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Finger Lakes Finns
Finger Lakes Finns
About Finger Lakes Finns, Organization, and Activities
History of the Finger Lakes Finns 1968 – 2018
More Information about the Finger Lakes Finns
2. Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Cultural Life of Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Farm Buyers in Chemung, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties
Chemung County
Tioga County
Tompkins County
Finnish Immigration to the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Immigrant Farmers in New York 1919-1960
Finns arrive beginning 1910
Immigrants learn English and become citizens
Finns in Trumansburg/Interlaken
Finns of the Trumansburg Area
Historical Events Involving Finns from the Finger Lakes Area
Communist Youth Camp in Van Etten in 1930
In 1938 Trumansburg and Spencer Finns celebrate 300 years of Finns in America
Journey From Karelia to Karelia
Karelian Fever in the 1930s
Local reactions to the Soviet attack on Finland
Local Relief Activities during the Winter War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Robert Poikonen from "Spencer Volunteers for the Winter War"
Spencerites in Russia
The Star-Gazette incident
To Karelia and Back
Local People of Distinction
Tales about Life and Old Time Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
A Family Story
Finn Roads: Finger Lakes Finns Country
Finnish Families in Mecklenburg, Trumansburg, Interlaken, and Ovid, New York
Passing of the Van Etten Finn Hall
Finns in Spencer/Van Etten
Map of Spencer from 1941 with landowner’s names Map made by high s
The Spencer Finns
West Hill Area-Washburn Road-North Barton and Halsey Valley
North Barton and Halsey Valley-Dean Creek
South Hill/West Hill
Crumtown and South Danby
North Spencer-Spencer/Van Etten Road-East Spencer-Village of Spencer
The New Settlement-The Sauna-The Finnish Language
Political Affiliations-Spencer Co-op Society-Organizations in Crumtown
Blacktop for Crumtown Road - Education
Contributions to the Community
Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Långstedt, Rainer (2015). Finns in Spencer and Van Ette
William and Grace Wendela
Verna Alve Starr Arriving at Ellis Island
Crumtown in 1921
Crumtown / Finntown
Finnish Organizations Around the Finger Lakes
Finns in Newfield
The Finnish Church in Van Etten. 30th anniversary.
Spencer- farmarien osuusliike
The Finn and the Church
The North Van Etten Church
Untitled page
The North Van Etten Church
The Church Finns
IWO Lodge holds American Soviet Rally
The Finnish International Workers Rally in 1942 to benefit Russia, China
The Red Finns
Red/White Clash Shapes Local History
66 Years of the Spencer Co-operative Society.
The Co-operative Movement
PDF version of The Co-operative Movement entry
Finger Lakes Finns
Finger Lakes Finns
About Finger Lakes Finns, Organization, and Activities
History of the Finger Lakes Finns 1968 – 2018
More Information about the Finger Lakes Finns
2. Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Cultural Life of Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Farm Buyers in Chemung, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties
Chemung County
Tioga County
Tompkins County
Finnish Immigration to the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Immigrant Farmers in New York 1919-1960
Finns arrive beginning 1910
Immigrants learn English and become citizens
Finns in Trumansburg/Interlaken
Finns of the Trumansburg Area
Historical Events Involving Finns from the Finger Lakes Area
Communist Youth Camp in Van Etten in 1930
In 1938 Trumansburg and Spencer Finns celebrate 300 years of Finns in America
Journey From Karelia to Karelia
Karelian Fever in the 1930s
Local reactions to the Soviet attack on Finland
Local Relief Activities during the Winter War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Robert Poikonen from "Spencer Volunteers for the Winter War"
Spencerites in Russia
The Star-Gazette incident
To Karelia and Back
Local People of Distinction
Tales about Life and Old Time Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
A Family Story
Finn Roads: Finger Lakes Finns Country
Finnish Families in Mecklenburg, Trumansburg, Interlaken, and Ovid, New York
Passing of the Van Etten Finn Hall
Finns in Spencer/Van Etten
Map of Spencer from 1941 with landowner’s names Map made by high s
The Spencer Finns
West Hill Area-Washburn Road-North Barton and Halsey Valley
North Barton and Halsey Valley-Dean Creek
South Hill/West Hill
Crumtown and South Danby
North Spencer-Spencer/Van Etten Road-East Spencer-Village of Spencer
The New Settlement-The Sauna-The Finnish Language
Political Affiliations-Spencer Co-op Society-Organizations in Crumtown
Blacktop for Crumtown Road - Education
Contributions to the Community
Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Långstedt, Rainer (2015). Finns in Spencer and Van Ette
William and Grace Wendela
Verna Alve Starr Arriving at Ellis Island
Crumtown in 1921
Crumtown / Finntown
Finnish Organizations Around the Finger Lakes
Finns in Newfield
The Finnish Church in Van Etten. 30th anniversary.
