
Kerinci, at 3805m, is the highest volcano on Indonesia, but not the most difficult to climb. Access through Padang is long, but straightforward. From Padang Airport to Padang, it s almost 1h by car, then to Padang Aro, another 4h, and eventually to Kersik Tua, another 2h. A friendly homestay, Pak Subandi welcome you at the start of the trail for a mere 100k, breakfast included. You may or may not buy your park entrance ticket there. To go to the unattended trail gate [1750m], you will need a 20 min Ojek ride or a 1h20 min small trek. During the dry season, water is scarce on the trail, so bring some. 

You can bag this peak in 2 days/1 night, but a more comfortable option will be in 2 nights and 3 days, with 2 nights camping at shelter 2.

It is recommended to camp at Shelter 2 [3040m], the ascent lasts around 5h, there are almost no views during the ascent, but views from Shelter 2 are great, especially on the Tuju Lake complex! Bring a tent, as the shelter has no more roof, and it s quite windy up there.  

A nice side trek is Gunung Tujuh, it takes 2 to 3h to reach  this beautiful lake from Sangir village on Jalan Padang Kerinci. The setting is really stunning, with some views on the Kerinci volcano. The lake has a eerie feeling, unfortunately there is no trail to tour the lake, but you can camp there.