Cox Green

Approximate location / Grid Reference: NZ32697 55282

Google Maps: approximate location: 54.891224,-1.491764

The village of Cox Green is located approximately two miles east of Fatfield on the south bank of the River Wear. The village exists today as a quiet, rural village popular with walkers but the modern-day tranquility belies the many years of industry here, in the valley of the River Wear; so much so that according to an 1834 directory there were five public houses in the village!

Below are some modern images of Cox Green and on adjoining pages you will find images from the past.

Above: the junction of the road from Cox Green where it meets the Penshaw to Offerton Road. Compare this image to the first image on the "Old Images" page for Cox Green

Above: a closer view of the old cast iron direction post just visible in the first picture above.

Above: marker stone which stands next to the cast iron direction post.

Above: Cox Green riverside looking east, from the footbridge

Above: Alice Well Villas

Above: Alice's Well looking east

Above: The Oddfellows' Arms - the only remaining (and oldest?) public house in Cox Green

Above: Cox Green looking west towards footbridge

Above: the east-side of Cox Green footbrige, looking north

Above: the old sign post which stands on the riverside by the Oddfellows' Arms public house.

Above: the east end of the village, looking east (down-river)