Park Bench

This tutorial will go through the steps of creating a park bench using Sweep NURBS, Lathe NURBS, and the Duplicate and Arrange functions.

Step 1: You first need to create a spline for the base of the bench. Go to the Right View (F3) and begin by creating a spline with the Bezier Spline Tool (Objects=>Create Spline=>Bezier). Create the spline as shown by Ctrl+clicking in the View Window. The size of the spline should be about 150m tall (Y Axis) and 150m along the Z Axis. Rename the spline 'Base Spline' by double clicking on its name in the Object Manager.

Step 2: Now you need to make the size and shape for the base. Create a Rectangle Spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Rectangle). Change the settings by double clicking on the Rectangle icon in the Object Manager. In the dialog input 15m for the Width and 30m for the Height. Make sure the Plane is set to XY. Also set Rounding to 5m.

Step 3: Create a Sweep NURBS Object to sweep the Rectangle you just created along the Base Spline (Objects=>NURBS=>Sweep NURBS). Drag and drop the Base Spline into the Sweep NURBS and do the same with the Rectangle you just created. Keep in mind that the top object is being swept along the bottom object. Your hierarchy should look like the one shown. Rename the Sweep NURBS Object 'BASE1'.

Step 4: Now you need to create the other side of the base. Create a Symmetry Object (Objects=>Modeling=>Symmetry) and set the Mirror Plane to XY. Select BASE1 in the hierarchy and move it to -30m in the Z field of the Coordinates Manager. Make sure you have the Object and Move Tools selected. Drag and drop the BASE1 object into the Symmetry Object. Rename the Symmetry Object 'Base' in the Object Manager.

Step 5: To make the base look more stable you will place a Cube in between the Symmetry Object. Create a Cube (Objects=>Primitive=>Cube) and change the settings to Width (X) 10m, Height (Y) 70m, Depth (Z) 60m with Fillet enabled and set to 5m. Click OK. Position the Cube at 35m along the Y Axis in the Coordinates Manager. Your model should look like the one shown. Group these objects together in the Object Manager (Objects=>Group Objects). With the crosshairs drag a rectangle around the two objects. Rename the Null Object 'Bench Base'.

Step 6: You will be creating the frame of the seat in the Right View (F3). Create a spline (Objects=>Create Spline=>Bezier) by Ctrl+clicking in the View Window. Create the spline as shown. Now create a Rectangle to sweep along the spline (Objects=>Spline Primitive=>Rectangle). Double click on the Rectangle icon to open its settings. The settings are Width=10m, Height=25m, Rounding activated and set to 5m, and Plane set to XY. Click OK. Create a Sweep NURBS (Objects=>NURBS=>Sweep NURBS) and set Start and End to No Caps by double clicking on the icon in the Object Manager. Rename the spline 'Seat spline' then drag and drop it into the Sweep NURBS, do the same with the Rectangle. Rename the Sweep NURBS 'Bench seat'.

Step 7: To give the bench a more realistic look you will create a washer to place the seat frame and the base together. Start by creating a spline (Objects=>Create Spline=>Bezier) then Ctrl+click in the View Window to create the spline as shown. Create this spline in the Right View (F3). Double click on the Spline icon in the Object Manager and check the box for Close Spline. Then rename the spline to 'Washer Spline'. Now create a Lathe NURBS (Objects=>NURBS=>Lathe NURBS) and rename the Sweep NURBS 'washer'.

Step 8: Move the Washer underneath the Bench Seat and above the Bench Base as shown. You can do this visually or by entering the coordinates in the Coordinates Manager. The settings used are X=0m Y=130m Z=95m. Now create a Symmetry Object (Objects=>Modeling=>Symmetry) and drag and drop the Washer into the Symmetry Object. Double click on the Symmetry icon to change the Mirror Plane to XY, the other settings are fine, click OK. Rename the object 'WASHERS'.

Step 9: Now to create the armrest of the bench. Create a spline (Objects=>Create Spline=>Akima) then go to the Right View (F3) and begin Ctrl+clicking in the View Window to create the spline as shown. Name the spline 'Arm' then make a Rectangle Spline identical to the Rectangle you used for the Bench Seat or select the Rectangle in the Bench Seat hierarchy and Copy (Ctrl+C) then Paste it (Ctrl+V). After that create a Sweep NURBS Object (Objects=>NURBS=>Sweep NURBS) then drag and drop the Arm spline followed by the Rectangle. Rename the Sweep NURBS 'Armrest'.

