
After sliding some prototype board into one-half of an old equipment case, I marked out and drilled holes for the nine buttons required for the keyer. Sliding the board out with the holes the drill had passed through from the case top, gave me exact locations to solder the buttons. 

The nine salvaged surface mount buttons recovered from old disused equipment were soldered in their locations and then the board was slid back into and out of the case top with any adjustments made to their locations needed.

Little plastic button extensions were made with some fiberglass rod and plastic sleeves I had on hand.

All button extensions in place and their location over the surface-mounted buttons underneath were checked for accuracy of placement

Resisters soldered to buttons duplex potential devider network

Ground wire link to all buttons solered in place

Button assembly installed in the top half of the case

Arduino Nano micro-controller placed on the main board along with the CW speed potentiometer.

LEDs in place along with clip and contacts for lithium battery 

Close-up of sprung-loaded gold battery contacts 

Key and TX sockets and components fitted and connected along with piezo buzzer. 

The not-so-pretty tracks on the prototype board. Would have preferred to use an etched circuit board but this was quick and dirty to have the project complete in time for the club construction contest.

All components fitted in place and circuits checked before placing in the bottom half of the case

The main board in the case with the front and rear panels. 

Close-up of the battery in its place

Rear panel with a hole for the USB sock to protrude 

Front panel Decal

Top decal with information of the commands available

The compleated contest keyer