Graphic Arts (grade 8 2020)

Grade 8 - Graphic Arts Assignments

Assignment 1: Online Drawing Assignments (Vector Drawing and Freehand - Quick sketching)

Select three of the following. Quick sketch them freehand on lined paper and vector draw them on scratch


-Draw Donald Duck from the online tutorial provided (link).

-Draw Eyes from the online tutorial (link).

-Draw Spongebob (link)

-Tom (link)

-Draw Daffy Duck (link)

-Draw Mr. Krabs (link)

-Draw Speedy Gonzales (link)

-Homer (link)

-Draw Brian Griffin (link)

-Draw Taz (link)

Assignment 2: Auto-biography:

Visually represent yourself - PowerPoint.

Assignment 3: Scratch Tutorial:

Complete three of the following tutorials

1) Getting Started

2) Animate a Name

3) Create a Story

4 Make a chase game

5) Animate a Character

Assignment 4: Camera Angles and Shots

Camera Angles and Shots

Rules of Thirds - Definition and 10 pictures (all movies)

Over the Shoulder – Definition - 5 movies

Head and Shoulder - Definition - 5 sports, 5 movies, 5 open media

Torso - Definition - 5 sports, 5 movies, 5 open

High and low Angle - Definition - 10 shots in total (open)

Close-up - Definition - 5 movie, 5 sport

Extreme ­- Definition ­­­- close-up - 10 movies