Installing Couchpotato 2

Installing CouchPotato 2 NZB and Torrent Downloader:

written by EON Mar 5, 2013 (Estimated Time: 5 mins)

This guide shows how to add the CouchPotato 2 (python based) nzb and torrent downloader to your EON ZFS Server.

Pre-requisite(s): The Binary Kit must be installed.



A newsgroup provider and a source for .nzb files.

This assumes Internet connectivity is working and the pre-requisites have been installed. Let's install CouchPotato downloader. Start by downloading the latest source.

cd /tmp
wget -U mozilla -O --no-check-certificate

Let's unpack and move the directory to the proper location. The name "CouchPotatoServer-master" should not but may vary with future versions.

unzip -q -a /tmp/
mv CouchPotatoServer-master /usr/local/couchpotato2

CouchPotato 2 is now installed and can be started and stopped using "emp". Now browse to your EON IP "http://EON_IP:5050" and if all went as planned you should see a similar screenshot below.

emp couchpotato2 start
emp couchpotato2 stop
emp couchpotato2 status