
The pictures above show each end of my newly revamped workshop after I removed the garage door, replacing it with a wall and window in October 2020.  This change to the workshop stopped the cold drafts from around the door sides and has allowed for more natural light, my eyesight is not what it once was.  Within this workshop, I have endeavored to construct various projects.  These projects I have documented mostly with pictures and some text, showing the methods and processes I used in their construction. By sharing these projects with others it is my sincere hope that others will be encouraged and inspired to engage in the practical aspect of our hobby of Amateur Radio. 

In most of these projects, I claim no originality for myself but have sought and found inspiration from others who have kindly shared ideas and methods online.

This page has been re-ordered with the most recent projects first.  I will gradually add more, as and when I have the time, so please check back to see my latest endeavors. 


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