IHN Essay Topics

“In the Heat of the Night” Essay Topics

1. Which of the two main characters makes the biggest change in his life, Gillespie or Tibbs? Discuss three of the major changes.

2. Which characters, other than the main two, stand out as particularly meaningful when one considers the themes of the novel? Discuss three characters and their contribution to the novel.

3. “John Ball has very effectively portrayed life in a small Southern town.” Discuss the above quotation with specific references to the text. Compare and contrast the picture of life in Wells with life in your own community.

4. Although neither Sam nor Gillespie is the principal character of the story, each plays an important role in the novel. Discuss the roles of these two men.

5. Discuss the way stereotyping is involved in this novel.

6. Assess the causes and consequences of racism in the US South, using this novel as an example.