Step 10: Now that you have the frame modeled you will be grouping it together to make it one object. In the Object Manager go to Objects=>Group Objects then with the crosshairs click and drag a box over all the objects. Rename the Null Object 'Bench Frame'. After the objects are grouped you will be adding a Symmetry Object (Objects=>Modeling=>Symmetry). Drag and drop the Bench Frame into the Symmetry Object, make sure the Mirror Plane is set to ZY. With the Bench Frame still selected move it 300m along the X Axis. You can do this artistically in the View Window or by typing 300m into the X Position field in the Coordinates Manager. Your model should look like the image shown.

Step 11: Create a new spline (Objects=>Create Spline=>Bezier) and then go to the Right View (F3). From here you will draw the path that will form the contour of the seat. Draw a spline as shown then rename the spline 'Seat Path'.

Step 12: Create a Cube (Objects=>Primitive=>Cube) and double click on the Cube icon in the Object Manager to change it's settings. Set X=600m Y=40m Z=20m, enable a Fillet of 10m and 5 Segments. With the Cube selected go to Functions=>Duplicate then type 10 in the Copies field with Generate Instances checked and 550m in the Y Move field, the other default settings are fine. Drag and drop the original Cube into the new Null Object. With the Null Object selected go to Functions=>Arrange and type 'Seat Path' into the Search field then change the Tangential field to Y Axis and click OK. Rename the Null Object 'Beams'. Group Beams and Seat Path together (Objects=>Group Objects) in the Object Manager. Rename the new Null Object 'Seat'.

Step 13: You will add a Bend Deformation to the Beams to give a more comfortable and realistic look. Add a Bend Deformation (Objects=>Deformation=>Bend) then drag and drop the deformation in the Cube.10 object in the Beams hierarchy. Position the deformation box over the bottom end beam and Rotate it -90 degrees in the H field then 25 degrees in the B field. Set the P field to 0 in the Coordinates Manager. Double click on the Bend Deformation icon in the Object Manager to change its settings. Set X=25m Y=45m Z=600m Angle=110 degrees, and enable Keep Y Axis Length, then click OK.

Step 14: Finally, open the Bench Seat hierarchy in the Bench Frame and select the Seat spline then Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V). Create an Extrude NURBS (Objects=>NURBS=>Extrude NURBS) and double click on the icon in the Object Manager. Change the Z Movement to 0m, the rest of the default settings are fine, click OK. Drag and drop the spline you just copied into the Extrude NURBS Object. Rename the object 'Plates' then drag and drop it into the Bench Frame. Lastly, group the Seat and Symmetry Object (Objects=>Group Objects) in the Object Manager and rename it 'BENCH'. Your model should look like the one shown.

Step 15: You have finished the model, so now you will apply some materials to it. Create a New Material in the Material Manager (File=>New Material) and then double click on the New Material icon to open its settings then change the name of the material to 'Frame'.

Step 16: The dialog window has check boxes next to the different channels, checking the box enables that specific channel. There are two channels activated by default, Color and Specular. Check the boxes for Diffusion, Reflection, and Bump along with Color and Specular which should already be checked.

Step 17: Click on the Color text to bring up the settings for that channel. Enter 0 for the RGB values and turn the Brightness up to 100%. In the Reflection channel change the Brightness to 10%, the other settings are fine. In the Bump channel click the right black arrow next to the 'Image' field to select the Noise Shader (Shader=>Noise.)

Step 18: Click the Edit button next to the Interpolation field then input 5 for the U Frequency and 5 for the V Frequency, click OK. Now lower the Bump Strength to 4% and go to the Specular channel. Change the Width to 25% and the Height to 150% then click Refresh in the right bottom corner and close the Material dialog. Drag and drop the material onto the Symmetry Object. The default projection settings are fine.

Step 19: To finish this model you must apply a wood like material to the wood beams of the bench. In the Material Manager create a New 3D Shader (File=>New 3D Shader=>Wood).

Step 20: Double click on the new Material icon to open its settings. Change the X Frequency to 0, Y Frequency to 1, and the Z Frequency to 2. Click on the Color 1 button and input the settings shown.

Step 21: Click on the Color 2 button and input the settings shown. Now you will apply the Wood Shader to the Beams of the Bench. Drag and drop the Material onto the Beams object. The default projection settings are fine.

Step 22: Now give your scene a quick render and save the file.

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