Students Narratives

Students were asked to write narratives answering the question: what are you burning to tell the world. Their narratives varied in their content as some choose to write personal feelings and events whereas others chose to write about their views or life changing experiences. The following images are shots of some of the covers as not all students gave me permission to display their work.

In her narrative, she discussed how she loves living by the water and why people should prevent water pollution moving from a description of her personal experiences to the significance of raising awareness towards the places we live in.

In her narrative, this student focused on how her visit to the US was a life-changing experience that she decided to live in USA.

This student wrote about being an exchange student and how it was a life changing experience.

This student chose to write about a personal experience as a medical student in a war-torn country and why he followed his mom's advice.

Other narratives included descriptions of losing loved ones, falling in love, the beauty of the Chinese New Year festival, hopes of becoming a famous chef, and other topics. what makes this assignment so special is that students open up with their memories and experiences with details that touch my heart.