Electric Charge

Project Based Tutorials - Electricity

You're modeling a mad scientist's laboratory. Flasks and beakers, containing strange mixtures, are scattered throughout. At the far end of the room rests an operating table. A large mass concealed by a sheet, rises up from the surface. Behind the bulk, two coils stretch up toward the ceiling. The switch is flipped, but nothing happens. No arcs. Here's how to do it.

Click for a Quicktime movie


Step 1: Create a Sphere (Objects=>Primitive=>Sphere). Double click on the Sphere icon in the Object Manager and set the Radius to 90m. Leave all of the other settings the same. Rename the Sphere 'Top'.

Step 2: Create a Cylinder (Objects=>Primitive=>Cylinder). Double click on the Cylinder icon in the Object Manager. Change the Height to 1500m, activate Fillet with 5 Segments, and set the Radius to 20m. You'll notice that the Cylinder passes through the Sphere. To fix this enter -800m into the Y Position field in the Coordinates Manager. Rename the cylinder 'Rod'.

Step 3: Drop Top into Rod making Top a child of Rod. It should now look like a flag pole.

Step 4: Now you need coils. Create a Circle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Circle). Double click on the Circle icon in the Object Manager. Change the Plane to XZ and the Radius to 150m. Now, move the Circle into postion. Enter -150m in the Y Position field in the Coordinates Manager. Rename the Circle 'Coil Spline'.

Step 5: Duplicate the Coil Spline (Functions=>Duplicate). Enter 5 for Copies, set Y Move to -1000m, and set Scale for X and Z to 3. Ungroup the new Null Object in the Object Manager (Objects=>Expand Object Group). Since the Null Object is now empty, you can delete it.

Step 6: Now the model should start to look like a Christmas tree. Create another Circle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Circle). Double click on the Circle icon in the Object Manager. Change the Radius to 30m and the Plane to XY. Rename the Circle 'Sweep'.

Step 7: Duplicate the Sweep spline. (Functions=>Duplicate). Enter 5 for Copies and leave XYZ at 0. The Scale values should all be 1. Like before, expand the Null Object and delete it. Arrange the splines in the Object Manager so that they are next to their respective splines. This is just to keep the splines organized and a little easier to locate.

Step 8: Create a Sweep NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Sweep NURBS. Again, use the Duplicate function (Functions=>Duplicate). Use the same settings as last time. Expand the new Null Object and then delete it. Again, arrange the Sweep NURBS with their associated splines.

Step 9: Drag and drop the splines into the Sweep NURBS making the splines children of the NURBS. Make sure that 'Coil Spline' is dropped first and then 'Sweep'. If your coil doesn't look like a ring surrounding the Rod, just make sure that your order is correct within the Sweep NURBS.

Step 10: Group all of the coils together in the Object Manager (Objects=>Group Objects) Your cursor will turn into a crosshair. Click and drag over the Sweep NURBS Objects. This will create a new Null Object. Rename it 'Coils'. Drag and drop 'Coils' into 'Rod'.

Step 11: You'll now create the base. Create a Cylinder (Objects=>Primitive=>Cylinder). Double click on the Cylinder icon in the Object Manager. Change the Radius to 100m, Height to 200m, and check Fillet.

Step 12: Now move the Cylinder into position. Input -1500m for the Y Position in the Coordinates Manager. Copy and Paste the Cylinder (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V or hold Ctrl and click and drag in the Object Manager). Change the new Cylinder's values to 150m for the Radius and 100m for the Height. Move the Cylinder to -1550m on the Y Axis.

Step 13: Group the Cylinders (Objects=>Group Objects) With the crosshair cursor, drag over the two Cylinders. Rename it 'Base'. Drag and drop 'Base' into 'Rod'.

Step 14: Select the 'Rod' and change the Y Position value to 0. With the Rod selected in the Object Manager, go to Objects=>Modeling=>Instance to create an Instance. Double click on the Instance in the Object Manager. Make sure that it is reffering to 'Rod'. Move the Instance to -2000m on the X Axis. Group 'Rod' and its Instance together. Rename the new Null Object to 'Rods'. Move it to X=0 Y=0 Z=0.

Step 15: Save the scene as 'Coils' (File=>Save).

Step 16: Create a new scene. In the World Grid tab, set Grid Spacing to 50m. Leave the other settings as default.

Step 17: Create a Cube (Objects=>Primitive=>Cube). Double click the Cube icon in the Object Manager. Set the Size for X to 200m, Y to 50m, and Z to 400m. Activate the Fillet and change the settings to 5m for Size and 5 for Segments. Rename the Cube 'Control'.

Step 18: Go to the Top View (F2). Make 'Control' editable (Structure=>Make Editable). Select the Polygons Tool (Tools=>Polygons) and select the face with the Live Selection Tool (Selection=>Live Selection).

