
5/1/2012 Bossypants Tina Fey, 2010

I died laughing. This expression is very accurate when I think of the, literally, dozens of times I've read this book. Tina Fey's sarcastic and witty humor never fails

to disappoint me and this book is her sharpest yet. This novel is about the start of her career and family times. It's a borderline documentary, but yet it is still chalked

full of her humorous views on life, love, and the opposite sex. I guarantee that if you pick up this comical documentary/Book for Dummies you'll never put it down. So

sit back and enjoy!

Jenay Mohr 5th

2/1/2012 The Hunger But Mainly Death Games Bratniss Everclean, 2011

I loved this book. It is a funny parody to The Hunger Games. If you are a fan of The Hunger Games trilogy, then you will be a fan of this. It has some crude humor.

The Hunger But Mainly Death Games is a funny and enjoyable book. It is a short quick read. If you need a light book to make you laugh, this is the book for you.

Katherine Sturim 1st