IWO Lodge holds American Soviet Rally

Spencer Needle 11/11/1943 Lodge Holds American-Soviet Rally

The I.W.O. lodge of Spencer and Van Etten sponsored an American-Soviet friendship affair at the Van Etten hall last Saturday evening; 220 tickets were sold and the hall was so filled-that several had to stand the whole evening.

The program was very nicely arranged and the selections on the piano and violin, as well as accompaniments given by Joseph Olichney and his daughter, Patricia, were enjoyed by the audience. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. Matt Pulkinen, Miss Ruth Nicander, Edwin Pylkas and Har­old Saik. Mrs. August Laitala re­cited a poem. August Peterson recited a poem he had written, portraying the desperate plight of the plundering Nazis on Soviet soil.

William Hoglund played a cor­net solo and a three-piece orches­tra, composed of Norma and Sai­ma Liuska and Hilkka Kantola, played "There's a Star-Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere."

Alfred Kaartinen gave the welcoming address and later in the evening John Maatta spoke on the war, showing how the Soviet Union, although young in years, has done more than all the other nations combined to crush the German Nazis and to insure peace for all the world. He also spoke about the recent Moscow conference and its significance in the present and post-war world.

After the program a short film, I Am an American Soldier” and a special film for the evening, “Siege of Leningrad,” were shown. Refreshments and dancing followed.