 900 volunteers who have helped and served this season, fully aware this is a Holy Spirit Driven Ministry, of GOD’s Word, given in Jesus, through this Diaconal Mission.

  • We harvested and supplied 153,000 pounds of potatoes and 4,855 pounds of carrots, being 157,855 pounds of fresh food all donated to neighbors in need.

  • This provided harvest was valued @ $ 117.689.80 by Greater Berks Food Bank @ .76/pound this year.

  • The Greater Berks Food Bank is presently serving over 300 qualified charitable food programs among who they distribute to 100,000 persons, through and including local food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, Kids Cafes, Weekender Backpack Programs, and senior housing facilities.

  • GBFB serves Western Montgomery, Berks, and Schuylkill Counties. Other harvesting groups took bagged potatoes back to local pantries in Allentown, Lehigh, Northern Lehigh, Northampton, Bucks, and Dolphin Counties, of which we are aware.

A Good, has been served.

“Well done.”

Thank you.


Linda & Walt Zawaski

“God’s Peace”

Our Origin Is As A Faith Based Ministry - The Potato Project:

1. Respond to the hearing direction of Jesus' Word and Action, in our serving action, to help our neighbor in need, in offering food from the land we have been given to manage, out of what we possess, and can do, in our time, and by our hands. - `Listen to Him’, through the power of The Holy Spirit.

2. "What may not be understood," it is said, "and what we must understand, is that the work that we do is not about the physical things that we build, or the credit, notoriety, or even accolades we may garner. The work that we do is about the one thing that neither any civil war nor anything else can ever destroy. Everything, in restoration, that we do as a missionary work, everything, comes down to building relationships. Relationships between ourselves and others, and relationships between GOD and God's people, is that which matters, alone."

3. ‘What it may take a lifetime to build in good, someone can destroy in a minute - build anyway.’

Matthew 25:35-36, 40; For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’