Step 19: Select the Knife Tool by going to Structure=>Knife. Check the Active Tool Manager and make sure the Constrain Angle field is set to 45 and Restrict to Selection is checked. Now make cuts on the Z Axis at -150m, -50m, 50m, and 150m. Also make cuts along the X Axis at 50m and -50m. You may wish to activate Enable Snapping under the Snap Settings tab to make your cuts easier to create.

Step 20: Deselect all (Selection=>Deselect All) and then select just the 3 center polygons. Go to the Structure menu and select Extrude Inner. In the Offset field in the Active Tool Manager, enter 10m. Click Apply.

Step 21: Go to Selection=>Grow Selection to select the new polygons that were created. Select Extrude from the Structure menu. Enter 5m in Offset in the Active Tool Manager and click Apply. Deselect everything. Now, select the top and bottom polygons of the inner group.

Step 22: Select the Extrude Tool (Structure=>Extrude). Enter 5m in the Offset field and click Apply. Then, enter -5m into the Offset. Click Apply again.

Step 23: Select only the center polygon. Select Extrude again. Enter -45m in the Offset and click Apply. This will make a hole in the middle the of the control.

Step 24: Deselect all. Select the outer edge of the control without grabbing any of the Fillet polygons. Select Extrude Inner from the Structure menu. Enter 10m into the Offset and click Apply. Select Extrude again. This time, enter -5m into the Offset. Click Apply.

Step 25: While you have these polygons selected, set the selection (Selection=>Set Selection). A Selection Tag will appear in your Object Manager. Double click on it and name it 'Bar'.

Step 26: Create a Cylinder (Objects=>Primitive=>Cylinder). Double click on the Cylinder icon in the Object Manager. Set the Radius to 20m, the Height to 100m, Orientation to +X, and activate the Fillet with 5 Fillet Segments and a Radius of 10m. Rename the Cylinder 'Pivot'.

Step 27: Make 'Pivot' editable (Structure=>Make Editable). Select the Object Axis Tool (Tools=>Object Axis). In the Coordinates Manager set B to 90 under Rotation.

Step 28: Create a Cube (Objects=>Primitive=>Cube). Double click on the Cube icon in the Object Manager and make the following changes: Width=40, Height=75, Depth=25, Fillet 5m, 5. Enter 50m for the Y Position in the Coordinates Manager. Rename the Cube 'Handle'. Drag and drop 'Handle' into 'Pivot'.

Step 29: Create a Text Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Text). Double click on the Text icon in the Object Manager. Type 'ON' in the text window. The Line Height should be set to 40m and Plane set to XZ. Rename the Text 'ON'.

Step 30: Make sure to switch to the Object Tool (Tools=>Object) and move the spline to X=0m, Y=30m, and Z=75m.

Step 31: Copy and Paste the spline (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V or Ctrl+click and drag) Double click on the Text icon in the Object Manager. Change 'ON' to 'OFF'. Rename the spline 'OFF'.

Step 32: Move 'OFF' to X=0, Y=30, Z=-105.

Step 33: Create a Loft NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Loft NURBS). Set the Y Position to 30m in the Coordinates Manager. Copy the Loft NURBS. Drag and drop each spline into a Loft NURBS. Rename the Loft NURBS 'ON' and 'OFF' appropriately.

Step 34: Group the two Loft NURBS together. Rename the Null Object 'Labels'. Move the Labels group to Y=31m.

Step 35: Now you need some connections for the wires. Create a Circle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Circle). Double click on the Circle icon in the Object Manager. Change the Radius to 15m and Plane to XY.

Step 36: Duplicate the Circle (Functions=>Duplicate). Make 3 Copies. Also, set the Move Z field to 30m. Click OK. Expand the Null Object then delete it.

Step 37: Create a Loft NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Loft NURBS). Drag and drop the splines in. Be sure to drop the splines in the correct order. Rename the Loft NURBS 'Connection'. Move 'Connection' to X=50m, Y=0m, Z=200m.

Step 38: To give it the right shape, you'll move and change the splines a bit. First, change the Radius values as follows: Circle = 15m, Circle.1 = 15m, Circle.2 = 10m, Circle.3 = 5m.

Step 39: Move the splines. In the Coordinates Manager, enter the following values for the Z Position field. Circle = 0m, Circle.1 = 6m, Circle.2 = 13m, and Circle.3 = 5m.

Step 40: Create an Instance (Objects=>Modeling=>Instance). Double click on the Instance icon in the Object Manager. Make sure that the Instance is reffering to 'Connection'. Move the Instance to X=-50m, Y=0m, Z=200m.

