
Approximate location / Grid Reference: NZ31399 54096.

Google Maps: approximate location: 54.880699,-1.512144

It is possible that two pubs of this name co-existed. Possible evidence of this is that there are two entries in the Post Office Directory of 1858 for "Board" - see below.

1828: Directory and Gazetteer of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland: Joseph Forster

1834: Pigot & Co.'s National & Commercial Directory: Ralph Lumley

1851: Hagar & Co.'s Directory of the County of Durham: Ann Lockie

1851: 1851 census: Ann Lockey, inkeeper, aged 60, born Medomsley

1858: Post Office Directory: John Carr

1858: Post Office Directory: Ann Lockey

1879: Kelly's Directory of Durham: Thomas Smith

It is known that a public house called 'The Board' once existed in the area of Penshaw Staithes. It is mentioned in the 1828 Directory 'History, Directory and Gazetteer of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, by William Parson and William White'. The landlord was Joseph Forster.