A single soccer player contributes to society in one hour as much as a UCL researcher in a month

Post date: Jan 19, 2014 3:17:38 PM

We love soccer.. don't we?

Or maybe not. Use google: search "cristiano ronaldo income".

Google will tell you: 21 Millions euro.

Me and Cristiano have the same age, 28yo. He won recently the Ballon D'Or: he's the best soccer player in the world.

A UCL Post-Graduate researcher salary is around 1900 pounds, that with the current exchange rate is 2300 euros.

By chance, this is exactly the same amount that Cristiano Ronaldo earns in one hour.

Thus, his salary would pay 8760 UCL researchers for one month, and thus one year for 730 researchers, which is 4 times the number of researchers in Loop Quantum Gravity.

It is long gone the Adam Smith's principle that the wage of a worker is the amount of work done by the same.

Life is not fair. Not these days.