Spencer- farmarien osuusliike
The Finn and the Church
The North Van Etten Church
Untitled page
The North Van Etten Church
The Church Finns
IWO Lodge holds American Soviet Rally
The Finnish International Workers Rally in 1942 to benefit Russia, China
The Red Finns
Red/White Clash Shapes Local History
66 Years of the Spencer Co-operative Society.
The Co-operative Movement
PDF version of The Co-operative Movement entry
Finger Lakes Finns
About Finger Lakes Finns, Organization, and Activities
History of the Finger Lakes Finns 1968 – 2018
More Information about the Finger Lakes Finns
2. Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Cultural Life of Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Farm Buyers in Chemung, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties
Chemung County
Tioga County
Tompkins County
Finnish Immigration to the Finger Lakes Area
Finnish Immigrant Farmers in New York 1919-1960
Finns arrive beginning 1910
Immigrants learn English and become citizens
Finns in Trumansburg/Interlaken
Finns of the Trumansburg Area
Historical Events Involving Finns from the Finger Lakes Area
Communist Youth Camp in Van Etten in 1930
In 1938 Trumansburg and Spencer Finns celebrate 300 years of Finns in America
Journey From Karelia to Karelia
Karelian Fever in the 1930s
Local reactions to the Soviet attack on Finland
Local Relief Activities during the Winter War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Local volunteers to the Spanish Civil War
Robert Poikonen from "Spencer Volunteers for the Winter War"
Spencerites in Russia
The Star-Gazette incident
To Karelia and Back
Local People of Distinction
Tales about Life and Old Time Finns in the Finger Lakes Area
A Family Story
Finn Roads: Finger Lakes Finns Country
Finnish Families in Mecklenburg, Trumansburg, Interlaken, and Ovid, New York
Passing of the Van Etten Finn Hall
Finns in Spencer/Van Etten
Map of Spencer from 1941 with landowner’s names Map made by high s
The Spencer Finns
West Hill Area-Washburn Road-North Barton and Halsey Valley
North Barton and Halsey Valley-Dean Creek
South Hill/West Hill
Crumtown and South Danby
North Spencer-Spencer/Van Etten Road-East Spencer-Village of Spencer
The New Settlement-The Sauna-The Finnish Language
Political Affiliations-Spencer Co-op Society-Organizations in Crumtown
Blacktop for Crumtown Road - Education
Contributions to the Community
Finns in Spencer and Van Etten
Långstedt, Rainer (2015). Finns in Spencer and Van Ette
William and Grace Wendela
Verna Alve Starr Arriving at Ellis Island
Crumtown in 1921
Crumtown / Finntown
Finnish Organizations Around the Finger Lakes
Finns in Newfield
The Finnish Church in Van Etten. 30th anniversary.
Spencer- farmarien osuusliike
The Finn and the Church
The North Van Etten Church
Untitled page
The North Van Etten Church
The Church Finns
IWO Lodge holds American Soviet Rally
The Finnish International Workers Rally in 1942 to benefit Russia, China
The Red Finns
Red/White Clash Shapes Local History
66 Years of the Spencer Co-operative Society.
The Co-operative Movement
PDF version of The Co-operative Movement entry
1941 Map of Spencer with landowner's names;map made by high school students
Combined - Map of Spencer with landowner AND current location.pdf
Current map of Spencer location.pdf
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Finns in Spencer
Van Etten
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