Step 41: Group the Instance and 'Connection' objects together. Rename the Null Object 'Connectors'. Drag and drop 'Conncectors' into 'Control'. Save the scene as 'Control'.


Step 1: Create a New Material in the Material Manager (File=>New Material). Double click on its name and rename it 'Cover'. Double click the material to edit its settings. Activate the different channels by checking the box next to the names on the left side of the dialog.

Color Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=35%.

Reflection Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=19%.

Specular Channel: Mode=Plastic Width=30% Height=30%.

Drag the Cover material to the Control object. Leave the settings as default for the texture and click OK.

Step 2: Create a New Material. Name it 'Handle'.

Color Channel: R=100% G=2% B=0% Br=70%

Specular Channel: Mode=Plastic Width=20% Height=20%.

Drag and drop the material to the 'Pivot' object. Leave the texture settings as default and click OK.

Step 3: Create a New Material. Name it 'Text'.

Color Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=100%

Specular Channel: Mode=Plastic Width=50% Height=50%.

Drag and drop the material to the 'Labels' object. Leave the texture settings as default and click OK.

Step 4: This material contains a texture map. To get it, download the project file included with this tutorial. Create a New Material. Name it 'Bar'. Click the Image button in the Color Channel. Locate the 'Line_bar.gif' file. Drag and drop the material to the 'Control' object. Set the Projection to Cubic. Type 'Bar' in the Restrict to Selection field. Click OK.

Step 5: Drag 'Labels' and 'Pivot' into 'Control' and save your scene.

Step 6: Open the 'Coils' object group. Create a New Material. Name it 'Coil'.

Color Channel: R=0% G=58% B=92% Br=100%

Specular Channel: Mode=Plastic Width=20% Height=20%.

Drag the material to the 'Coils' object group. Leave the texture settings as default and click OK.

Step 7: Create a New Material. Name it 'Rod'.

Color Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=30%

Reflection Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=70%

Specular Channel: Mode=Plastic Width=50% Height=50%

Drag and drop the material onto the 'Rod' object. Leave the texture settings as default and click OK.

Step 8: Create New Material. Name it 'Beam'.

Color Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=100%

Luminance Channel: R=100% G=100% B=100% Br=100%

Glow Channel: R=54% G=39% B=100% Br=100% Make sure that 'Use Material Color' is unchecked so that you can change the color settings within the Glow Channel. Set Inner Strength to 0%, Outer Strength to 1000%, Radius to 120m, Random to 80%, and Frequency to 10.

Setting up the Scene

Step 1: Merge 'Control' into 'Coil' (File=>Merge). Select the 'Control'. Move it to X=540m, Y=210m, Z=-1800m, with a Rotation of P=90, B=-40. Bring a Camera into the scene (Objects=>Scene=>Camera) and move the Camera to X=25m Y=735m Z= -3120m with Rotation settings of H=0 P=-10 B=0.

Step 2: Now you'll create the wires that connect these two pieces. This part is a little random since you can make them hang however you want. Create a B-Spline (Objects=>Create Spline=>B-Spline). Create points going from the 'Connector' to the 'Base'. Once done, copy the Spline and move the points so that the two aren't identical, and rename them 'Left Wire' and 'Right Wire'.

Draw in a similar fashion

Step 3: Now, create a Circle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Circle). Double click on the Circle icon in the Object Manager. Make the Radius=5m and Plane=XY. Rename it 'Sweep' and make a copy of it.

Step 4: Now create a Sweep NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Sweep NURBS). Copy it. Drag and drop a wire spline and the 'Sweep' spline into each one. Rename the Sweep NURBS to 'L.Wire' and 'R.Wire'.

Step 5: Your scene should now be similar to this.

Step 6: Now, you'll start the arc. First create a Circle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Circle). Double click on the Circle icon in the Object Manager. Make the Radius=5m and Plane=ZY. Rename the Circle 'Arc'.

Step 7: Duplicate the spline (Functions=>Duplicate). Make 11 Copies with Move settings of X=1500m Y=0m Z=0m. Expand the Null Object and then delete it.

Step 8: Make all of the splines editable (Structure=>Make Editable). Now, for each spline, move its Object Axis to X=0m Y=0m Z=0m.

Step 9: Create a Loft NURBS (Objects=>NURBS=>Loft NURBS). Double click on the Loft NURBS icon in the Object Manager. Uncheck Subdivisions per Segment. Leave all the other segments as default and click OK.

Step 10: Drag and drop all of the splines into the Loft NURBS. Remember, order is important. Make sure they're in numerical order. Rename the Loft NURBS 'Arc'. Also drag and drop the 'Beam' material onto 'Arc'.

Step 11: Now, you'll set up the electricity movement. This part is somewhat random. The values used here will be given. They can be changed to your liking.

