Sub Plan

Sub Plan – Ryan Aseltine

Follow the timetable for class time and location. Below is a list of activities to work on from my classes. Social Studies, ELA, GCT, Grade 8 Graphic Arts.

My homework online has all the assignments listed and is located at:

Sub Plan – Ryan Aseltine

ELA – Portable 1:

Title page and sub-conflicts

Essay Assignment

SS – Portable 1:

Chapter Questions – handout (they have)

Play the top stories (15min) – CTV National News


GCT – Lab 101:

Three mazes (25, 50, 75 percent size)

Donkey Kong, Frogger backround (Scratch)

Create Donkey Kong game on Scratch

Create Frogger Game on Scratch

Grade 8 Graphic Arts – Lab 101:

Online drawing assignment:

Avatar Assignment: 4 Avatars and a superhero and villain

New Assignment: Create 1 avatar on scratch