Glass Based Manual Key

When a minimalist picture frame (two thick sheets of glass where you slide in between a picture) became damaged I decided to keep the good half to use as a base for another Morse key project. After several years of holding on to this piece of glass, I finally got around to using it.

I decided that this key would be a manual key but with the difference of not using a spring in the mechanism but rather instead, I would use two opposing neodymium magnets. I have noticed the growing trend in high-quality keys using this feature and so I thought it would be nice to incorporate this method.

I think the way I have implemented the magnets in a simple and easily adjustable way is unique. I have not seen this method used in any other key.


In the slides above: are pictures that I took, at the various stages of the manufacturing and construction.

After completing the key I run through some practice routines with it and found it to have a nice feel.  Once comfortable with it I thought it would be good to give it a maiden voyage on the airwaves.

Here are my first five contacts made on Sunday afternoon 14 October 2018: 

This Key won the Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club trophy for scratch built projects 2018