Step 12: Open your Timeline (Window=>Timeline). Expand 'Arc' by clicking on the '+' next to it. All of the splines should appear. Right click (Mac: Cmnd+click) on Arc.1 (or the second spline). Select New Track=>Special Effects=>Vibrate in the Timeline Window. Double click on the Sequence. Make it run from Frame 30 to Frame 90. Copy this Track to all of the other splines except for the last one.

Step 13: Add a keyframe to the first Sequence. You're mainly concerned with the Seed, Frequency, and the Y Position fields. Make Seed=10, Frequncy=5, and Y=50m.

Step 14: Now, create keyframes for the rest of the Sequences.

Arc.2:(S=5, F=10, Y=20)

Arc.3:(S=11, F=7, Y=70)

Arc.4:(S=20, F=15, Y=120)

Arc.5:(S=45, F=30, Y=-200)

Arc.6:(S=50, F=10, Y=100)

Arc.7:(S=60, F=20, Y=120)

Arc.8:(S=30, F=5, Y=-75)

Arc.9:(S=10, F=2, Y=-100)

Arc.10:(S=5, F=1, Y=10)

Step 15: Create a Position and Scale Track for 'Arc'. Again make the Sequences start at Frame 30 and end at Frame 90. In the Position Track, make a keyframe at Frame 30. Make X=-530m and Y=-350m. For Frame 90, make X=-1000m and Y=1200m.

Step 16: Create a keyframe for the Scale Track at Frame 30. Make X=.72m. Also make a keyframe at Frame 90. Set X=1.3m.

Step 17: To make the arc appear after the switch is flipped, create a Visibility Track (New Sequence=>Special Effects=>Visibility). Place a keyframe at Frame 0 and make the Visibility 0%. Place another keyframe at Frame 29 keeping Visibility at 0%. Now, put another keyframe at Frame 30 and make the Visibility 100%.

Step 18: To get the arc to climb correctly, you'll add some Bend Deformations. Create a Bend Deformation (Objects=>Deformation=>Bend). Double click on the Bend icon in the Object Manager. Make X=150m and change Mode to Within Box. In the Coordinates Manager, make X=520m, Y=-350m and B=90. Rename the Bend 'Right Bend'.

Step 19: Copy the Bend. Rename it 'Left Bend'. In the Coordinates Manager, make X=-520m, Y=-350m and B=-90. Drop both bends into 'Arc'.

Step 20: Now, here comes the difficult part. This Sequence involves many keyframes with many different vaules. Again, they can be changed to your liking without greatly effecting the outcome. Select 'Right Bend' in the Timeline and create a Parameter Track. Make the Sequence start at Frame 30 and end at 90.

Step 21: The way the keyframes are written is Frame:Angle.














For a keyframe at Frame 78, make X=225m and Y=175m. For a keyframe at Frame 90, make X=300m and Y=600m.

Step 22: For 'Left Bend', enter these values:













For keyframe 90, make X=230m and Y=700m.

Step 23: Creating the other beams within a single arc is easy. Copy it as many times as you want. Just go to the Vibrate Tracks and change the Seed, Frequency, and Y Position. They don't have to be drastic changes. Just enough to make it apparant that there are multiple beams.

This is what my sequence looked like.

Step 24: You can make as many seperate arcs as you want. Just remember to change the Vibrate values so that all of your arcs don't look the same.

Step 25: You'll now add some simple Lights. One will light up the area and the other will be the light from the arc. Create a Light (Objects=>Scene=>Light). Double click on the Light icon in the Object Manager. Make the Brightness 85%. In the Coordinates Manager, make Y=860m and Z=-3730m. Rename the Light 'Scene Light'.

Step 26: Add another Light. Rename it 'Arc Light'. Make R=54% and G=39%. Set Noise to Visiblity. Click the Noise tab and set Type to Noise, Velocity to 250%, Brightness to 10%, and Contrast to 100%.

Step 27: Now add a Position and Visibility Track to 'Arc Light'. Make the Position Sequence start at Frame 30 and end at Frame 90. Place a Position keyframe at Frame 30 with and make Y=-400m. Place another keyframe at Frame 90 with a Y Position of 1210m. On the Visibility track, Key it the same as 'Arc'. Frames 0 through 29 are set to 0%. Frames 30 through 90 are 100%.

Step 28: Expand 'Control' in the Timeline. Create a Rotation Track for 'Pivot'. The keys are:





Leave the Bank set to 90 in all keyframes.

Step 29: That's about it. You may need to tweak the keyframes a bit, just so it works in your specific scene. Render out the movie with Antialiasing set to Edge and Color. Also set the Frame Rate to 15. Click Render to Picture Viewer (Render=>Render to Picture Viewer).

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