Low visual impact 

4 Meter 1/4 wave ground plane

My reduced visual impact 4m ground plain.

In order to reduce the visual impact of my home-constructed quarter wave grand plane for 4 meters, I looked at ways to reduce its overall size. After looking at the ways ground radials can be fitted into smaller spaces while installing ground-mounted verticals( zigzagging or spiraling out from the base), it occurred to me that this could be done with a roof-mounted ground plane. The above diagram details how I achieved this. By zigzagging wire radials between fiberglass spars inserted into a nylon collar at the top of the large N-Type female connector, It was made possible.

Tunning the antenna for a low SWR was achieved with an adjustable stub at the top of the vertical element. The shortening of the radials by the method I used here had very little impact on the impedance of the antenna, however, suitably reduced its visual impact.