Office Chair

In this tutorial you will build a chair similar to what you might find as a guest chair in an office or reception area.

Note: The dimensions given in this tutorial are in millimeters. They will work in any other unit system, but if you set your standard units to millimeters, the chair will be actual size.

Step 1: You will start by creating a Cube. You can do this by going to Objects=>Primitive=>Cube. Now double click the Cube icon in the Object Manager. Change the Size to X=20mm, Y=850mm, and Z=25mm. Check the box for Fillet and change the Size value to 3mm. Click OK and then change the Cube's Y Position to 425mm using the Coordinates Manager.

Step 2: Now create a Shear Deformation (Objects=>Deformation=>Shear). Double click its icon in the Object Manager. Set the Mode to 'Unlimited' and the Curvature to zero. Click OK and change it's Y Position to 125mm. Now drag the Shear Deformation into the Cube in the Object Manager. Make sure the Shear Deformation is active and switch to the Front View (F4). Use the orange handle on the Deformation to slightly deform the Cube.

Step 3: Next, create a Bend Deformation (Objects=>Deformation=>Bend). Change its Size to X=50mm Y=50mm Z=50mm and make sure the Mode is set to 'Limited'. Change its Y Position to 550mm, and adjust its X Position until it is positioned over the deformed Cube. Select the Cube and convert it to polygons (Structure=>Make Editable). Now activate the Points Tool (Tools=>Points). You will notice that the Cube returns to its undeformed state. Using the Knife Tool (Structure=>Knife), cut the Cube multiple times at the height of the Bend Deformation. This will allow you to get a nice smooth bend. When you have finished cutting, switch back to the Object Tool (Tools=>Object) and drag the Bend Deformation into the Cube's hierarchy (above the Shear Deformation Object). Now, looking from the front in the editor, bend the Cube back the other way a little bit as shown.

Step 4: Create a Cube and change its Size to X=20mm, Y=960mm, and Z=25mm. Turn Fillet on, change the Size to 3mm and click OK (Note that you may have to vary the Y Size depending on how much you bent the previous Cube). Change it's Y Position to 480mm (half the Y Size) and its X Position to 390mm.

Step 5: Create another Bend Deformation. Make it's Y Position 630mm and X Position 390mm. Change the Deformation's Size to X=50mm Y=50mm Z=50mm and make sure it is in 'Limited' Mode. Select the Cube you created in the previous step and make it editable (Structure=>Make Editable). With the Points Tool active, use the Knife Tool (Structure=>Knife) to cut the Cube multiple times at the height of the Bend Deformation you just created. Drag the Bend Deformation onto the Cube in the Object Manager and set the Angle to -90°.

Step 6: Create a Cube and change its Size to X=400mm, Y=20mm, and Z=25mm. Turn Fillet on, change the Size to 3mm and click OK. Change the Cube's Position to Y=400mm and X=215mm. Group all the Cube Objects together in the Object Manager (Objects=>Group Objects). Make a copy of this Object Group and change its Z Position to 470mm.

Step 7: Create a Cube and change its Size to X=450mm Y=80mm Z=450mm. Make the Cube editable (Structure=>Make Editable) and use the Knife Tool (Structure=>Knife) to cut the Cube near its edges (use the image as a guide). Create a Hyper NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Hyper NURBS) and drag the Cube onto it in the Object Manager. Move this Object Group to a height of about 420mm, change its Z Position to 235mm, and its X Position to 250mm.

Step 8: Make a copy of the Hyper NURBS Object you just created (Edit=>Copy, Edit=>Paste). Rotate the copy and position it so that it lines up with the back of the chair.

Step 9: Create a Cube and change its Size to X=300mm Y=25mm Z=40mm, turn on Fillet, and change the Size to 10mm. Change its Position to Y=675mm and X=240mm. Create a Bend Deformation with dimensions of X=50mm Y=50mm Z=50mm. Change its Position to X=360mm and Y=675mm and its B Rotation to 90° using the Coordinates Manager. Using the same technique as above, Knife the Cube where the Bend Deformation is and bend it until it wraps around the arm of the chair. Make a copy of the Cube and move change its Z Position to 470mm.

Step 10: Now it's time to texture the chair. Maxon has a list of places to find textures in the Support area of the site. I always check first (that's where the cloth texture was found for the chair). Once you have found an image to use for the cloth, create a New Material in the Material Manager (File=>New Material) and double click it to edit it. In the Color channel for the Texture field click on 'Image' to choose your image file. Make sure Color is the only box checked on the left of the window, and then close the window. Apply this surface to the Hyper NURBS Objects you used as seat cushions and the Cube you used for the arm rests. Set the Projection to 'Cubic' in the Texture dialog.

Step 11: Now you need to make a metallic surface for the legs of the chair. Create a New Material and double click on it. These are the numbers used here, but feel free to play around with them until you get the look you want. In the Color pane, change the Brightness to 30%. Turn on Reflection and set the Brightness to 60% in the Reflection channel. Turn on Specular, use the Plastic Mode, and make the Width and Height both 20%.

If you would like to add more realism to this surface, find a picture of a room or office and use it as an image for the Environment channel. When you finish adjusting the texture, close the window and apply it to the Cubes you used as part of the frame.

That's it! You've now got a textured chair.

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