ASPNF2021 will be 100% online due to COVID19 situation! 

The 7th ASEAN School on Plasma and Nuclear Fusion (ASPNF2021) 

2-4 August, 2021

Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok, Thailand



The 7th ASEAN School on Plasma and Nuclear Fusion (ASPNF2021) features hi-lights from

- Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

- Research Institute on Magnetic Fusion of French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA-IRFM) 

- National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) / The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)

-  International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

- United States Department of Energy (US DoE)

- Australian National University (ANU)

- Uppsala University (UU)

- Thai universities (CPaF) 

It is an intensive three-day course consisting of lectures and small-group discussions led by plasma and fusion experts from leading institutes. 

This year, the school takes place in Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT), Nakhon Nayok Province. 

We look forward to seeing you there.


- Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Magnetic Fusion Research between CEA (France) and TINT

- Arrangement in The Field of Plasma and Fusion Technology between NIFS (Japan) and TINT

- National MOU in plasma and nuclear fusion technology cooperation between TINT and Thai universities (CPaF)


Students (3rd/4th-year undergraduates and graduates) and scientists/engineers from Thailand and from ASEAN/Asian countries. 


How to participate ASPNF2021 for registrants

The ASPNF2021 school will meet via Microsoft Team meeting. Participants can join the meeting event via Web Browser-based or application-based Microsoft Team. An e-mail will be sent to all participants. In that e-mail participants can add Microsoft Team meeting his/her schedule in the Outlook Calendar or can join the event by clicking the link attached in the e-mail.


Links to the Microsoft Team meeting are as follows:

Link: ASPNF Day 1

Link: ASPNF Day 2

Link: ASPNF Day 3