6 Meter Moxon

The Moxon antenna has become a very populars simple two element beam  for the practical radio amateur to build . It offers reasonable gain with a good front to back ratio for its reduced size.

There are many moxon calculators to be found on the internet. The one that I used was provided by John Simpson, KG4ZOW.

My antenna was to operate on 6 meters with elements made with 12mm aluminium tube, therefor those values were entered into the moxon calculator.

The dimentions shown here are those returned for my values entered. I was cautious and made mine at "A" slightly longer allowing for a larger margin in trimming to resonance. However I found the measurements given in the calculator were surprisingly accurate with me needing to trim 8cm off "A"

Here are two 3m lengths of 12mm aluminium tube for the elements  and a 1m length of 25mm aluminium tube for the boom.  Also can be seen here is a short length of nylon rod.

Two 60mm lengths were cut off of the nylon rod to make insulting caps for the end of the boom to take the elements.

Turning the nylon end for the aluminium boom in the lathe

Turning of one end plug complete

Drilling a hole for the director element. 

Here, the director element is in place in one of the boom end plugs and the second is prepared for the driven element. Note that the two lengths of the driven element are not able to touch each other in the centre of the boom end plug.

The boom complete with nylon insulator end plugs and main element in place

Here are some off-cut pieces of 10mm aluminium tube that fitted nicely inside the 12mm elements, giving some sliding adjustment to the ends of the dipoles.

Flattening the ends of the tubes to form the corners of the moxon elements.

The corner pieces joined with pop-rivets

Feed point lugs connected to driven elements with self tapping screws through nylon insulator.

A nylon spigot was turned on the lathe to be placed on top of the mast. This was for the fixing of the boom bracket.

Nylon spigot fixed to boom bracket

The Moxon mounted on to the mast and coax feeder in place ready to test with VNA