Grade 9 - GCT

"Almost"...Dr. Distance Ed

(I have a Master's Degree in Distance Education)

Grade 9 - GCT Assignments

-All assignments are on EDSBY

Major Assignment - Three Scratch Maze Games

1) Create 3 maze backgrounds. Size: 25%, 50%, 75%.

2) Game character development: Create an Avatar of yourself (vector drawing).

3) Based from your avatar, make two additional game characters, a super hero and villain (vector drawings).

4) Game Play

  • Move through the maze with the arrow keys - if you touch the sides, "You"... go back to the start.

  • The villain moves through the maze on its own - if it hits you, "You"...go back to start.

  • The goal of the game is to go through the maze and get to the end.

Major Assignment - Classic Game Remix (Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Frogger, Donkey Kong)

"A remix is a piece of media which has been altered or contorted from its original state by adding, removing, and changing pieces of the item."

1) Background Artwork: Create your own backgrounds on Scratch for the four games. Be creative!

2) Character Development: Recreate the characters for the for games. Make sure you tap into your creativity and "Remix" the characters.

Twitter: Take pictures and videos of your work and tweet it to @acteach. I will then share it with the world.

Online Photoshop:

Scratch Tutorials and Assistance:

1) Getting Started

2) Animate a Name

3) Create a Story

4 Make a chase game

5) Animate a Character

