Memristors on DLA graphs, preferential attachment, Erdos-Renyi and Random - slow relaxation.

Post date: Jul 18, 2016 4:56:14 PM

In upcoming paper with Massimiliano Di Ventra and Fabio Lorenzo Traversa we will show a recently derived new equation for the internal memory of memristors in memristive circuits.. which solves all constraints and in which the network becomes a projector

We are now using this equation to show that memristors relax slowly. We'll do more.. but for now we are working with different random graphs classes, and our own simplified approach which is decently consistent with the results. For instance, for circuit built from diffusion-limited aggregation (in 2d), the type used in atomic switch networks:

we find a slow relaxation in the average internal memory:

Meanwhile for preferential attachment, Erdos-Renyi and our random matrix approach we find consistently slow relaxations which are decent power laws.

Stay tuned!