Installing Python Programming Language

Installing Python 2.7.2:

written by EON May 11, 2012 (Estimated Time: 5 mins)

These steps will guide installing Python 2.7.2 on EON 1.0 and higher. The Binary Kit is not required install Python. Python is a pre-requisite for SABnzbd, Sickbeard, CouchPotato and Headphones.

Let's set the temporary links for wget and md5 since the Binary Kit is not yet downloaded. If the Binary Kit is already installed, then skip these steps.

cd /mnt/eon0/bin
./slinky wget
wget -q -U mozilla -O slinky
wget -q -U mozilla -O md5sum
wget -q -U mozilla -O /usr/bin/rail
chmod 755 md5sum slinky /bin/rail
./slinky md5
rail install emp

Let's install Python.

rail install python
 install python ...
 success: /usr/local/.store
 download ok: /usr/local/.store/python-2.7.2.tgz
 found local /usr/local/.store/python-2.7.2.tgz
 (md5 pass: 682229d378224e7a32f6945cdafacc6c)
 installing: /usr/local/.store/python-2.7.2.tgz ... done

Let's reset the temporary links to production values

cd /mnt/eon0/bin
./slinky r
./slinky perl