Ferry & Footbridge

Approximate location / Grid Reference: NZ32551 55228

Google Maps: approximate location: 54.8907,-1.494033

One of the main features of Cox Green today is that of the metal footbridge across the river. This was opened to the public on 5th July, 1958 to great rejoicing among the local inhabitants. Before the footbridge, a ferry operated a few metres west (up-river) in the form of a rowing boat which used a wire rope-haul system in order to cross the river safely. This ferry was known by two names; the Cox Green Ferry or Barmston Ferry. It was used most frequently by the workers of the Washington Chemical Works which was located on the north side of the river, by people who lived on the south side - in Cox Green itself as well as further afield in villages such as Offerton and Penshaw. It was operated for many years by the Frost family. The ferry ceased operations in 1956.

Above: The Cox Green / Barmston Ferry c.1940's, looking towards the north river bank

Above: the Cox Green side of the ferry

Above: this image shows the Cox Green ferry landing, looking west (up river). The Victoria Viaduct is visible in the distance.

Above: the ferry landing on the north bank of the river.

Above: the ferry mid-crossing. The Victoria Viaduct is visible in the distance.

After cessation of the ferry service in 1956 by Mr Frost, the new tubular steel footbridge opened "to the delight of residents" on 5th July 1958. It is 162 feet long and 7 feet wide. It is of a two-span construction supported by a single concrete support pier in the river.

Above: construction of the footbridge taking place in 1958, viewed from the south bank of the river. Picture courtesy of Mr Keith Cockerill.

Above: a slightly later view of the construction of the footbridge taking place in 1958, viewed from the south bank of the river.

Above: celebrations at the opening of the footbridge in 1958

Above: the recently constructed footbridge with the Washington Chemical Works in the background on the north side of the river.

Above: the recently constructed footbridge with the spoil heap of the Washington Chemical Works in the background on the north side of the river

Above: the footbridge and the Cox Green side of the river with Penshaw Hill and Monument in the background

Above: Cox Green footbridge today viewed from the south bank of the river

Above: Cox Green footbridge today viewed from the south bank of the river. Compare this view to the old picture above - the Washington Chemical Works have long since been demolished and the spoil heap landscaped.

Above: Cox Green footbridge today looking north