Remote Antenna Switch

To make this antenna switch I first searched the internet to see what kits were available. There were several kits consisting of a PCB, relays, sockets and passive components. Most of these components I already had.

From this investigation I decided to make a copy of the circuit board for the three antenna version.  I made the assumption that this PCB was probably designed with the best possible configuration to avoid signal losses.

Taking the picture found on the web of the PCB and loading it into photoshop was the first task.  Next was to crate a second layer and trace over the tracks using the magnetic lasso tool and paint bucket in black.

Once this was complete, the image on the background layer was hidden leaving the top layer visible.

This image was then flipped over and printed on magazine paper which was ironed onto the prepared coper clad board. The board was then soaked in water to remove the paper, leaving only the toner track detail ready for etching. 

Image of PCB loaded into graphics software

Tracing over the tracks

completed track copy layer

Components  mounted after board etched and drilled. 

Salvaged die-cast  box reused with sockets fitted

Connector block in-place for connecting control box cable

Control box with salvaged witch and box

control box decal -see here for how I make these- click here

Double sided tape on underside of decal ready for placement

Control box  on the shelf directly below callsign plaque

This project was was place in the Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club constructors cup competition. This took place on zoom with presentations given by the individual entrant. Watch by clicking here