Call for Papers: Geoarchaeology session at XIX INQUA 2015 Nagoya

Post date: Nov 6, 2014 12:01:38 PM

Dear Colleague,

You are warmly invited to the geoarchaeology session at the XIX INQUA Congress "Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization" held at Nagoya, Japan, on July 27 to August 1, 2015. This session is supported by the IAG Working Group on Geoarchaeology.

HaBCom H07 - Geoarchaeology: Human-environment interactions and palaeo-geohazards

[Conveners] Sumiko Kubo, Vanessa Mary An Heyvaert, Yasuhisa Kondo, and Masatomo Umitsu

[Scope] In a changing world, in which climate and sea-level change impact on human habitats, geoarchaeological research is highly relevant. The way past cultures coped with environmental change and natural hazards provide important lessons for human responses to future environmental changes. Moreover, human activities have left many fingerprints on our natural environment during past millennia, especially during the ‘Anthropocene’, the geological epoch debated by earth scientists as characterised by extensive anthropogenic influence. Assessment of landscapes’ resilience to human impact and environmental change can assist in solving present and future environmental problems. This requires a deep understanding of physical processes including natural as well as anthropogenic drivers of environmental change.

Geomorphological, palaeoenvironmental and sedimentological approaches in geoarchaeological studies frequently lack the integration of archaeological and historical data. This session therefore aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform to define the present state of geoarchaeological science. The session will stimulate the debate on new approaches to study human-environmental interaction and address research themes such as ‘palaeo-geohazards’ (tsunami, earthquakes, landslides, coastal and fluvial flooding, etc.). We welcome interdisciplinary papers dealing with the study and quantification of past human-environment interactions and particularly (but not limited to): (1) human impact on and adaptation to climate and sea-level change; and (2) natural hazards on various temporal and spatial scales (Pleistocene and Holocene, equatorial and polar, coastal and inland plains, wetland and dryland, urban and rural, etc.). This session is supported by the IAG-International Working Group on Geoarchaeology.

[Important dates]

December 20, 2014: Deadline for abstract submission and financial support submission

Abstracts must be submitted through the online system

February 28, 2015: Deadline for early registration

Please see the attached flyer and the conference website for the general information on the congress.

I look forward to seeing you at my hometown Nagoya next July.

Best wishes,



Yasuhisa KONDO Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

Kyoto 603-8047 JAPAN

phone: +81-(0)75-707-2387

mail: kondo "at"

