TRACE2014 - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (6-10 May)

Post date: Dec 15, 2013 4:42:49 AM

1st announcement - TRACE2014 - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology - in the Scottish Highlands

Dear Friends,

it is with great pleasure that the University of St Andrews invites you to TRACE 2014.

This will be the first tree-ring specific conference based in the United Kingdom since the 2nd WorldDendro in 1980, but this time, there will be a Scottish twist.

More information about the conference - set in the heart of the Scottish Highlands - can be found at the conference website:

The website is constantly evolving, but if you have any specific queries not detailed on the site, please e-mail the conference organisers at:

trace2014 "at"

we look forward to seeing you in Aviemore in the spring of 2014. Bring your dancing shoes :-) .

Best regards,

Rob Wilson and the organising committee.



Dr. Rob Wilson

Senior Lecturer in Earth and Environmental Sciences

School of Geography & Geosciences

University of St Andrews

St Andrews. FIFE

KY16 9AL

Scotland. U.K.

Tel: +44 01334 463914

Fax: +44 01334 463949

".....I have wondered about trees.

They are sensitive to light, to moisture, to wind, to pressure.

Sensitivity implies sensation. Might a man feel into the soul of a tree

for these sensations? If a tree were capable of awareness, this faculty

might prove useful. "

"The Miracle Workers" by Jack Vance
