

Last update: March 2019

Something about me (facts and not)

Born in Palmi on June 6th of the year 1985, in the southern part of Europe, in the forgotten land of Calabria. According to some he was italian, for others just a sporco terrone. The only thing historians are sure about is that he was born from the annihilation of a communist and a fascist, which resulted in the symmetry breaking of the so called italian vacuum. According to physicists the process took place in a spherical region of Planck radius and within times of the order of Planck time, thus in a spherical region of radius and time one.

I speak italiano, english, deutsch and calabrisi. I consider myself a european of italian nationality, or better, calabbrisi.

Being from South Italy, it is very unlikely that I will become famous.

Follows a list of facts (not to be taken too seriously).

Here you can find all the stuff I didn't manage to find researchwise. If you did not agree with those facts, please learn this song by hearth.

You can find my opinion on the jeopardization of my home country here.

I have few hobbies, I find squirrels and chipmunks quite funny and I hate spiders.

I am a freak and when I fall asleep I dream of living on Craven Road n°8, just beside Dylan Dog's (my hero, or anti-hero if you want).

I have nothing to hide, but please don't inquire my off-shore bank accounts.

I promised to the actress Bryce Dallas Howard to marry her. As soon as she replies back, we'll fix a date for the wedding. You're invited too (not if you are her husband or my wife).

My favorite athlete was not Usain Bolt, but Oscar Pistorius (and no, he's not the guy of Blade Runner). Since he pretty much fucked up, now I am a fan of Zanardi. Sport is about struggle rather than success.

I also sell zero-point energy (Nullpunktenergie if you want it to sound practical) for a fair price: 25£ per-box. Zero-Point Energy: Zero-Point in buying it!

Here there is a good talk about how to have a bad career in Academia, and here the philosophy behind good science.

According to this QUIZ, I am a night owl.

f you like this picture, click here. Otherwise click here: this was you.


My Flickr Page

I make Calendars out my photos on an yearly basis.

Here you can find the 2011 version.

Here the 2012 version.

Here the 2013 version.

Here the 2014 version.

I now work in Los Alamos (also this) but live in Santa Fe. I have also lived between Cambridge, London and Berlin. Yes, London. And again, yes, London. Before that, in Oxford. I lived in Berlin during part of my PhD, Germany. I studied in Pisa (e no, maremma ciu'a, non alla Scuola Normale!) and then, before moving here, I lived in Canada, Waterloo where I have learnt the exact meaning of the word "cold". Confusing, eh? Same for me.

If you are depressed, remember that it cannot rain forever. But if you live in Pisa, you're basically fucked. Here you can find a photo of people practicing Tai Chi at Piazza dei Miracoli.

  • Flickr is awesome.

  • Dropbox is cool.

  • GNU/Linux Ubuntu is even cooler.

  • and are newspapers against Berlusconi but they both agree with him that women are a good way to make money. Ich lese gern Linkiesta und Il Post auch. Google News is useful.

  • Last book I read was "The stranger" by Camus.

  • Here you can find a collection of hilarious jokes in German.

I am a proud Calabrian.

I come from Magna Grecia and this is the stamp of my area during antiquity.

I plan to get a tattoo of it soon.

Other things I want to share with you

Where I live

The same land of these guys:

Zona Letteraria

Il sarcasmo è la conditio sine qua non.

Poetry about Rome

Ashes of Rome

Remo did not know that his sole brother

would have killed him for the power of Rome

Caesar has felt the feeling of the cold

blade of Brutus in his back, and cried for forgiveness

Caligula should have figured that Claudius

would have sold his soul to the devil himself

in order for Virginia and Nero to burn Rome to Ashes

This is why I canceled my flight to Rome

Damnatio Memoriae.

I used to love coding. This was my contribution to Freshmeat from at least 2003. I had written a Textual CD Player in Linux. I loved it but unfortunately got lost.