Francesco Caravelli

Updated: October 2020

I am a theoretical physicist, interested in quantum and classical systems. I tend to "hover" in the complex systems community, focusing on methods of statistical physics to nanoscale devices and complex systems.

I am a staff member of the T4 group LANL (Condensed matter and Complex systems), but held until recently the JRO fellowship position at Los Alamos National Laboratory (CNLS). Before, between 2014-2017 I was a scientist at Invenia Labs. Between January and May 2019 I taught a course on statistical mechanics at UMass Boston. You can find here my detailed research interests.

I am part of the Advanced Network Science Initiative (ANSI), and still collaborate with Invenia Labs (Cambridge UK). I have been a postdoc at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University College London and OCIAM Oxford.



Special Issue "Integrated Neuromorphic Computation, Neuromorphic Circuits and Artificial Associative Memories" for MDPI Brain Sciences

  • My page at LANL

  • My ResearchGate page

  • Find a list of publications HERE (updated Oct 2019)

  • My Google Scholar profile is here, arXiv is here and on inspirehep here.

  • Here instead is my CV.

  • I am Associate Editor for Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Physics and IEEE Transactions on NanoBioEngineering . Here is my review history on Publons.

  • Lately, I’ve been working on memristive circuits and neuromorphic computing. See here (with Zegarac, Eur. Phys. Lett. Perspectives) for a non-technical review of the topic, and here a review for non-practitioners with a focus on computation (with Carbajal, Technologies).

See here.


  • Here you can find a description of Evolving Networks, the software we use for the simulation of graphs with memory.

  • Here you can find the link to the AMICI tool page.

  • A Matlab function for evaluating the transfer entropy of binary time series, and one for evaluating the path complexity of a graph

  • The page of the Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Toolbox to make predictions for chaotic time series. It is a collection of codes into a single GUI in Matlab. It uses State Space Reconstruction.

  • Here you can find the code for the memristive optimizer for QUBOs and here the script to use it. Here is a blog post about it, and the Julia implementation

Other profiles:

A couple of fun facts about me.

A couple of hobbies.

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Please note the subtle (?) difference between "Francisco", "Franciso" or "Franchesko" and "Francesco".

The difference is me unhappy vs. me happy.

Me Happy = Good Bob

Me Unhappy = Bad Bob

You can call me Frank if you cannot tell them apart.